北宋淨覺仁岳之研究=A study on Jingjue Renyue (992-1064)

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北宋淨覺仁岳之研究=A study on Jingjue Renyue (992-1064)
Author 王雪芬 (著)=Wang, Hsueh-fen (au.)
Publisher Url https://www.hfu.edu.tw/
Location新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year103
Keyword淨覺仁岳=Jingjue Renyue; 北宋=Northern Song; 四明知禮=Siming Zhili; 山家山外=Shan-chia and the Shan-wai; 後山外=Ho-Shan-wai; 一念三千=trilicosm in one thought; 性具=nature-possession; 一念心=mind of one moment; 理事=Li and shih

Jingjue Renyue (淨覺仁岳) represents the “Ho-Shan-wai” (後山外) sect of the Tiantai school in the Northern Song dynasty. His life was legendary and yet controversial. Because he betrayed his master, Siming Zhili (四明知禮), and objected to the “Shan-chia” viewpoints, he has been considered as a traitor.
In his early monkhood, Renyue studied with Siming Zhili and followed the latter’s guidance to compete with the Shan-wai (山外) sect, showing his extraordinary debate skills. His disagreement with Zhili, with respect to doctrine, eventually led him to leave his teacher. Afterwards, Renyue got along with Zunshi (遵式). He also presided at some Buddhist temples, revealing his religious, charismatic leadership. At that time, he was well-known and influential in the Buddhist circles. In his old age, he concentrated on pure land practice and took refuge in pure land.
Renyue’s Tiantai thought does not remain the same. Examining his “Shan-chia” viewpoints, which were inspired by Zhili, and his own “Ho-Shan-wai” perspectives, which contradicted Zhili’s, Renyue’s understandings of the Tiantai philosophy, such as “identity,” “inclusion,” “trilicosm in one thought,” “Buddha-kāya,” “Nien-fo,” “Li and shih,” and “nature-inclusion,” differ from the Shan-chia perspectives. The change of Renyue’s standpoints also reveals the disagreements within the Shan-chia sect, in terms of Tiantai philosophy.
The change of Renyue’s views results from his objection to Zhili’s interpretation of “Buddha-kāya,” which relates closely with all other Tiantai doctrines. The new thinking of Renyue’s negates almost all the knowledge he obtained from Zhili. As this article shows, Renyue pointed out the difficulties in terms of actual practice that the Shan-chia sect faced. Although Renyue betrayed his teacher, his new viewpoints were well acknowledged during his time, and no one was able to argue with him. Based on Renyue’s own works and some relevant writings, a reexamination of the life and thought of Renyue proves that after the death of Zhili, Renyue was an important figure in leading Tiantai thought. Also, Renyue tried to change the Shan-chia thought, which focuses on theory and analysis, into the Tiantai thought, which balances both practice and doctrine. Looking at the history of the Tiantai philosophy, Renyue’s influence is certainly deep.
Table of contents第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍與方法 4
第三節 前人研究成果 5
一、出現於專書章節之著作 6
二、單篇論文 7
第四節 論文架構與組織 10

第二章 淨覺仁岳之時代背景 13
第一節 宋初天台及諸宗發展態勢 13
一、宋初之佛教發展 14
二、天台與諸宗發展 15
三、天台與諸宗派的關係 21
(一)天台與禪宗的關係 22
(二)天台與律宗的關係 24
(三)天台與華嚴的關係 25
(四)天台與淨土教 27
四、天台止觀之實踐 31
第二節 宋代天台宗之法脈傳承 34
一、北宋仁岳以前天台傳承 34
二、北宋仁岳前後系譜 35
第三節 天台山家山外之諍 39
一、《金光明經玄義》廣、略二本真偽之辯 40
二、「別理隨緣」義之辯 42
三、「理毒性惡」義之辯 43
四、色心具「三千」之辯 45

第三章 淨覺仁岳之生平與著作 49
第一節 仁岳之生平 49
一、依止知禮 50
二、背離知禮 53
三、依止遵式 55
四、行化與住持 57
第二節 仁岳之著作 61
一、現存與失佚 62
(一)現存 62
(二)失佚 63
二、淨覺仁岳著作分類 66
(一)義學論辯類 66
(二)禮懺文 70
(三)論疏 71
(四)淨土相關著作 73
(五)其它 74
第三節 仁岳弘化行跡 75
一、延慶報恩院及東廈寺 77
二、天竺寺 79
三、昭慶寺 81
四、石壁寺、靈芝寺、慧安寺、清修寺 81
五、錢唐石室蘭若與吳興西溪草堂 83
六、永嘉西山蘭若 83
七、祥符寺 84
八、何山 84
第四節 小結 87

第四章 從「三千」論仁岳思想之轉變 93
第一節 仁岳依止知禮之「三千」觀 94
一、「三千」體之差與無差 94
二、理具事造三千 97
三、由「理具」而有「即」義 100
第二節 仁岳對抗知禮之「三千」觀 105
一、從「無住本」看仁岳的「三千」觀 105
二、「三千」與「具」 109
三、「即」義的展現 114
第三節 仁岳晚期之「三千」觀 120
一、「一念」與「三千」 120
二、「性」「相」三千的形成與分道 131
三、「三千」之於別教與圓教 135
第四節 小結 138

第五章 從佛身觀、念佛觀論仁岳思想之轉變 143
第一節 仁岳親近知禮之佛身觀與念佛觀 143
一、天台觀心與佛身觀 143
二、念佛觀-「約心觀佛」 150
第二節 仁岳對抗知禮之「生身尊特身」與念佛觀 154
一、生身、尊特身 154
二、念佛觀-「攝佛歸心」 166
第三節 仁岳晚期之佛身觀與念佛觀 171
一、佛身佛土 171
二、「攝佛歸心」與止觀的關係 176
第四節 小結 181

第六章 知禮後學對仁岳的批評 183
第一節 知禮弟子對仁岳的批評 183
一、廣智尚賢 183
二、神照本如 185
三、南屏梵臻與妙悟希最 186
第二節 可觀、宗印與柏庭善月的批評 188
一、可觀《山家義苑》的批評 188
二、宗印《北峰教義》的批評 192
三、柏庭善月《山家緒餘集》的批評 199
第三節 史傳中對仁岳的評述 204
一、宗鑑《釋門正統》的評說 204
二、宗曉《四明尊者教行錄》的評說 206
三、志磐《佛祖統紀》的評說 207
第四節 仁岳對於知禮後代之影響 208
一、從「具性說」立場觀之 209
二、從《楞嚴經》注釋系統觀之 212
第五節 小結 216

第七章 結論 219

參考書目 225
佛教經藏 225
天台祖師著作 225
仁岳著作 226
古德論著 227
古藉 229
中、日文專書(按作者姓氏筆劃排列) 229
中、日文期刊(按作者姓氏筆劃排列) 231
碩博士論文 233
山家山外論諍相關著作(按作者姓氏筆劃排列) 233
工具書 234
附錄 237
【附錄一】 237
【附錄二】 238
【附錄三】 239
【附錄四】 240
Created date2022.09.22
Modified date2023.01.18

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北宋淨覺仁岳之研究=A study on Jingjue Renyue (992-1064)
王雪芬 (著)=Wang, Hsueh-fen (au.)
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