聞「法」趣入:從印順到弘誓與覺風=Entry by Listening to Dharma:From Yin Shun to Hong Shi and Chue Feng |
Author |
劉晏均 (撰)=Liu, Yen-chun (compose)
Date | 2015 |
Pages | 258 |
Publisher | 玄奘大學宗教學系 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 玄奘大學 |
Department | 宗教學系碩士班 |
Advisor | 黃運喜 |
Publication year | 103 |
Keyword | 印順=Yin Shun; 妙雲集=Miao Yun Collection; 成佛之道=The Way to Buddhahood; 弘誓=Hong Shi; 覺風=Chue Feng |
Abstract | 經濟快速的發展,知識形成的重要性,如果想學習,必須先學會「如何學習」。印順法師著述提供佛學的學習,藉由他的學習過程,找出學習的方向。以《成佛之道》的「聞法趣入」作為起點,趣入佛道的圓滿菩提心,引領佛法的前步驟,來到佛陀八相成道的故鄉,借用文字、圖片的鋪陳,試著了解歷史上的佛陀與我們的關係。 佛法之學、佛學之學的架構,了解與認識佛法義理的學習,掌握全面性的學習。論述佛陀的教學與學習、佛法本源發展的探尋、佛教在中國發展、教相判釋以及印順法師的人菩薩行。說明佛法是圓滿的教育,鋪陳「佛教弘誓學院」、「覺風佛教藝術學院」作為聞法趣入的研究對象,探究佛法是一種的生命教育。 使我們認識佛教史上的演進,提高對義理與內涵的了解,增進對問題深入的體會,導引抉取正確的方向。佛法的解行並重,經過如理的思維,體會經典的意趣,幫助於身心的行持。所探究的是開啟正見,善知識啟發我們的智慧,正知正見是法身慧命。學佛是以佛菩薩作為目標,增長我們的福德與智慧,從信仰到證悟有「解」「行」的修學過程。
The fast development of economy, knowledge becomes important. To be knowledgeable, we need to learn "how to study". Yin Shun's work provides a way to practice Buddhism. By his work we can find the practice way. Listening to The Way To Buddhahood is a start point, can destin you into perfect Bodhicitta. It is the front end guiding you to Dharma and achieves you to the eight aspects of Buddha's life. With the description of lecture and pictures, we may comprehend the relationship of Buddha and us. By understand the structure of Dharma and Buddhism and the practice of doctrine, we may grasp the overview of study. Criticizing Buddha's teaching and practicing, exploring the development of Dharma, the expanding of Buddhism in China, and Yin Shun's People Bodhisattva, explain Buddhism is the satisfactory education. Buddhist HongShi College and Chue Feng Buddhist Art & Culture College are good subject for study the entry by listening to Dharma. The exploration of Dharma is a kind of life education. It lets us familiar the evolution history of Buddhism, increase the understand of meaning and doctrine of Buddhism, thoroughly experience the problem, and introduce the correct direction of choice. The understanding and practicing of Dharma, the reasonable thinking, and perceiving the meaning of sutra, can help the practice of mind and body. What we prospect is the enlightening of right view. Enlightening friends awaken our wisdom. Right perception and right view are Dharmakāaya life line. Practice Buddhism is objective on Buddha and Bodhisattva. It increases our blessings and wisdom, and is the path from believe to awaken. There are understanding and practicing courses. |
Hits | 293 |
Created date | 2016.08.23 |
Modified date | 2023.03.16 |

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