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契嵩儒釋融會之孝道思想研究=A Study on Qi-Song’s Interpretation of Filial Pietyin Confucian and Buddhist Perspectives
Author 陳義雄 =Chen, I-hsiung
Publisher Url
Location臺中市, 臺灣 [Taichung shih, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year109
Keyword契嵩=Qi-Song; 入世=otherworldliness; 出世=worldliness; 心性論=mentalism; 五戒=the Five Constraints
Abstract 孝道是漢文化的傳統美德,是人們日常行為的人倫道德準則,及至東漢末,自佛教東傳後方始有了變化,孝文化的定義遂成為儒佛爭論焦點。佛教開始傳入中國時,其孝道文化與儒家有極大的分岐。身體髮膚受之父母的問題,棄妻離家斷嗣的問題,一直受到「不孝」的非難。此種分歧互相排斥的情形,如影喪隨形無有間斷,歷代對儒佛孝道融合的論述從未止息,但都只是零星的論述,契嵩是首位將佛教孝道觀系統化提出辯證的高僧,其系統化有別於前賢單一宜揚孝道的論述方式,頗獲得朝野熱烈回響。

Filial piety had long been the traditional virtue of Han culture. “Xiao,” the filial responsibility, was regarded as an unchallenged code of conduct for a son or daughter. At the end of Dong-Han, when Buddhism was introduced to China, however, the definition of filial piety became the focus of debate. The concepts of filial piety between Confucianism and Buddhism seemed to diverge. For one thing, being a monk dedicated to Buddhism, he had to shave his head and desert his family, thus devoid of offspring. This practice violated the traditional Confucian values as it was believed that hair and skin were derived from parents and should be treasured. Even more unforgivably, a son would fail to shoulder the responsibility of bearing children. The divergence and dispute never seemed to die down.
For generations, the fusion of the Confucian and Buddhist filial philosophies was constantly a hot issue. There were sporadic attempts, but without much attention. Qi-Song, a supreme monk, was the first to formulate a systematical theory on Buddhist filial piety. His arguments stood out from those of other masters in that he adopted a holistic approach to deal with the subject, and was highly acclaimed by his contemporaries.
Song dynasty was an era of cultural renaissance, with streams of refreshing interchanges of Confucianism and Buddhism. Qi-Song advocated the blending of Confucianism and Buddhism at a time when the anti-Buddhism movement reached its peak. He then composed his hallmark book “Fu-Jial Bian, ” in which he illustrated the compatibility of Confucianism and Buddhism from the worldly and otherworldly perspectives respectively. The objective was to inspire the scholars to have a deeper understanding of the Buddhist doctrines, and consequently to support Buddhism. He based his arguments on both , which was composed of 12 chapters on filial piety, and the Confucian , which centered on worldly familial ethics. It was his intention to clarify that filial piety was not exclusive to Confucianism, but was also very much valued by Buddhism. By analyzing varied aspects of the Buddhist creed, he refuted the condemnation that a monk was not able to fulfill his filial duties, and better still, he convinced the general public of the Buddhist filial philosophy. This publication of his was considered the first and foremost systematic interpretation of “xiao.”
Qi-Song’s combination of Confucianism and Buddhism manifested his worldly ethics. More importantly, he worked on in compliance with and elaborated on the similarities concerning otherworldly “xiao” between the two schools of philosophy. Qi-Song’s systematic argumentation of the fusion of Confucianism and Buddhism received positive responses from the academics in his time and has had a far-reaching impact on future generations.
Table of contents摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
目次 Ⅳ
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究之動機與目的 1
第二節 前人研究成果回顧 2
第三節 研究之方法與步驟 6
第二章 契嵩生平與著述 9
第一節 契嵩生平簡述 9
一、家世背景 9
二、生平事蹟 9
第二節 契嵩見存著述 12
一、《鐔津文集》版本 12
(一)流傳版本 12
1、《大正藏》版本 12
2、《四庫全書》版本 12
(二)《鐔津文集》成書過程 19
(三)《鐔津文集》編製內容 22
1、〈輔教編〉 22
(1)〈原教〉 24
(2)〈勸書〉 25
(3)〈廣原教〉 26
(4)〈孝論〉 26
(5)〈壇經贊〉 27
(6)〈真諦無聖論〉 28
2、〈皇極論〉 29
3、〈中庸解〉 29
4、〈論原〉 30
5、〈雜著〉十二篇 30
6、〈書〉二封 31
7、〈非韓〉三十篇 31
二、《傳法正宗記》 32
三、《傳法正宗定祖圖》 35
四、《傳法正宗論》 35
第三節 契嵩學術思想背景 36
一、經學思想 36
二、佛學思想 39
第三章 契嵩儒、釋會通契因 41
第一節 北宋儒、佛思想的發展趨勢 41
一、儒學發展演變:理學興起及儒釋關係 41
二、佛學發展:禪宗復興及儒釋關係 47
第二節 北宋初期的佛教政策 52
一、宋太祖解除廢佛令 52
二、宋太宗佛教政策 54
三、宋真宗三教合一 57
四、宋仁宗尊佛政策 58
第三節 北宋初期儒士的辟佛思潮 60
一、王禹偁、孫復、石介、宋祁的排佛論點 60
(一)王禹偁訾佛說 60
(二)孫復訾佛,認為佛道有違儒家聖人之道 62
(三)石介對佛教的批判 65
(四)宋祁援佛入儒卻又訾佛 69
二、李覯讚佛與排佛的論點 73
三、歐陽修初由排佛終稱居士的轉折 83
(一)歐陽修訾佛論述 85
(二)歐陽修與佛教因緣 94
四、張載與二程的排佛 97
(一)張載 98
(二)程顥 101
(三)伊川 104
第四章 儒家與佛教的孝道觀 106
第一節 儒家孝道思想的形成與演變 106
一、西周宗族社會-尊祖敬宗 107
二、春秋時代仁孝關係一愛親之謂仁,慈惠愛親曰孝 109
三、傳統儒家-孝為仁之本的闡述 111
四、宋理學「仁為孝之本」的詮釋 115
(一)張載「西銘」 116
(二)二程觀點 119
第二節 佛教孝道觀的演變 124
一、原始佛教孝道觀 124
二、中土佛教孝道觀 128
第三節 儒佛孝道觀融合之濫殤 137
一、漢魏晉時期的爭端 137
(一)「身體髮膚受之父母」可以「可與適道,未可與權」解釋 138
(二)「棄妻斷嗣」可受「清躬無為,道之妙也」的調劑 140
二、唐朝時期的儒道佛爭論 143
(一)「不事二親,專行十惡」與「至道絕言,豈九流能辯」的抗衡 143
(二)「口不言先王之法言」,「身不服先王之法服」從跡論孝道觀的衝突 145
第五章 從《中庸解》中的心性論看契嵩的出世孝道觀 148
第一節 唐宋《中庸》學之發展 149
一、唐李翱以《中庸》宣說佛理 149
二、北宋《中庸》學興盛與發展 151
(一)周敦頤:誠為聖人之本,誠為五常之本 153
(二)張載:陰陽合一,存乎道。性與天道合一,存乎誠 155
(三)二程:中庸天理也 158
第二節 佛教對《中庸》心性論的詮釋 162
一、智圓一中庸中道義的闡述 163
二、繼智圓、契嵩後明代祖源超溟禪師對《中庸》的詮釋 167
(一)對「天命之謂性,率性之謂道,修道之謂教」的詮釋 167
(二)對「道也者,不可須臾離也」的詮釋 170
(三)對「喜怒哀樂之未發謂之中,發而皆中節謂之和。」的詮釋 171
第三節 契嵩《中庸解》對《中庸》的回應 173
一、《中庸》是禮之極致和仁義之源 174
二、皇極與《中庸》之道之異同 180
三、性與情之別 182
四、以禮樂為致中庸之道 187
第四節 契嵩對儒家闢斥「異端」之回應 190
第六章 契嵩入世孝道觀的融合途經 196
第一節 契嵩與朝庭重臣及儒士的交往 196
一、尋求朝庭重臣的支持 196
二、與儒士交往 202
第二節 著〈孝論〉以契合儒家之倫理規範 205
一、契嵩以「五戒」比配儒家「五常」的思維邏輯 206
(一)何謂「孝名為戒,孝為戒之端」 206
(二)「五戒」比配儒家「五常」源流 208
(三)契嵩「五戒」比配「五常」之內涵 212
二、孝之三本:父母、師長、道 220
第七章 契嵩孝理、孝行、孝誠融會儒釋孝道思想的實踐 224
第一節 決定孝具體表現的本質-孝之理 225
一、恩:報父母生之恩 226
二、情:報父母養育之恩 230
第二節 孝的具體表現-孝之行 233
第三節 孝行為發之於誠-孝誠 236
第八章 契嵩孝道儒釋會通思想的啟示與運用 239
第一節 契嵩孝道思想之特質 239
一、理事兼具 239
二、出世入世一體 243
三、平等無諍 248
四、以儒典釋佛理 249
五、尊儒不批評,不攻擊 253
第二節 契嵩孝道思想對後世的影響及時代意義 255
一、契嵩孝道思想對後世的影響 255
二、契嵩孝道儒釋會通思想的時代意義 261
第三節 契嵩以德報恩孝戒合一孝道觀的運用 266
第九章 結論 270
參考文獻 273
附錄壹:契嵩生平重要年表 290
附錄貳:諸祖悟道傳法偈頌 296
附錄參:輔教篇引用典籍彙總表 299
附錄肆:歐陽修贈送僧侶詩文(依時間順序) 305
後記:懷念母親 317
Created date2022.09.29
Modified date2023.01.07

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