「彌陀大願」會集本之比較研究–以彭際清《無量壽經》暨王龍舒《大阿彌陀經》為例=A Comparatie Study on the Gatherings ”Amitabha Buddha Great Vows”-Using Peng Ji Ching ”Infinite Life Sutra” and Wang Lung Shu ”The Great Amitabha Sutra” as an Example. |
Author |
林港博 (著)
Date | 2019 |
Pages | 197 |
Publisher | 國立嘉義大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 嘉義市, 臺灣 [Chia-i shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 國立嘉義大學 |
Department | 中國文學系研究所 |
Advisor | 蔡忠道 |
Publication year | 107 |
Keyword | 淨土; 四十八願; 王龍舒; 彭際清; 《無量壽經》; 彌陀大願 |
Abstract | 台灣的佛教界,禪淨密律融通的情形普遍,何以「諸經所讚,盡在彌陀」? 乃因淨土法門是「易行道」,幾乎是目前佛教界的主流,以信、願、行三資糧為 方便,持名念佛,乘佛願力,疾至阿鞞跋致不退轉地。彌陀淨土儼然成為學佛修 行之終極目標,不僅淨土行人,就連他宗別派學者,儘管教觀不同,許多皆以往 生西方極樂世界為其終極目標。 阿彌陀佛以四十八願度眾生,攝受已經往生極樂國中,以及正在他方國中念 佛修行的眾生。他方眾生在聽聞阿彌陀佛名號之後,如何仰仗彌陀願力,以念佛 善根迴向往生彼國,圓滿無上佛果?本文以《無量壽經》之「彌陀大願」為研究 標的,在五種原譯本與四種會集本中,以清初彭際清《無量壽經》節校本(簡稱 彭節本)與趙宋王龍舒《大阿彌陀經》會集本(簡稱王會本)為例,試圖探討兩本的 文字與內容差異處,以對四十八願的願文有更完整的掌握。 首先,先介紹淨土宗與淨土經典,包括淨宗思想的流變、淨土宗五經一論的 傳譯,以及淨宗十三祖對淨土宗弘傳的貢獻與重要性。其次,藉由內容分析法、 文獻分析法與文本對照,將彭節本和王會本四十八願的每一願作類歸,述其主 旨,了解願文宗趣,並就其文字上的差異、願文內容有出入之處作一比較,觀察 相同的義理,各本是使用何種文字。最後,依照願文的內容性質作分類,針對每 一類別中最具代表性的願文,闡述其核心價值與特色。俾利瞭解阿彌陀佛四十八 願的重要性及其悲心願力之宏大,藉由深入願文所獲得的啟發,增進個人對淨土 法門的信心與願力,解行並進,並期望能利益一切有情眾生,同登極樂。
The main purpose of this study is Infinite Life Sutra of“Amitabha Buddha Great Vows” Amitabha used Fourty-eight vows to live in all beings, and was taken by the people who had already gone to the bliss and the people who were practicing Buddhism in his Pure Land. After hearing the name of Amitabha, how can all the other people rely on the aspirations of Amitabha to read the good roots of Buddhism and return to the Pure Land of life, and to complete the Buddha's fruit? In this paper, the ""Amitabha"" is the subject of research, in the five original translations and the four collections, in the early Peng Ji Ching ”Infinite Life Sutra” (abbreviated form of a “Peng collection”)and Wang Lung Shu”The Great Amitabha Sutra” (abbreviated form of a “Wang collection”) as an example, trying to explore the difference between the two texts and meaning, in order to have a more complete grasp of the forty-eight vows. First of all, first introduce the Pure Land Schools and Pure Land Classics, including the evolution of the Pure Land ideology the communication and translation of the Pure Land Schools’s five sutra 、 one Treatise.The Contribution and Importance of the Pure Land Classics propagation to generations of Pure Land Classics masters.Secondly, through the content analysis method, the literature analysis method and the text comparison, each of the vows of Peng Ji Ching and Wang Lung Shu’s forty-eight vows will be classified, the main purpose of the wish, the understanding of the vows, and the differences in their writings. I would like to make a comparison between the content of the text and observe the same rationale, which text is used. Finally, according to the nature of the content of the vows, the core values and characteristics of the most representative vows in each category are explained. Keywords:Pure Land、Fourty-eight vows of Amitabha、Wang Lung Shu、Peng Ji Ching、Amitabha Buddha Great Vows. |
Table of contents | 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究義界與範圍 3 第三節 研究方法與步驟 5 第四節 前人相關研究成果評述 5 第五節 預期研究成果 7 第二章 淨土宗與淨土經典 8 第一節 淨土宗在中國的弘傳 8 第二節 五經一論的傳譯 16 第三節 淨宗十三祖的成立、生平及思想 44 第三章 《無量壽經》與《大阿彌陀經》48 願願文之比較 第一節 攝法身願願文之比較 73 第二節 攝淨土願願文之比較 78 三節 攝眾生願願文之比較 87 第四章 四十八願的分類與特色 129 第一節 諸佛菩薩及祖師大德的弘願 129 第二節 四十八願的分類 152 第三節 四十八願的特色 169 第五章 結論 194 參考書目 198 附錄 |
Hits | 514 |
Created date | 2022.09.21 |
Modified date | 2023.01.16 |
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