銀髮族學習禪繞畫動機與效益之研究=Research on Motivation and Benefits of Elderly learning Zentangle |
Author |
彭乾芳 (撰)
Date | 2020 |
Pages | 156 |
Publisher | 南開科技大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 南投縣, 臺灣 [Nantou hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 南開科技大學 |
Department | 福祉科技與服務管理所 |
Advisor | 黃郁婷、陳聰堅 |
Publication year | 108 |
Keyword | 禪繞畫=Zentangle; 馬斯洛需求理論=Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs; 高峰經驗=Peak-experience |
Abstract | 輕鬆有趣的禪繞畫是近年來蔚為風潮的創新繪畫藝術,藉由禪繞畫體驗,期能引發銀髮族自主性學習的動機,以豐富其心靈,進而達到陪伴功能避免孤獨。本研究目的為探討銀髮族學習禪繞畫的動機與效益,以10位在社區長照站會自主性學習禪繞畫的銀髮族為研究對象,運用質性的深度訪談法進行研究。結果顯示在動機方面:銀髮族最初參與禪繞畫課程係源自外在動機,初期僅1位喜歡;2位排斥;7位有困難但願意嘗試,其後因發現禪繞畫簡單易學、過程令人愉悅舒壓,加上家人的共學、鼓勵以及成就感與高峰經驗而出現自主性學習的內在動機。另外,對照Maslow需求階層理論,發現銀髮族學習禪繞畫的效益包含:可以改善睡眠品質、促進腦手眼協調與增加記憶力;可讓人快速進入冥想式的放鬆,產生愉悅與舒壓;可提升情緒管理能力,與家屬共學增進親情與話題;作品受讚賞產生榮耀與成就感,因分享而建立自尊與自信;可讓人專心、專注,也建立創造藝術圖案的能力;學會細觀體察形體色彩、線條與紋理結構,提昇審美能力;作畫常出現高峰經驗讓心靈喜悅與悸動等。綜上,銀髮族學習禪繞畫較傳統繪畫藝術更容易引燃自主性學習的動機,禪繞畫也對銀髮族身心靈健康提供18項明顯效益,建議可在社區關懷據點、長照站與長青大學擴大推廣。
Zentangle, which is an easy and interesting art, is a trendy innovative painting art in recent years. Through the learning experience on Zentangle, it can trigger the motivation of the elderly to learn autonomously to enrich their minds and achieve the companionship function to avoid loneliness. The purpose of this study is to explore the motivation and benefits of the older adults in studying Zentangle drawing. Ten older adults were selected to study Zentangle at a community of long-term care station. A qualitative study was used with the in-depth interview method. The results shown that: motivation aspects: The order adults’ initial participation in the Zentangle courses turned from external motivation to be internal. At the beginning, only 1 older adult enjoyed it; 2 rejected; 7 were in difficulty but willing to try. In the end, they found out that Zentangle was not only easy to learn and process, but also was pleasant and relaxing. Coupled with family co-learning, encouragement, sense of accomplishment and peak experience would achieve an inherent motivation with autonomous learning. In addition, according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, it is found that the benefits of the older adults’ learning in Zentangle include: improve sleep quality, promote brain hand-eye coordination and increase memory; allow older adults to enter meditation relaxation quickly, produce pleasure and pressure; improve emotional management ability, learn with family members to enhance family and topics; works appreciate and produce a sense of glory and accomplishment, build self-esteem and self-confidence through sharing; make older adults concentrate, focus, and build the ability to create artistic patterns; learn to observe the body colors, lines, and textures enhance the aesthetic ability; there are often Peak-experiences in drawing to make the soul happy and throbbing. In summary, it is easier for the older adults to learn Zentangle than traditional painting art to ignite the motivation for autonomous learning. Zentangle also provides eighteen obvious benefits for the older adults’ physical and mental health. It is recommended to expand to community care centers for older adults and Evergreen Universities. |
Table of contents | 致謝 i 中文摘要 iii ABSTRACT iv 表目錄 vii 圖目錄 viii 第1章緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.1.1研究背景 1 1.1.2研究動機 5 1.2研究目的 7 1.3研究問題 7 1.4名詞界定 8 1.5研究限制 9 第2章文獻探討 12 2.1銀髮族學習理論 12 2.1.1人類需求理論 12 2.1.2心理社會發展論 16 2.2 動機理論 17 2.3禪繞畫 20 2.3.1禪繞畫的起源 20 2.3.2禪繞畫的創作說明 21 2.3.3學習禪繞畫的優點 24 2.3.4相關研究 26 第3章研究方法 31 3.1 研究方法 31 3.1.1採用質性研究考量因素 32 3.1.2研究步驟 34 3.2研究場域 39 3.3研究對象 39 3.4研究工具 41 3.4.1研究訪談大綱 42 3.4.2專家效度分析 43 3.4.3提升訪談大綱信度之方式 43 3.5研究實施 44 3.5.1過程評估 45 3.5.2結果評估 45 第4章研究分析與討論 47 4.1學習禪繞畫之動機 47 4.2銀髮族學習禪繞畫之效益 61 4.2.1生理效益 61 4.2.2安全效益 66 4.2.4自尊效益 88 4.2.5認知效益 96 4.2.6審美效益 104 4.2.7自我實現效益 107 4.2.8銀髮族學習禪繞畫之效益 111 4.2.9效益探討 114 4.3銀髮族對課程的回饋與對教學者的建議 117 4.3.1對課程的回饋 117 4.3.2對教學者的建議 117 第五章研究結論與建議 121 5.1研究結論 121 5.1.1銀髮族學習禪繞畫之動機 121 5.1.2銀髮族學習禪繞畫之效益 121 5.2建議 122 參考文獻 124 附錄1:訪談同意書 127 附錄2:深度訪談受訪對象基本資料 128 附錄3:研究訪談大綱 129 附錄4:問卷編製專家學者背景 130 附錄5:銀髮族學習禪繞畫過程評估(團體座談)紀錄 131 附錄6:銀髮族學習禪繞畫團體座談回饋表 133 附錄7:訪談記錄 135 附錄8:訪談逐字稿範例 137 附錄9:禪繞畫課程設計範例 141 附錄10:銀髮族學習禪繞畫自主心得分享 145 |
Hits | 408 |
Created date | 2022.10.07 |
Modified date | 2023.01.09 |
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