《六祖壇經》無相懺法之研究=A study of the non-phase repentance method of Altar-Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch |
Author |
釋稻慧 =Shi, Dao-hui
Source |
Date | 2018.09 |
Pages | 307 - 328 |
Publisher | 圓光佛學研究所 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 桃園市, 臺灣 [Taoyuean shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 無向懺法=the non- phase repentance method; 禮懺=the rational repentance; 無念=non-thought; 無相=non- phase; 無往=non-abiding |
Abstract | 《六祖壇經》(以下簡稱《壇經》)是由禪宗第六祖慧能(西元638年~713年)以立「無念為宗、無相為體、無住為本」的教義思想,契以直指人心,見性成佛之殊妙,進而引導眾生回歸清淨自性,堪為無上甚深妙法。而《壇經》無相懺法論述了六祖慧能如何從無相戒、自歸依三身佛、發四弘大願、無相懺悔···等形式,將懺悔法門導歸清淨自性的心地法門,進而達到滅罪之功。其懺悔思想除蘊含般若空觀外,亦具足深厚的佛性思想。依《壇經》中「心地無非自性戒」、「心地無亂自性定」、「心地無癡自性慧」之法義,如實的念念般若觀照,常離法相,將其識心見性的懺悔法門,加以落實在日常生活的起心動念中,於一切時中行住坐臥,常行直心;於一切法上無有執著,實修一行三昧,不失為最上上乘之懺法。再論《壇經》無相懺法為不假外修之理懺,若能識自本心之「本自清淨」、「本自具足」、「本不生滅」、「本不動搖」、「能生萬法」,以其本有「無住」、「無相」、「無念」的清淨自性與罪性本空之契機,罪無不消融。其理懺過程中全憑當下定慧等持之功夫,契入自性之清淨,成就永斷不作之懺悔,不失為禪宗「明心見性」之頓悟法門。《壇經》無相懺法的思想,不居外在懺儀形式,但求離妄返真的實踐理路,對現代修行者猶如當頭棒喝,更富含著莫大的啟發與引導。 本文以《壇經》無相懺法之理懺為研究範圍,以其回歸清淨自性之懺悔法門,如何達到滅罪之機理,做歸納的解析論說,以闡明《壇經》無相懺法,有別於其他懺悔法門之殊同。無相懺法何以能滅罪,乃在於其懺悔過程中,法法無不以清淨的自性為依歸。而回歸清淨自性的當下,納受「無相戒體」的同時,肉身才能思量自化為法報化三身佛,進而「自歸依三身佛」,故慧能云:「但悟三身,即識大意」,此為無相懺法最重要的第一懺儀。而在回歸清淨自性納受戒體的同時,其餘「發四弘大願」、「無相懺悔」、「無相三歸依戒」、「滅罪頌」、「無相頌」等懺儀,也皆以回歸清淨自性而無相故,當下七懺儀同時成懺而滅罪。而其發願亦以「自性眾生誓願度」、「自性煩惱誓願斷」、「自性法門誓願學」、「自性佛道誓願成」為發心故,成就不假外求的自性四弘大願。《壇經》無相懺法以回歸自性清淨為「真懺悔」而達「實滅罪」之功,故為懺悔法門中自心歸依覺、正、淨之無相法,而非歸依外相的佛、法、僧三寶。以前念、後念、今念,念念無住、無相、無念,無所繫縛之緣故,以達終身不作為懺;知於前非惡業,恆不離心為悔,此為懺悔滅罪的根本之道,所以說無相頌即滅罪頌。再者如此的懺悔法門不須仰仗佛菩薩之加持,為諸佛前口說無益,可謂自性自度自懺的法門。 本文以《壇經》無相懺法的實踐為最終的研究目的,以懺悔過程的掉悔心理與日常的漸修做為重點論述。其掉悔心理的克服,以平日勤修戒定慧,去除法我二執,當定慧不二之時,自然也能放捨過去所造的罪惡感,此時掉悔因子亦無法顯現,進而以清淨心契入般若空慧,以利懺悔滅罪之成效。慧能亦以「法無頓漸,人有利鈍」之說,說明了此懺悔法門為「識心見性」之法,非泛泛之輩所能為之。而日常勤修戒定慧三學,乃「識心見性」之漸修。假以時日,待定慧功夫深厚時,漸修亦不失為頓悟之前加行。綜合觀之,懺悔法門於當代的盛行風氣,不難看出懺悔法門在下化眾生的方便度化性,遠遠超越於上求佛道之解脫行。而如何在懺悔法門上求得滅罪,以消除修行的障礙,進而達到回復清淨自性的解脫自在,以《壇經》無相懺法無事懺上的拘泥,只憑理懺上回歸清淨自性的懺法,為迎應現代修行者之最上乘懺法。
The “Altar-Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch” (hereinafter referred to “Altar-Sutra”) by Zen Sixth Patriarch progenitor (A.D. 638 ~ 713) to set up " Non-thought is the tenet. Non-phase is the essence. Non-abiding is the fundamental." doctrine of thought, todirect the people, attaining Buddhahood by discovering one's own and then guide allsentient beings to return to the purity of the self, even called for the supreme deep Dharma.The non-phase repentance method of "Altar Sutra" discusses how the Sixth Patriarch from non- phase precept, take refuge in the self - nature of the three Buddhas , made the four great vows, non- phase repentance...and other forms,will repentance method is guided by prakrti-parisuddhatva of the method of mind, and then to power fight crime. In addition to its ideological confession contains Prajna empty concept, but also endowed a deep thought about Buddha thoughts. According to the legal meaning of "self - precept with nothing in mind","self - meditation with no chaos in mind" and"self - wisdom with no idiot in mind" in the "Altar Sutra ", it is true to obsessed Prajna contemplation, often away from the phase of Dharma, the recognition of their mind to be seen by in all times, observant of your own thoughts in walking, standing, sitting, lying down, this is the essence of spiritual cultivation, in the method of repentance, and to implement the confession in the mind of daily life. All the Dharma without ideologism, practice Uni-implementation Samadhi , is the most superior repentance Dharma. Re-discussion on the "Altar Sutra" without external repentance method is the rationale for the repentance, if you can know from " that the essence of mind is intrinsically pure ", " the essence of mind is intrinsically self-sufficient"," the essence of mind is intrinsically free from becoming or annihilation "," the essence of mind is intrinsically free from change "," all things are the manifestation of the essence of mind "with its own" no abiding "," no phase "," no thought "of the pure self and the opportunity of the crime of the void, the crime is all melted. The repentance process is based on the time of the equal cultivation on meditation and wisdom, into the purity of the self, achievements will never be repentance, but Zen " find one's true self " of the enlightenment method. The idea of "Altar Sutra" without the repentance method is not the external repentance instrument form, but the practical way of practice, it gives as if a imely warning to the modern gymnosophist, is rich in inspiration and guidan |
Table of contents | 一、前言 312 二、懺悔的基本釋義 312 三、《壇經》無向懺法思想 316 (一)思量即是自化 317 (二)自性自度自懺 318 (三)歸依覺、正、淨 319 (四)無向即滅罪 320 四、《壇經》無相懺法的實踐 321 五、總結 325 參考文獻 326 |
Hits | 932 |
Created date | 2019.06.28 |
Modified date | 2023.09.26 |
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