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《大智度論》四諦詮釋之研究=The Research on the Interpretation of the Four Noble Truths from the Great Perfection of Wisdom Treatise
Author 蕭慈恩 (著)=Hsiao, Tzu-En (au.)
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Location嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year110
Keyword大智度論=The Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom; 世俗諦與勝義諦=the mundane truth (saṁvṛiti-satya) and the ultimate truth (paramartha-satya); 有漏與無漏=pure with defilements and impure without defilements; 漸與頓現觀=gradual contemplation and sudden contemplation; 有為法與無為法=conditioned dharma and unconditioned dharma; 涅槃=nirvana

This study explores the interpretation of the Four Noble Truths (catvāri āryasatyāni) of the Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom. First, the development process of the Four Noble Truths, from those in Āgama, those in the Mahayana Prajna system and then to those in the Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom, is systematically collated, summarized, and analyzed. Secondly, the meanings of the Four Noble Truths are elucidated.
  In primitive Buddhism, the truth of suffering (duhkha-satya) and the truth of the cause of suffering (samudaya-satya) are impure with defilements (saṁkleśa), while the truth of the cessation of suffering (nirodha-satya) and the truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering (mārga-satya) are pure without defilements. In Abhidharma Buddhism, the Four Noble Truths are elucidated as the mundane truth (saṁvṛiti-satya) and the ultimate truth (paramartha-satya), impure with defilements and pure without defilements, and gradual contemplation and sudden contemplation (abhisamaya). In the early Mahayana Buddhism, from the perspective of emptiness, the four Noble Truths are elucidated. All dharma is empty in Prajna Sutra (Prajñāpāramitā sutra) and the Four Noble Truths are non-duality in Vimalakirti's Sutra.
  The Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom inherits early Buddhism. Hence, in Mahayana Buddhism, it applies the mundane truth (saṁvṛiti-satya) and the ultimate truth (paramartha-satya) to expound the truth of suffering the truth, of the cause of suffering, the truth of the cessation of suffering, and the truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering. The truth of suffering and the truth of the cause of suffering are the conditioned dharma (saṃskṛta-dharma) which is impure with defilements (saṁkleśa); the truth of the cessation of suffering is the unconditioned dharma that is pure without defilements; the truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering is the conditioned dharma that is pure without defilements. The truth of the cessation of suffering expounds the truth of all dharma, which is beyond the mind, the action, speeches or words; it is neither arising nor ceasing; the cessation is like Nirvana. The truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering is conditioned dharma that is pure without defilements, the realization of the path towards nirvana, and dependent arising. In addition, it has empty nature, so people shouldn’t attach to it while practice it.
Table of contents摘 要 I
Abstract II
目次 IV
表目錄 VI
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
一 研究動機 1
二 研究目的 4
第二節 研究範圍與方法 4
一、研究範圍 4
二、研究方法 5
第三節 當代研究成果回顧 7
一、原始佛教的相關論著研究 8
二、說一切有部的相關論著研究 17
三、大乘佛教的相關論著研究 21
四、大智度論的相關論著研究 24
第四節 論文架構與章節大意 28
第二章 原始佛教到初期大乘佛教四諦思想的詮釋 30
第一節《阿含經》的四諦思想詮釋 30
一、苦集的世間法思想 32
二、 滅道的出世間法思想 41
第二節 部派的四諦思想詮釋 46
一、世俗諦與勝義諦的四諦 47
二、有漏與無漏 52
三、四諦漸與頓現觀 53
第三節 般若系的四諦思想詮釋 60
一、《般若經》的四諦思想脈絡 60
二、《維摩詰經》的四諦思想脈絡 68
三、結語 73
第三章 《大智度論》苦集的世間法思想 76
第一節 苦聖諦的思想 76
一、苦的世俗諦解說 77
二、苦的勝義諦解說 87
第二節 集聖諦的思想 98
一、集的世俗諦解說 99
二、集的勝義諦解說 104
第三節 結語 108
第四章 《大智度論》滅道的出世間法思想 112
第一節 滅聖諦的思想 112
一、滅諦的語言解說 112
二、滅諦的離言表述 118
第二節 道聖諦的思想 123
一、道的世俗諦解釋 124
二、道的勝義諦解釋 131
第三節 結語 136
第五章 結論 139
參考書目 143
一、古代經典(依年代排序) 143
二、現代專書 (依作者姓名筆畫排序) 144
三、期刊論文 (依作者姓名筆畫排序) 146
四、工具書 147
附表 148

表2-1-1:四聖諦次第因果表 32
表2-2-1:《阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論》四家二諦說表 50
表2-3:弟子品不二法門表 73
Created date2022.09.19
Modified date2023.01.09

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