悟明法師生平與觀音法門實踐研究=The Study of The Biography of Ven. Wu Ming and his Avalokiteśvara Practice. |
Author |
釋法懺=Lu, Mei-line
Date | 2019 |
Pages | 1 - 261 |
Publisher | 佛光大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 佛光大學 |
Department | 佛教學系 |
Advisor | 闞正宗 |
Publication year | 108 |
Keyword | 悟明法師=Venerable Wu Ming; 臨濟=Linji; 觀音=Guanyin; 大悲懺=Great Compassion Mantra; 海明寺=Hai Ming Monastery |
Abstract | 悟明法師出生於河南省商水縣大李莊,生於民國前一年(1911),俗姓李,名俊英。父親成然公經商,母親為劉氏。十四歲於湖北省竹谿縣「觀音閣」出家,禮能靜老和尚圓頂,法名:「仁恩」,號「悟明」;二十歲於湖北省歸元寺受具足戒;三十三歲法嗣於上海留雲禪寺臨濟宗第四十七世;三十九歲跟隨國民政府來臺弘化。一百零二歲圓寂於樹林海明禪寺,適逢觀世音菩薩成道日。入室弟子們依其生前所矚,坐缸建塔,供奉於海明禪寺明園紀念堂,繼續無聲說法,廣度群蒙;其悲心悲願,正印證「肉身雖死,法身常在」之菩薩願心。 悟明法師創辦海明佛學院、玄奘學術研究院、玄奘大學等;並創建海明禪寺等多處道場,亦曾任中國佛教會第十一、十二屆理事長,世界佛教僧伽會第五、六屆會長,及人生哲學會會長等。作育英才,桃李成林,悟明法師終身力行觀音法門,精勤大悲神咒,內傳兩岸,外傳歐美;一生精進三無漏學,蒙彌勒受記,觀音傳法,自是明心見性。而悟明法師終其一生,以自身之修行,來教導我們觀音法門的實踐方法。 觀音法門能除熱惱蠲眾病,此法門易懂又易入,行住坐臥皆能行持。例如:口中可以稱念觀世音菩薩聖號、持誦大悲神咒(八十八句)、身可以禮拜《大悲懺》,意可以觀想觀世音菩薩的慈悲諸相等;聞法者透過自身修行實踐,內心可滅貪嗔癡三毒煩惱,進而轉化為般若智慧。而這份轉化猶如盛開之花朵一般,滿室芳香,能令自己身心清涼;同時,也讓大眾雨露均霑,身心得到安頓。悟明法師的觀音法門修行實踐之方法,予人感受其真實受用,能夠啟迪人們心中的那份善根,令聞法者得到身心自在之解脫。這是筆者深入研究悟明法師生平與觀音法門實踐之目的,而此篇論文將以老和尚的內在禪定功夫,和外顯的慈悲行誼來呈現之。
Venerable Wu Ming (悟明)was born in Henan province, Shang Shui county in 1911 as Li Jun Ying (李俊英). His father Cheng Ran Gong (成然公) was a businessman. His mother’s surname was Liu. When he was 14, he renounced and became a monastic in Guanyin Pavilion (觀音閣) in Hubei province, Zhuxi county under tonsure master Venerable Li Neng Jing (禮能靜). Thereafter, he took on the Dharma names of Ren En (仁恩) and Wu Ming (悟明). At 20, he received full ordination at Guiyuan monastery (歸元寺)in Hubei province; at 33, he became the 47th generation dharma heir in the lineage of Linji at Liu Yun monastery (留雲禪寺)in Shanghai; at 39, he came to Taiwan with the Kuomingtang government; at 102, he passed away in Hai Ming Monastery (海明禪寺) in Shulin District(樹林)on the 19th day of the sixth lunar month in 2011, the day the Bodhisattva Guanyin became a bodhisattva.
As per his instructions, his disciples placed him in a jar upon his death. Out of respect for him, they also built a stupa at his final resting place in Ming Yuan shrine in Hai Ming Monastery (海明寺明園紀念堂) where he continues to spread the Dharma soundlessly. Venerable Wu Ming’s compassion and his compassionate vow are a testament to the bodhisattva’s vow of “The physical body being gone but the dharma body still exists”.
Venerable Wu Ming founded Hai Ming Buddhist College (海明佛學院), Hsuan Chuang Research Centre(玄奘學術研究院)and Hsuan Chuang University(玄奘大學), as well as built up various affiliated temples under Hai Ming Monastery. He was also the 11th and 12th president of the Buddhist Association of the Republic of China (中國佛教會), the 5th and 6th president of the World Buddhist Sangha Council (世界佛教僧伽會) and the president of the Life Philosophy Council(人生哲學會).
Throughout his life, his practice method was the Guanyin practice method(觀音法門)and reciting the Great Compassion Mantra. His teachings spread from Taiwan to China and to the West. He focused on the Three Non-outflows ie. precepts, samadhi and wisdom which bring the practitioner to realise his Buddha nature. He walked the talk and spent his lifetime teaching us the realisation of the Guanyin practice method.
The Guanyin practice method can get rid of vexations and various kinds of illnesses. This method is simple and easy to practice. No matter whether one is walking, standing, sitting or sleeping, one can practice this method. For example, one can verbally recite the Bodhisattva Guanyin’s name or recite the Great Compassion Mantra 88 times; physically, one can do prostrations (the Great Compassion Repentance dharma service); mentally, one can visualise the Bodhisattva Guanyin’s compassionate countenance. After practice, the practitioner can transform the three poisons of greed, aversion and ignorance into prajña wisdom. This transformation is akin to blooming flowers emanating their fragrance everywhere, bringing peace to the practitioner. At the same time, the effects spill over to the people around who also benefit from the dharma practice. Venerable Wu Ming’s Guanyin practice method is practical and people feel its benefits. It inspires the good root in people’s heart and those who hear this dharma are at ease. This is the reason for researching on Venerable Wu Ming’s realisation of the Guanyin practice method. This thesis w |
Table of contents | 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝辭 IV 目錄 V 圖片目錄 VI 表格目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍與研究方法 2 第三節 文獻回顧與研究架構 4 第二章 悟明法師生平與學思 21 第一節 悟明法師生平 22 第二節 玄奘大師對悟明法師的影響 100 第三節 小結 107 第三章 悟明法師的觀音信仰與法門 109 第一節 觀音信仰的因緣 109 第二節 觀音法門的修持 110 第三節 小結 131 第四章 教育、慈善及文化的實踐 133 第一節 教育 133 第二節 慈善救濟與玄奘慈幼院 146 第三節 人生哲學研究會與禪文化的推廣 152 第四節 小結 157 第五章 結論 158 參考資料 162 附錄 169 附錄一 訪談如道法師 169 附錄二 訪談廣元法師 189 附錄三 訪談丁華永夫婦 196 附錄四 訪談淨心法師 203 附錄五 訪談明光法師 206 附錄六 悟明法師簡譜 219 |
Hits | 1288 |
Created date | 2022.06.16 |
Modified date | 2023.01.06 |

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