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《解深密經》的真理觀=The Theory of Truth in the Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra
Author 包蕾 (撰)
Publisher Url
Location臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year105
Keyword真理=truth; 勝義諦=paramartha-satya; 三相=three characteristics; 三無自性性=three types of lack of own-being (tri niḥsvabhāvatā); 唯識=cognition-only (vijñaptimātra)
論文第三章是對〈勝義諦相品〉的解讀,此關聯於諸經主旨之一貫,由「勝義諦」所帶出的經由「止觀」和「波羅蜜多修行」達成解脫覺悟之通路,立足於「諸法」與「法性」間關係的討論。共分為五節:第一至四節分別對應「勝義諦」之「離言、無二相」、「超過尋思所行相」、「超過諸法一異性相」、「遍一切一味相」, 第五節討論此四者之關係及如何貫通。

The subject of this paper is the theory of truth in the Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra.
The concept is based on two aspects of discussions: First is regarding the theory of truth as core content and main thread through Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra, to reconsider its basic ideas and structure. This concept is different from previous researches which mainly focus on solving issues in sūtra from perspectives of “three characteristics” (trīṇi lakṣaṇāni), “three types of lack of own-being” (tri niḥsvabhāvatā), and “cognition-only” (vijñaptimātra) in Mind-only School.
Second is since Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra has the features of both sūtra and Māṛkās, while its main concept is influenced by Prajñāpāramitā-sūtra, especially the theories of emptiness and ultimate truth, and also developed continuously by Yogācāra School or Mind-only School as a scriptural source, this sūtra therefore has a characteristic of transition. Thus by discussing “the truth”, the common theme of Buddhism, within Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra, dispute between Mind-only School and Mādhyamika School could be re-examined.
In addition to introduction and conclusion, this paper consists of five chapters:
The first chapter is the initial discussion of the theory of truth, which introduces the background of this paper. There are three parts in the first chapter: first of all, it is a brief overview of Western philosophy''s discussion of truth, “what is truth”, “how could we know the truth”, “how many theories of truth are there”, “what is the problem of them”, and so on. Second, the theory of truth in the Buddhism is expounded from both the theory of “four noble truths” (catvāri ārya-satya) and the theory of “two truths” (dvi satya), by using the text of Āgama, Abhidharma Mahāvibhāṣā Śāstra, and Mūlamadhyamakakārikā. Third, the theory of truth in the Yogācāra School is expounded from both the theory in the Yogācāra-bhūmi-śāstra and the theory of Madhyânta-vibhāga.
The second chapter is the discussion of concepts about the truth in Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra. Four concepts are discussed, including “ultimate truth” (paramārtha-satya), “emptiness” (śūnyatā), “suchness” (tathatā), and “the thoroughly established” (pariniṣpanna). Each of the four concepts is demonstrated in three aspects: “the meaning of the concept”, “understanding of the concept when used in context of Mind-only School”, and “understanding of the concept when used in Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra”. At last, the relationship of these concepts is discussed.
The third chapter is the discussion of the characters of ultimate truth. In this chapter, an interpretation is illustrated to help understanding the meaning of the second chapter of Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra. There are four parts in
Table of contents中文摘要 ⅰ
英文摘要 ⅲ
緒論 1
一、研究課題與研究動機 1
二、研究所依據之文獻 4
(一)《解深密經》文獻整理 4
(二)《解深密經》主要思想與結構 13
三、研究綜述、問題之引出與研究方法 16
(一)研究綜述 16
(二)問題之引出與研究方法 23
四、論文主要結構與內容 25
(一)論文行文所依據之結構 25
(二)論文的主要章節和內容 28
第一章 真理問題之探究 31
第一節 西方哲學有關「真理」之討論 32
第二節 佛教「諦」的思想 41
一、四諦 41
二、二諦 49
第三節 瑜伽學派典籍所討論之真實 62
一、《瑜伽師地論•真實義品》 62
二、《辯中邊論》所討論之「真實」 76
第二章 《解深密經》與「真實」相關之概念 88
第一節 《解深密經》的「勝義諦」 90
第二節 《解深密經》的「空性」 100
第三節 《解深密經》的「真如」 120
第四節 《解深密經》的「圓成實相」 136
第五節 小結 141
第三章《解深密經》的「勝義諦相」 143
第一節「勝義諦」離言、無二相 145
一、「一切法無二」 145
二、「有為非有為非無為,無為非無為非有為」 149
三、「非無事而有所說」 155
第二節「勝義諦」超過尋思所行相 158
一、境與智 158
二、「勝義諦超過一切尋思所行相」的五點原因 171
第三節「勝義諦」超過諸法一異性相 182
一、「約三五過,破一異執」 183
二、「約凈、共相,破一異執」 191
三、「約行無別及無我等,破一異執」 193
四、基於譬喻的說明 196
第四節「勝義諦」遍一切一味相 199
一、依「清淨所緣」說遍一切一味 200
二、依「真如勝義法無我性」說遍一切一味 202
三、依「非因生、非有為」說遍一切一味 204
四、有關「虛空」的譬喻 207
第五節 小結 209
第四章「三法相」系統中的真理問題 211
第一節 「三相」與「三無自性性」 213
一、可供參考之經文 213
二、對上述文本之分析 218
三、相關「真理」議題之討論 233
第二節「四諦」、「二諦」與「三相」之關係 244
一、《解深密經》如何討論「四諦」 244
二、《解深密經》如何討論「二諦」 247
三、如何處理「四諦」、「二諦」、「三相」間的關係 250
第三節 小結 270
第五章 「識」的體系下的真理觀 272
第一節 <心意識相品>中的「識」 274
一、〈心意識相品〉的主要結構及內容 274
二、〈心意識相品〉與「識」相關之討論 276
三、本品與真理相關問題之探討 283
第二節 <分別瑜伽品>中討論的「唯識」 288
一、三摩地所行影像唯是識 288
二、通達唯是識是「心一境..性」 297
三、散見於其他段落的「唯識」經文 302
四、「真實」相關議題之討論 305
第三節 <分別瑜伽品>中的「如所有性」和「盡所有性」 308
二、 《解深密經》中的「四種道理」325
第四節 小結 335
結論 337
參考書目 340
Created date2021.11.01
Modified date2023.01.16

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