文殊山石窟研究=The Research on WenShuShan Grottoes |
Author |
李甜 (著)
Date | 2019.03.06 |
Pages | 279 |
Publisher | 蘭州大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 蘭州, 中國 [Lanzhou, China] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | doctor |
Institution | 蘭州大學 |
Department | 敦煌學 |
Advisor | 魏文斌 |
Publication year | 2019 |
Keyword | 酒泉; 文殊山石窟; 研究 |
Abstract | 文殊山石窟是河西地區重要的大型石窟群之一,位於酒泉市西南方15公里的嘉峪山中,歷史上屬酒泉轄區,現歸肅南縣祁豐區管轄。石窟開鑿於文殊山東西長約2.5公里的崖壁上,可分為谷口、前山、營房後、後山四個區域。經實地調查,本文將文殊山石窟洞窟編號152個,主要洞窟形制有中心柱窟、禪窟、僧房窟、佛殿窟等。史料中文殊山石窟的相關文獻記載較少,因此,其絕對年代也難以確定。文中透過文殊山石窟與敦煌、新疆地區等石窟寺早期洞窟形制、造像題材及壁畫內容的對比,將其開創年代定於太和之後的北魏時期。與元泰定三年(1325年)喃嗒失太子所立《有元重修文殊寺碑銘》載“觀文殊聖寺古蹟,建立已經八百年矣”,即北魏孝明帝孝昌年間基本相符。石窟的開鑿離不開禪修,文殊山石窟“舊稱有三百禪室”,從現有的禪窟遺存,足以說明魏晉以來的禪修思想在文殊山的盛行。作為早期石窟寺院,洞窟組合也是文殊山石窟的一大特點,早期的組合有中心柱窟和佛殿窟,後期在此基礎上又增加了禪窟和僧房窟,這為分期斷代提供了重要依據。文殊山石窟自北魏創立後經歷代多次重修,許多洞窟的形制、造像及壁畫都顯示出不同時代的歷史特徵。尤其是西夏、元時期的重修重繪,使前山第19窟(萬佛洞)、29窟(千佛洞)中遺留了許多具有西夏藝術風格的壁畫,這對於研究河西西夏佛教藝術和建築具有重要的價值。文殊山石窟寺院內還留有大量的回鶻文題記和佛教文獻,最晚至康熙五十二年,這表明直到清代,文殊山一帶還有回鶻文化的遺留,對研究早已消亡的回鶻文化有至關重要的意義。西夏晚期開始流行藏傳佛教,元代更是奉其為國教,文殊山石窟西夏風格的壁畫已經有密教的融入,元太子喃嗒失對文殊寺的重修更是凸顯了藏傳佛教在元代的至高地位,密教中文殊菩薩道場的修葺則是唐宋以來文殊信仰在河西地區盛行的重要體現。文殊山石窟的開鑿明顯受到新疆和敦煌地區佛教石窟的影響,特別是在洞窟形制、壁畫內容以及繪畫技法上,既有來自敦煌的因素,又具備新疆石窟藝術中的一些典型特徵,後期的重修中又融匯了來自中原地區的佛教文化。文中對文殊山石窟與其他地區石窟寺的關係也做了較為詳細的論述。
Wenshushan Grottoes is one of the most important grottoes in the Hexi Region.It is located in Jiayu Mountain, 15 kilometers southwest of Jiuquan City. Historically,It belongs to Jiuquan district.At present, It is under the jurisdiction of Qifeng district of Sunan County.The grottoes were excavated on the cliffs of Wenshu mountain,which is about 2.5 kilometers long from east to west.The grottoes can be divided into four areas:Gukou,Qianshan,Yingfanghou and Houshan.After the field investigation,this article numbers 152 caves of the Wenshushan Grottoes.The main shapes of the caves include the central pillar caves,the meditation caves,the vihāra cave,and the dharma-hall cave. In the historical data,there are few documents related to the Wenshushan Grottoes,so the absolute age is difficult to determine.By comparing the shapes of the early caves,the theme of the statues and the contents of the murals with these in Dunhuang and Xinjiang.This thesis sets the starting date of Wenshushan is in the Northern Wei Dynasty,which is after the Taihe period.From the content of Inscription of The Reconstruction of Wenshu Temple, “The ancient monuments of the Wenshu Temple have been established for eight hundred years,” which is built by the Prince Nan Dashi at the third year of Taiding in Yuan dynasty(1325),the time is basically consistent with the Xiaochang period of the Xiaoming Emperor of Northern Wei dynasty.The excavation of the grottoes cannot be separated from meditation.There are more than three hundred meditation caves in Wenshushan Grottoes in ancient times.The existing ruins of the meditation caves show that the meditation thoughts prevailed in Jiuquan Wenshushan since the Wei and Jin Dynasties.The cave groups is also a feature of the Wenshushan Grottoes.As an early cave,it provides an important reference for the archaeological chronology of other caves.The early group consisted of the central pillar caves and the dharma-hall caves.On the basis of this,the meditation caves and the vihāra caves were built in later times. The Wenshushan Grottoes have been rebuilt several times since the establishment in Northern Wei Dynasty. As a result, the shapes, statues,and murals of many caves show the historical characteristics of different eras.Especially in the re-painting and re-built in the Western Xia and Yuan Dynasty,there are many murals with the Western Xia art style left in the Cave 19(Ten of Thousands Buddha Cave) and Cave 29(Thousand Buddha Cave) in Qianshan.This is of great value for the research of the Western Xia Buddhist art and architecture.There are still a large number of Uighur inscriptions and Buddhist documents left in the temples of Wenshushan Grottoes.The latest time of the literature was in the 52nd year of Kangxi Emperor in Qing dynasty.This shows that the remains of the Uighur culture existed until the Qing Dynasty,which is of great significance for the research of the Uighur culture. In the late Western Xia Dynasty,Tibetan Buddhism had become very popular.It was regarded as the state religion in the Yuan Dynasty.The murals of the Western Xia style in the |
Hits | 183 |
Created date | 2024.07.09 |
Modified date | 2024.07.09 |
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