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《大悲懺》修持作為「往生淨因」之探討=A Discussion on the Great Compassion Repentance Practices as the Pure Cause of Ultimate Departure
Author 王明觀 (著)=Wang, Ming-kuan (au.)
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Location花蓮市, 臺灣 [Hualien shih, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Advisor林美容=Lin, Mei-rong, 陳啟文=Chen, Cheu-wen
Publication year110
Keyword大悲懺=The Great Compassion Repentance; 大悲咒=The Great Compassion Mantra Mahā-Kārunika-citta-dhārani; 菩薩道=Bodhisattva-path; 往生淨因=the Pure Cause of Ultimate Departure; 淨業=Pure Karma; 迴向發願=diverts and makes vows

The Great Compassion Repentance is a popular ritual practice nowadays, whose benefits are the simplicity, time-saving and inspirational approaches. Since the practitioners believe in Guanyin Bodhisattva, they usually not only recite the holy name of the Bodhisattva, but also pray for The Great Compassion Repentance to get rid of disasters, pray for blessings, repent for themselves, and get rid of guilt. They rely on the compassion and saving power of Guanyin Bodhisattva, just as they believe and accept the Original Vows of the Buddha Amitabha. They all hope to gain the protection of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, so that they can settle their mind and body, and achieve successes. Also, they devote themselves to the practice of the Dharma with their beliefs. However, how can they reach the goal of Pure Karma, and thus enter the Pure Land? Can The Great Compassion Repentance become the Pure Cause and Pure Karma of departure? Can The Great Compassion Repentance lead to the fulfillment of faith and vows to the Pure Land of the West, and then not turning back? This thesis will discuss what the elements of The Great Compassion Repentance constitute the conditions for departure.
The Great Compassion Repentance is compiled based on The Avalokitêśvara Sutra. Going back to the meaning of the Buddhist scriptures, The Avalokitêśvara Sutra shows the grand vows and compassion of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, for the sake of all sentient beings. Therefore, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva teaches the recitation and the function of The Great Compassion Mantra Mahā-Kārunika-citta-dhārani can make all sentient beings transcend life and liberation from reincarnation. In addition, the Avalokitêśvara Sutra has the enlightenment of mind and nature for all living beings and the direction of life, leading to the ideal of departure to the Pure Land. Therefore, by the analysis of the rituals of the repentance approaches in The Great Compassion Repentance and the content in The Avalokitêśvara Sutra, I have concluded that practitioners can purify the cause and karma, and they are physically and mentally in accordance with the Dharma to pass the repentance approaches. After these practitioners are being purified, The Great Compassion Repentance plays the role of increasing the merits, of correcting mistakes, of repenting their wrongdoings, of practicing diligently, and of developing the three śikṣā (adhisīla-sikkhā, adhicitta-sikkhā,adhipaññā-sikkhā) through devout faith. Therefore, practitioners can use the ritual of repentance to gradually reduce their bad karma, to make them free from defilements, to purify their physical and mind, and to transform their afflictions into Bodhi. That is, practitioners can turn evil into good, correct mistakes, practice good karma, and purify all kinds of sins.
Since the main subject of The Great Compassion Repentance is Guanyin Bodhisattva, his/her spirit of great kindness and compassion is a paradigm that Mahayana practitioners should follow. Those repentant practitioners learn to practice like Guanyin Bodhisattva, cultivating profound virtues from the Bodhisattva's ways, developing the Bodhisattva's spirit of benefiting others, making themselves joyful with compassion, and not harming others. If everyone is like t
Table of contents第一章、緒 論 1
第一節、研究動機 1
第二節、研究主題說明 2
第三節、研究目的 3
第四節、研究功用與重要性 4
第五節、文獻回顧 7
專 書: 7
論著及期刊論文 12
第六節、研究方法 16
第二章、觀音法門及大悲咒盛行之概況 20
第一節、漢傳佛教「觀音信仰」的普及 20
一、《妙法蓮華經》<觀世音菩薩普門品>的流通 24
四、「憶佛、念佛」與「持名」的流行 27
第二節、密乘宏傳與持咒的盛行 30
一、密乘宏傳帶動持咒風氣 30
二、中土密咒的存續與傳延 35
三、密咒在顯教中逐漸被吸納和運用 37
四、密教「千手觀音」信仰與「大悲咒」 40
第三章、《大悲懺》的形成及其發展 45
第一節、《大悲懺》的形成 45
一、四明法智尊者—知禮 46
二、融攝止觀與淨土法門 51
三、以懺法輔助定慧的實踐 53
四、知禮據《千手經》撰《大悲懺》 55
第二節、《大悲懺》的發展 59
一、《大悲懺》的沿革 59
二、《大悲懺》的弘展 60
三、《大悲懺》的流通 62
第四章、禮《大悲懺》成為「往生淨因」 67
第一節、禮《大悲懺》明因果學持戒 67
一、深信因果至心禮《大悲懺》 67
二、禮《大悲懺》引導持戒斷惡 73
三、禮《大悲懺》消業長養善法 75
第二節、禮《大悲懺》學習菩薩精神 80
一、依本誓願力安樂有情 80
二、由大悲心生起菩提心 83
三、正念祈求學行菩薩道 86
第三節、禮《大悲懺》趣入佛淨土 101
一、持「大悲咒」可隨意往生諸佛國 102
二、禮《大悲懺》依信願回向淨土 107
三、「淨因」成就「淨業往生」 111
第五章、結 論 121
一、《大悲懺》從人天乘持戒、菩薩道願行到淨因淨業往生 121
二、觀音法門透過《大悲懺》成為往生淨因 124
Created date2022.06.06
Modified date2023.11.21

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