探討青少年正念教育與佛學義理的關聯性--以MindUP課程為主=An Investigation into Correlations between Mindfulness Education for Teenagers and Buddhist Thoughts: Based on the MindUP Curriculum |
Author |
孫承梅 (著)=Sun, Chen-mei (au.)
Date | 2020 |
Pages | 1 - 93 |
Publisher | 法鼓文理學院 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 法鼓文理學院 |
Department | 佛教學系 |
Advisor | 溫宗堃 |
Publication year | 108 |
Keyword | 正念=Mindfulness; 注意力=Attention; 社交情緒學習=Social and Emotional Learning; 正念教育=Mindfulness Education; MindUP=MindUP |
Abstract | 正念教育源於傳統佛教修習,囿於西方文化的世界觀與政教分離的立場,以現代科學與當代語境取替了佛法教義,使得佛學義理隱而未顯。本論文嘗試從佛教世間法的觀點,採用MindUP正念教育課程,以教科書文本分析法探討青少年正念教育與佛學義理的關聯性。探究的意義,在於了解青少年正念教育的新創技法,以及看出佛法既有的豐富資源如何地被應用與呈現。 就MindUP正念教育與佛學義理關聯性之探究,以阿毗達摩而言,有心路過程與心所的作用。佛典理論基礎涉及了念住、七覺分、如理作意、六內外入處、五蘊、自利利他的教說、四梵住、四聖諦、感恩觀、五蓋、四攝法、廣惠施。修習方法與四念住各有些涉及。由相互之關聯可以說,佛教義理之於現代正念教育,可為一有力哲學理論的支撐;而當代正念教育也為青少年體會佛學精髓與提升良好生活品質,另闢蹊徑。
Owing to the culture, and the separation of politics and religion in the Western world, the Buddhist doctrine is almost invisible in the modern mindfulness education, and was replaced by the modern science and vocabulary, although the mindfulness training and education were actually originated from Buddhist doctrine. This thesis intends to explore the correlations between teen’s mindfulness training/education and Buddhist doctrine, using MindUP program, from the view point of Buddhist worldly rules and textbook analysis approaches. The purpose of this exploration is to elaborate these correlations to further understand the technical advancement and innovation of modern teen’s mindfulness education as well as to reveal the abundant resources of Buddhism, and how they were applied and shown. The correlations between MindUP mindfulness education and Buddhist doctrine, can be discussed in terms of the theory of consciousness stream and mental factor showed in Abhidhamma. The relevant canonical Buddhist doctrines involves satipaṭṭhāna, the seven enlightenment factors, careful attention, six bases, five aggregates, benefiting oneself and others, four immeasurables, four noble truths, gratitude, five hindrances, four ways of magnetizing, generosity, and the four foundations of mindfulness. From the mutual correlation, we would conclude that Buddhist doctrine can be a strong philosophical theory base for the modern mindfulness education; while the modern mindfulness training also provides a different approach for the Teens to experience the essence of Dharma and to improve a good quality of life. |
Table of contents | 摘要 i ABSTRACT ii 目次 iii 一、緒論 1 (一)研究動機與目的 1 (二)問題提出 2 (三)文獻回顧 5 1.西方正念佛教根源之研究 5 2.正念教育之研究 6 3.現代科學與宗教對話之研究 7 (四)研究範圍、方法、限制 8 1.研究範圍 8 2.研究方法、限制 11 (五)章節安排之說明 12 二、MindUP 的起源與教學內容 13 (一)MindUP理念 13 (二)MindUP課程設計 14 1.MindUP課程單元 14 2.MindUP課程結構 14 3.MindUP課程特色 15 4.MindUP教學時間安排 16 5.MindUP課程教學策略分析 17 (三)正念與現代科學相關性之探究 17 1.佛教正念的修習方法與涵義 18 2.正念與正念訓練 18 3.正念與發展認知神經科學 19 4.正念與正向心理學 20 5.正念與社交情緒學習 20 (四)小結 21 三、MindUP專注單元內容與佛學義理關聯性之探究 23 (一)MindUP專注單元內容 23 1.大腦如何運作 23 2.正念覺察 24 3.專注式覺察的核心練習 25 4.專注單元教學呈現方式 26 (二)從佛教觀點看MindUP專注單元 27 1.從阿毗達摩心理運作看大腦如何運作 27 2.從念住看MindUP正念覺察 28 3.從七覺分看MindUP正念覺察 30 4.從身念住安般念看MindUP注意呼吸的修習 31 (三)小結 33 四、MindUP銳化感官單元內容與佛學義理之關聯性 34 (一)MindUP銳化你的感官單元內容 34 1.正念的聽 34 2.正念的看 35 3.正念的嗅 36 4.正念的嚐 37 5.正念的活動 I 38 6.正念的活動 II 38 7.銳化感官單元教學呈現方式 39 (二)從佛教觀點看MindUP銳化感官單元 39 1.從如理作意看MindUP銳化感官 40 2.從六內外入處看MindUP銳化感官 41 3.從五蘊看MindUP銳化感官 43 4.從身念住正知者看MindUP銳化感官的修習 46 5.從受念住看MindUP銳化感官的修習 47 6.從法念住看MindUP銳化感官的修習 48 (三)小結 48 五、MindUP一切都和態度有關單元內容與佛學義理之關聯性 50 (一)MindUP一切都和態度有關單元內容 50 1.觀點取替 50 2.選擇樂觀 51 3.欣賞快樂的體驗 52 4.一切都和態度有關單元教學呈現方式 53 (二)從佛教觀點看MindUP一切都和態度有關單元 54 1.從自通之法看MindUP觀點取替 54 2.從四梵住看MindUP一切都和態度有關 55 3.從四聖諦看MindUP一切都和態度有關 58 4.從心念住看MindUP一切都和態度有關的修習 60 (三)小結 61 六、MindUP採取正念的行動單元內容與佛學義理之關聯性 63 (一)MindUP採取正念的行動單元內容 63 1.表達感恩 63 2.仁慈行為的履踐 64 3.於世界採取正念的行動 65 4.採取正念的行動單元教學呈現方式 66 (二)從佛教觀點看MindUP採取正念的行動單元 67 1.從當知反復看MindUP表達感恩 67 2.從四攝法看MindUP仁慈行為的履踐 68 3.從廣惠施看於世界採取正念的行動 69 4.從正語、正業、正命看MindUP採取正念的行動 70 (三)小結 72 七、結論 73 參考文獻 75 |
Hits | 633 |
Created date | 2022.06.14 |
Modified date | 2023.01.07 |

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