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《星雲大師全集》的人間佛教思想與出版意義研究=Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun: the Humanistic Buddhist Thoughts and Significance of Its Publication |
Author |
蔡孟樺 (撰)=Tsai, Meng-hua (compose)
Date | 2020 |
Pages | 174 |
Publisher | 國立高雄科技大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 高雄市, 臺灣 [Kaohsiung shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 國立高雄科技大學 |
Department | 文化創意產業系 |
Advisor | 謝貴文 |
Publication year | 108 |
Keyword | 《星雲大師全集》=The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun; 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhist; 佛教文學=Buddhist literature; 編輯特色=editorial features; 佛教出版=Buddhist publication |
Abstract | 星雲大師是一位兼具深厚人文、哲學的宗教實踐家,自西元1949年來台至今七十二年,發揚「人間佛教」理念於全球五大洲,創建近三百座佛光山道場,將佛教帶往現代化的新里程碑。大師一生筆耕不輟,已出版文字總量高達三千餘萬字,收錄畢生重要著作的《星雲大師全集》,共三百六十五冊,內容分為十二大類,涵蓋詩歌、偈頌、散文、小說、傳記、論文、經論等多種文體,兼具信仰實踐與學理研究。2017年出版後,廣獲兩岸三地文化各界推崇,中央大學文學院院長李瑞騰表示:「《星雲大師全集》之編纂,堪稱人類文化史上最巨大的出版工程。」
Venerable Master Hsing Yun is a religious leader whose pragmatic approach to religious practice is deeply founded in both the humanities and philosophy. Since his 1949 arrival in Taiwan, his work over the past seven decades has brought the Humanistic Buddhist ideals from the East across all regions of the globe. He has founded close to 300 Fo Guang temples worldwide achieving the new milestone in the modernization of Buddhism.
The sheer act of writing throughout his lifetime has seen publications totaling 30 million Chinese characters. All of which is contained in the The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, an essential collection of his lifetime works. In this collection, he has completed a total of 365 volumes, divided into 12 categories which include poetry, eulogy, prose, novel, biography, thesis, commentary on Buddhist scriptures, among others. This collection is a reflection of the Buddhist faith, practice, and academic research. After its publication in 2017, the collection was widely respected by people from all walks in the three sides of the Taiwan Strait - Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China.
The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun can be described as a collection of the author’s insights, his feelings, perceptions, mental formations, and consciousness, throughout his lifetime. This study uses the three overt tenets around Humanistic Buddhism to describe the objective of Veneral Master Hsing Yun’s works. From the theoretical construction of the religion, propagation, practice and historical values, and the cultural composition of humanity of the 12 categories of works from this collection, I concluded the key features of the publication to be, firstly, the multi-genre integration of Buddhism and literature, and secondly the convergence of the traditional and modern editorial style.
Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s reading of the Buddhist teachings through this literary soul has enlivened the inner beauty of Buddhist scripture. The societal value and the contemporary significance of the multiple genres, layout, graphic design, illustrations, and literary styles of this masterpiece has been constructed. |
Table of contents | 一、中文提要 二、英文提要 三、誌謝 四、目錄 五、表目錄 六、圖目錄
七、緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 一、研究動機 二、研究目的 第二節 研究方法 一、文獻學研究法 二、思想研究法 三、參與觀察研究法 四、詮釋學 第三節、章節安排
八、星雲大師「人間佛教」思想主要論述及有關研究 第一節 人間佛教思想源流 第二節 星雲大師對「人間佛教」的主要論述 一、人間佛教乃「佛陀之教」 二、人間佛教強調「諸法平等」,沒有「教派分別」 三、人間佛教以「人」為本 四、人間佛教是「給」的佛教 五、「我是佛」人間佛教的神聖性 第三節 星雲大師「人間佛教」研究文獻
九、《星雲大師全集》佛教文學與藝術美學兼容的出版特色 第一節 《星雲大師全集》內容概述 第二節 佛學與文學合一的「多元文類」 一、佛教文學定義及特色 二、星雲大師的寫作因緣 三、星雲大師著作文獻分析 第三節 傳統與現代融和的「裝幀編排」 一、素樸獨特的裝幀編排 二、典雅全彩的內頁設計 三、多元藝術的佛教圖集
十、《星雲大師全集》十二大類探析 第一節 宗教價值與人間佛教的理論建構 一、「經義」為人間佛教思想正本溯源 二、「論叢」以內自證揭櫫人間佛教 三、「教科書」建構人間佛教教義學習次第 四、「講演集」以事顯理,人間佛教生活面面觀 五、「傳記」樹立人間佛教行者楷模 第二節 史料價值與人間佛教的傳播實踐 一、「書信」兩岸三地佛教進程的歷史縮影 二、「日記」人間佛教弘揚世界的座標移動實錄 三、「佛光山系列」佛光教團五十年弘教傳播之成效 四、「佛光山行事圖影」全球五大洲百萬僧信的行佛步履 五、「附錄」百名學者視域下的當代人間佛教 第三節 文學價值與人間佛教的文化書寫 一、「文叢」一代大師的文學觀 二、「書法」道藝一體的弘法奇蹟
十一、結論 十二、參考文獻 十三、附錄:《星雲大師全集》365冊書目一覽表 《星雲大師全集》十二大類篇章色(CMYK) |
Hits | 421 |
Created date | 2021.10.28 |
Modified date | 2023.01.16 |
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