建國百年之佛教高等教育回顧與展望:從傳統分類到科際整合=A Retrospective Account of Buddhist Higher Education after 100 years as the Republic of China, and its Prospects for the Future |
Author |
Source |
Publisher | 中央研究院 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:國立台北藝術大學教授,法鼓佛教學院校長。 |
Keyword | 漢藏教理院=Sino-Tibetan Institute of the World Buddhist Studies Center; 支那內學院=the Chinese Inner Studies Institute; 佛教學院=Buddhist College; 佛學資訊=Buddhist Informatics; 佛教禪修傳統與現代社會=Buddhist Meditation Tradition and Modern Society= |
Abstract | 本文首先探討政府遷台(民國 38 年)之前,佛教高等教育界中成果豐碩的機構-太虛法師漢藏教理院,以及歐陽竟無的支那內學院-辦學因緣。 民國 74 年起,佛教界如何因應政府開放私人興學的局面,陸續設立了工學院、醫學院、人文社會學院、管理學院以及宗教系所。 於民國 93 年 3 月,立法院修法允許設立單一宗教的「宗教研修學院」,因而佛教界陸續成立了 3 所「佛教學院」。 近代佛教教育依據三大傳統的歷史淵源,在教學上作印度佛學組、中國佛學組、西藏佛學組的分類。對於 1990 年代網際網路的資訊時代來臨,佛教教育中有將近代佛學教學的分類與資訊科學整合的「佛學資訊」課程發展。最後,佛教教育與現代社會的研究議題,若以「佛教禪修傳統與現代社會」為例,有禪定與教育、醫學、心識科學、腦科學、心靈哲學等等跨學科研究趨勢之一。
This article begins by introducing and inquiring into the background of two well-developed Buddhist institutes of higher education founded before the government of the Republic of China withdrew to Taiwan in 1949: the Sino-Tibetan Institute of the World Buddhist Studies Center (Shìjiè Fóxüé yuàn Hàn Zàng jiàolǐ yuàn 世界佛學苑漢藏教理院), and the Chinese Inner Studies Institute (Zhīnà Nèixüéyuàn 支那內學院). Since 1985, encouraged by the government’s new policy of private education, several Buddhist organizations have established colleges and graduate schools in the fields of engineering, medicine, humanities and social sciences, management, and religious studies. In March 2004, the Legislative Yuan made an amendment of law to allow the establishment of religious colleges specializing in a single religion. Three Buddhist colleges have emerged in consequence. Modern Buddhist education encompasses the three traditional areas of Indian Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism, and Tibetan Buddhism. In addition, Buddhism and Information Science have been integrated to develop a curriculum in Buddhist Informatics in acknowledgement of the advent of the Information Era, with the internet reaching a critical mass in the early 1990s. Finally, research into the relationship between Buddhist education and modern society has adopted the approaches of interdisciplinary studies. In the case of the Buddhist Meditation Tradition, for example, we have seen connections being made between Buddhist meditation and such academic disciplines as education, medicine, cognitive science, neuroscience, psychology, and so on. |
Table of contents | 一、民國百年間,佛教界辦學的軌跡 二、民國 95 年,佛教學院開始 三、近代佛學教學的「分類」與資訊科學「整合」的課程規劃 四、佛教教育與現代社會:以「佛教禪修傳統與現代社會」為例 五、結語 |
Hits | 1876 |
Created date | 2014.10.20 |
Modified date | 2015.06.12 |

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