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以《心經》為基礎建置般若經索引典之探討=A Study of the Possibility of Establishing a Thesaurus of the Praj~naapaaramitaa Scriptures Based upon the Thesaurus Created from the Heart Suutra |
Author |
鄭美玲 (撰)=Cheng, Mei-lin (compose)
Date | 2000 |
Pages | 173 |
Publisher | 淡江大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 淡江大學 |
Department | 教育資料科學學系 |
Advisor | 黃鴻珠=Huang, Hong-chu |
Publication year | 88 |
Keyword | 索引典建置=Thesaurus construction; 佛教索引典=Buddhist thesaurus; 自由標引=free indexing; 心經=Heart Sutra; 大般若經=Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra |
Abstract | 本文探討以一領域核心書籍所編製之索引典可否作為發展大範圍領域索引典的基礎,研究方法採用內容分析法、比對法、專家諮詢法及實證法。實證方式是將般若經典的核心書籍 --《心經》,依等同關係、階層關係、關聯關係建置該經索引典,其次將般若經典之彙集專書 --《大般若經》,依各品會進行人工自由標引,將標引所得之詞彙與《心經》索引典進行詞義概念比對,依「詞合義合」、「詞合義不合」、「詞不合但義合」、「入上下位詞」、「詞義相關」、「詞義不合」等項度比對。 據上述比對結果得知完全對應的詞有25.33%,部分對應的詞有36.13%,不對應的詞有38.54%,由此可知《大般若經》的詞彙概念有61.46%是《心經》索引典能涵蓋的,也就是說《大般若經》的詞彙與《心經》索引典的詞彙相符合達六成以上,於不對應的38.54%中又有35.18%的詞與《心經》索引典詞彙有關聯關係,如從寬判定兩者的相關詞彙達96.64%,因此可推論《心經》索引典可作為發展佛教般若經索引典的基礎。 本研究所得結果計有五項:一、以一領域核心書籍為基礎來建置該領域較大範圍的索引典是可行的方法。二、《心經》索引典可以擴充建置為「般若經索引典」。三、《心經》索引典可以揭示佛教般若思想義理。四、佛教索引典可以成為佛學研究的工具。五、佛教科文是擷取經文重要概念與標引詞的來源。 根據本研究結果建議未來的研究為:一、以《心經》索引典為本,是否可發展為般若論典索引典。二、完整佛教索引典之建置,可依《佛教圖書分類法》之分類,選取各類別的核心書籍編製該領域索引典,再匯集成完整的佛教索引典。三、編製佛教多語索引典,有助於詞彙概念分析,因為佛教的經典,都由梵巴語原典翻譯過來的。四、《心經》索引典選擇詞彙的方式應用到其他學科之可行性探討。五、將完成的索引典作為檢索語彙庫,輔助資料庫檢索。
The purpose of this study is to examine the possibility of establishing a thesaurus of a subject based upon another thesaurus created from a core text of the same topic. The multiple methodologies adopted in the research include content analysis, comparative study, consulting and empirical study. The process of the study starts from, first, establishing a thesaurus of the Heart Sutra, an essential text of the Mahaprajnaparamita scriptures, according to the criteria of equivalent, hierarchical, and associated relationship. Second, index the Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra, the encyclopedic version of the prajnaparamita scriptures, chapter by chapter. Finally, the results obtained from the previous two steps are compared from the following aspects: both the term and the meaning are the same, same term with different meanings, same meaning with different terms, the meaning in one set is either broader or narrower than that of its counterpart, word(s) within a term is related to its meaning, both the term and the meaning are different. The results show that 25.33% of the indexed terms of the Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra totally match the terms from the thesaurus of the Heart Sutra, 36.13% partially matched, and while 38.54% are neither total or partial match. In other words, about 61.46% of the indexed terms of the Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra are also covered by the thesaurus of the Heart Sutra. Among the rest 38.54%, when further analyzed, 35.18% of them are linked to that of the Heart Sutra through certain relationships. To sum up the comparison, the relevancy between the two word lists reaches 96.64%. Therefore, it is logical to infer from the survey that the thesaurus created from the Heart Sutra can be used as sources to develop the thesaurus of Buddhist prajnaparamita literature. The significance of the findings is fivefold. First, it is possible to establish a thesaurus of a subject based upon another thesaurus created from a core text of the same subject. Second, the thesaurus created from the Heart Sutra can be expanded into the thesaurus of the prajnaparamita scriptures. Third, the thesaurus created from the Heart Sutra manifests the main concepts embedded in the Buddhist prajna thought. Four, a general Buddhist thesaurus will be a needed reference for Buddhist research. Finally, the outline of Buddhist sutras is the important sources for Buddhist concepts or key words for indexing. Following this study, further research or advancement can be developed from at least five perspectives. First of all, another research can be done to examine whether it is possible to establish a thesaurus of the entire prajna literature, including commentaries, based upon the thesaurus of the Heart Sutra? Second, a general and comprehensive Buddhist thesaurus may be established, through the adoption of the categories mentioned in the New Classification Scheme for Buddhist Libraries, by compiling the mini-thesauruses created from each category based upon the representative text of that category. Third, a thesaurus of multi-languages is helpful especially for content analysis since most of the Buddhist scriptures are originated from either Sanskrit or Pali. Fourth, the examinat |
Table of contents | 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 問題陳述 1 第二節 研究目的 5 第三節 研究範圍與限制 5 第四節 研究方法與步驟 6 第五節 預期之貢獻 10 第六節 名詞解釋 10 第二章 文獻探討 15 第一節 《心經》介紹 15 第二節 《心經》與般若經的關係 19 第三節 索引典的編製 22 第四節 標引方法探討 35 第三章 《心經》索引典的建置 42 第一節 經文分析與詞彙選擇 43 第二節 詞彙關係的建立 56 第三節 《心經》索引典的呈現 66 第四節 專家諮詢與索引典修正 68 第四章 《大般若經》的主題標引 73 第一節 標引對象 74 第二節 標引方法 78 第三節 專家諮詢與標引修正 81 第五章 《大般若經》標引詞與《心經》索引典詞彙比對之分析 84 第一節 詞義概念比對 85 第二節 結果分析與討論 89 第三節 實證結果探討 93 第六章 結論與未來研究建議 99 第一節 結論 99 第二節 未來研究建議 101 參考書目 105 附錄 附錄一 《心經》索引典 118 附錄二 《大般若經》與《心經》索引典詞彙概念比對表 150 |
Hits | 483 |
Created date | 2007.03.22 |
Modified date | 2023.01.17 |
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