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南投久靈寺與台南碧雲寺 佛祖回鑾活動之比較研究=A Comparison on the Annual Return Journey of the Buddha between Tzu Lin Temple in NanTou and Bi Yun Temple in Tainan |
Author |
羅靜怡 (著)=LUO, JING-YI (au.)
Date | 2017 |
Pages | 1 - 114 |
Publisher | 佛光大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 佛光大學 |
Department | 佛教學系 |
Advisor | 釋永東 |
Publication year | 105 |
Keyword | 齋教龍華派=Longhua religious sect; 苗栗七十份天神宮=Tian Shen Temple in Qishenfe Miaoli; 浴佛節與佛祖回鑾=Bathing Buddha Ceremony and Buddha's Ancestral Return; 東山迎佛祖=Welcome the Buddha at Dongshan |
Abstract | 久靈寺是一座歷史悠久的傳統佛教古剎,地處蓮花台坐上環境清幽美好,是埔里觀音山歷史最悠久百年之寺院。據載光緒34年(1908)原堂址在清朝時為砲台用地,由兩條溪流所環抱,形勢險要,地方居民稱此地為觀音山,又名「生番頂」。久靈寺早期寺名屬齋教龍華派的「久靈堂」,後來改名為現在的「久靈寺」。
Jiuling Temple, a long - historic traditional Buddhist temple, surrounded with quiet and beautiful environment. It is also one of the oldest century cloisters in Puli Guanyin Mountain. It is said that the original site, surrounded by two streams and located in a vital part , is used to be a fort on the 34th year of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1908). Therefore, the local residents called here Guanyin Mountain, which is also known as Sheng Fan Ding Jiuling Temple was named “ Jiuling Hall ”of the Longhua religious sect. However, it is renamed a“ Jiuling Temple ”to present.
This paper mainly discusses the different types of the activities between “ Buddha's ancestral return” at Jiuling Temple in Nantou and “ Dongshan Ying Buddha ” at Biyun Temple in Tainan. Jiuling Temple's ancestral return activity is originated about 1949. In order to place a Buddhist statue at Shen Temple in Qishenfen Miaoli, they looked for the statue around. However, the descendant of Tian Shen Temple, Tian- Mei Chen who lived in the Guoxing county, told the staffs of the temple that there were some Buddhist statues could be requested. That’s the origin of the “ Buddha's ancestral return ”. Besides, this activity also combined with Bathing Buddha Ceremony held at Jiuling Temple and Due to these origins, they inspire the author to write this paper. First, we can preserve the historical origin of the Jiuling Temple. We also can retain the significance of the “ Buddha's ancestral return ”. Jiuling Temple’s “ Buddha's ancestral return ” is not only to help incense contribution of Tian Shen Temple in Qishenfen Miaoli but also the tendency of folk religious beliefs and exploring its worth. The research results of this paper are helpful to understand the historical origin of the“ Jiuling Temple ” and the background of the Buddhism environment at that time. Through the different types of Dongshan Ying Buddha ”( Welcome the Buddha at Dongshan) at Biyun Temple in Tainan, it is clearer that the Jiuling Temple has different meanings and values of “ Buddha's ancestral return” and its development of the whole history. |
Table of contents | 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 鳴謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 一、研究動機 1 二、研究目的 3 第二節 研究方法、困難與解決 4 一、研究方法 4 二、研究困難、解決 5 第三節 文獻回顧 5 一、專書 6 二、縣或地方志類 6 三、學位論文 7 第二章 台灣齋教的演變 9 第一節 台灣齋教的傳入與發展 9 一、台灣齋教傳入 9 二、齋教三派 10 三、台灣齋教的發展 12 第二節 南投地區龍華派齋堂的探討—日據、戰後時期 15 一、日據時代宗教政策下對齋堂的影響 16 二、光復後南投地區齋堂的轉變與發展 22 第三節 小結 23 第三章 南投久靈寺佛祖回鑾活動 25 第一節 久靈寺歷史發展沿革 25 一、久靈寺創建歷史與歷任住持 25 二、久靈寺年度法會 31 三、久靈寺交陪寺院 35 第二節 久靈寺與天神宮回鑾之探討 39 一、天神宮歷史沿革 40 二、天神宮每年祭祀活動 42 三、天神宮與久靈寺佛祖回鑾活動 48 第三節 小結 55 第四章 久靈寺與碧雲寺迎佛祖之探討 60 第一節 台南碧雲寺歷史沿革 60 一、碧雲寺歷史沿革 60 二、碧軒寺歷史沿革 62 第二節 台南碧雲寺東山迎佛祖暨遶境活動 65 一、東山迎佛祖活動 65 第三節 久靈寺與碧雲寺回鑾比較分析 71 一、歷史背景之比較 72 二、兩寺回鑾活動比較 75 第四節 小結 78 第五章 結語 82 第一節 研究結語 82 一、研究成果 82 二、研究貢獻 83 第二節 未來發展與建議 85 參考書目 87 附錄 93 【附錄一:久靈寺年表】 93 【附錄二:台灣佛教臨濟宗諸山演派法脈表】 95 【附錄三:訪談問卷調查表】 96 【附錄四:聘書、證書、感謝狀】 98 【附錄五:籤詩】 99 【附錄六:各殿牌匾】 100 【附錄七:各殿佛像、法器】 100 【附錄八:科儀、其他】 102 |
Hits | 290 |
Created date | 2022.06.10 |
Modified date | 2023.01.06 |
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