星雲大師「菩薩義工」理念與實踐之探究=A Study on Philosophy and Practice of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s “ Bodhisattvas Volunteer ” |
Author |
釋慧中 (著)=林銘信 (au.)
Date | 2024 |
Pages | 101 |
Publisher | 南華大學宗教學研究所 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 南華大學 |
Department | 宗教學研究所 |
Advisor | 釋滿紀(孔祥玲)=Shih, Man-ji (Kung, Hsiang-ling), 王惠雯=Wang, Hui-wen |
Publication year | 112 |
Keyword | 星雲大師=Venerable Master Hsing Yun; 菩薩義工=Bodhisattva Volunteerism; 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism; 服務=service; 修行=Buddhist cultivatio |
Abstract | 佛光山開山祖師星雲大師一生遵循佛陀本懷,致力倡導與實踐人間佛教。尤其闡揚僧信四眾,如車之雙輪、鳥之雙翼,要共同擔負弘法利生的責任。對於如何讓大眾實踐菩薩道,成為人間的修行。大師細膩的關懷眾生抉擇取向與轉折點,建構人間佛教平台,透過「人人發心當義工」,接續要「做義工的義工」,進而承擔「菩薩義工」實踐菩薩道。本研究乃基於上述理解背景下,聚焦人間佛教菩薩義工理念與修行實踐原則。 大師對於人間佛教思想與修行理論的建立與發展,主要藉由將佛教義理以深入淺出的方式,做為引導實修的入門初階之方便—主要考量一般人不易深入佛教經藏,所導致對於佛法義理的隔閡感。但這不代表即乏少了對於經教義理的理解背景。故從《星雲大師全集》之菩薩義工類專文,在研究者所關懷以菩薩道的修行原則之建立為探究主軸結合下,嘗試爬梳、歸納其中所引述之經論典籍的相關語彙,企圖以原典回溯方式,希望從兩者相應的詮釋觀點中,找到引導實修的實踐原則。本文發現:《華嚴經》中所演示的大乘行者之行持方法,可做為當代人間佛教義工組織運作中,「菩薩義工」的修行架構。因此,本文擬對此加以探究。 研究發現:大師細膩的關懷眾生抉擇取向與轉折點,建構人間佛教平台,最初以信為基準透過義工與義工的義工修學菩薩道,接續更基於三賢位的修學架構,開展出菩薩義工思想與修行方法。由此可證,大師菩薩義工思想,乃根據於佛教大乘典籍,開展出適合當代人間化世益人的菩薩修行次第。 菩薩義工修行次第的實踐原則,呼應人間佛教思想「以出世的精神,做入世的事業」,扣緊菩薩義工服務實踐與身心安立的議題,希望能在現代社會中,為人間佛教義工組織運作實務與實踐原則的探究,提供一個嶄新的視野。
Venerable Master Hsing Yun (below Venerable Master), the founder of Fo Guang Shan Monastery, devoted his entire life to upholding the original intents of the Buddha and advocating for the practice of Humanistic Buddhism in this world. Particularly, he emphasized the collaboration of the Four Assemblies of monastic and laity—akin to the dual wheels of a carriage or the wings of a bird—to collectively shoulder the responsibility of propagating the Dharma for the benefit of all living beings. Regarding how to guide the public in practicing the Bodhisattva Path and becoming practitioners in this world, the Venerable Master, with delicate concern for the choices and turning points in people’s lives, constructed a platform in Humanistic Buddhism. Through the principle of "everyone aspiring to be a volunteer," he advocated the continuation of "being a volunteer's volunteer," eventually undertaking the practice of the Bodhisattva Path as a "Bodhisattva volunteer." This study, grounded in the aforementioned understanding, focuses on the principles and practices of Humanistic Buddhism's Bodhisattva Volunteerism. Venerable Master's establishment and development of the ideology and theoretical framework for the practice of Humanistic Buddhism primarily involve presenting Buddhist principles in a clear and accessible manner. This serves as an expedient entry point for guiding Buddhist cultivation. The main consideration is that the public may find reading Buddhist sutras challenging, leading to a sense of distance from the profound teachings. However, this does not imply a lack of understanding of the doctrinal background. Therefore, from the articles on Bodhisattva Volunteerism in the Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, this study, centered on the exploration of the principles of practicing the Bodhisattva Path, attempts to sift through and summarize the relevant terminology quoted from the sutras. By retracing to the original texts, the aim is to find practical principles for guiding actual cultivation through the corresponding interpretative perspectives of both sources. This study reveals that the methods of conduct demonstrated for Mahayana practitioners in the Avatamsaka Sutra can serve as a framework for "Bodhisattva Volunteerism" in contemporary Humanistic Buddhist organizational operations. Therefore, this paper intends to delve into this discovery. This study reveals that the Venerable Master, with delicate concern for the choices and turning points in people’s lives, constructed a platform in Humanistic Buddhism. Initially, faith served as the foundation, guiding the practice of the Bodhisattva Path through volunteers and volunteers' volunteers. Subsequently, based on the framework of the three worthy levels, Venerable Master further developed the ideology and methods of Bodhisattva Volunteerism. This demonstrates that this ideology is rooted in Mahayana Buddhist sutras, unfolding a sequential Bodhisattva practice tailored for contemporary humanity and benefitting others. The practical principles of Bodhisattva Volunteerism, in accordance with the Humanistic Buddhist notion of "participating in worldly endeavors with a transcendental attitude," address the issues of Bodhisattva volunteer s |
Table of contents | 摘要 i Abstract ii 目 錄 iv 表目錄 vi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究目的與動機 1 第二節 研究主題論題焦點 2 第三節 文獻回顧 6 第四節 研究方法 14 第五節 本論文章節大要 15 第二章 星雲大師菩薩義工理念之啟蒙與發展 17 第一節 菩薩義工理念之形成背景 17 第二節 菩薩義工的核心思想-菩薩道 31 第三節 菩薩義工理念的實踐與發展 41 第三章 菩薩義工思想建構之依據 46 第一節 義工思想之溯源—基於佛教經論典籍 46 第二節 做義工的義工—繼承大乘菩薩道之精神 49 第三節 菩薩義工的實踐方法—以三賢位為修學架構 55 第四章 菩薩義工的實務運作組織—佛光山義工會 62 第一節 義工會的發展與實務運作 62 第二節 菩薩義工服務的實踐動機 68 第三節 菩薩義工實踐成效的評估機制 72 第五章 「菩薩義工修行藍圖」之開展與詮釋 76 第一節 菩薩義工修行藍圖的願景 76 第二節 菩薩義工修行藍圖的實踐方法 79 第三節 菩薩義工理想目標的達成 81 第六章 結論 83 第一節 本文研究成果 83 第二節 檢討、建議與未來展望 84 參考書目 86 附錄一 92 表一 與義工研究主題相關之學位論文統計表 92 表二 義工類碩士論文評析表 96 表三 《妙慧童女經》與《八大人覺經》之「菩薩」釋義表 97 表四 以星雲大師詮釋菩薩意涵對照古今實踐菩薩道者表 98 表五 星雲大師實踐推行菩薩道歷程—以佛光山開山初年至五十年為範圍 100 |
DOI | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/e3qxw2 |
Hits | 198 |
Created date | 2024.03.28 |
Modified date | 2024.03.28 |
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