生命意義作為宗教交談的基礎=The Meaning of Life as the Foundation of Inter-Religious Dialogue |
Author |
高榮孝 (著)=Kao, Jung-hsiao (au.)
Date | 2017 |
Pages | 156 |
Publisher | 輔仁大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | doctor |
Institution | 輔仁大學 |
Department | 宗教學系 |
Advisor | 武金正 |
Publication year | 105 |
Keyword | 生命意義=meaning of life; 宗教交談=inter-religious dialogue; 權力=power |
Abstract | 本論文以生命意義作為宗教交談的基礎,處理人在宗教交談過程中,如何面對權力不對等所造成的迫害問題。生命意義一方面是每個人、宗教都無法迴避的問題,另一方面,生命意義也是人和奧秘關係的展現,因為,每個生命意義都涉及真理,是人的終極關懷,也是宗教性的。 生命意義可分為個人性與公共性兩個層面,在個人生命意義追尋過程中,本真與非本真概念,幫助人在生活世界中獲得個人性的生命意義;然人不是脫離社會的存有,因此,如何在公共領域中與其他人取得彼此生命意義的共識,讓彼此和諧生存於生活世界之中,便是公共性生命意義的目的。 在公共領域中,因自我文化背景的不同,而有不同的認知方法,但單一方向的認知模式容易產生誤解並把人異化,因此,唯有在公共領域的溝通行為中,被異化的人,才有可能獲得主體般的溝通能力,達成互為主體式的理解,並完成公共領域中的生命意義。 亞西西會議與世界宗教博物館給了人在生活世界中,以生命意義作為宗教交談基礎的例子,面對自我生命意義受到挑戰的若望保祿二世與心道法師,都透過與自我宗教教導的交談,獲得生命問題的解答,並將此個人性的生命意義,藉由宗教交談的方式,與其他人分享並達成公共性生命意義的共識。 最後,在生命意義作為宗教交談的基礎概念下,本文對在宗教交談中因權力造成的迫害問題做出回應,本文認為,在權力的迫害下,人能做的,不是去找尋改變他人進入交談的方法,而是先在自我宗教中找尋答案、意義,接下來分享宗教中找尋到的生命意義,最後則是邀請與等待,等待他人意識到此意義的重要性,並且願意改變自我與你進入交談關係中。
This dissertation takes the meaning of life as the foundation of inter-religious dialogue and deals with the problem of unequal power in dialogue. The meaning of life is an inescapable problem for human beings and religion. It is the relationship between Myth and human being, because meaning of life concerns about truth, ultimate concern, and religion. The meaning of life could be composed of individual and public dimension. People get individual meaning of life by authentic or inauthentic choices in their daily life. However, no human beings can live without society, so how to live with others in harmony via public consensus in the world we live in is the purpose of the meaning of life in public dimension. Cognition differs in human beings because of the difference in cultural background. However, mistake or misunderstanding may occur and alienate each other by looking at one single dimension. People who are alienated can only reach the communicative capability as a subject, the intersubjective understanding and the meaning of life through communicative action in public dimension. This dissertation takes Asissi and Museum of World Religions as the meaning of life as the foundation of inter-religious dialogue's examples. John Paul II and Master Hsin-Tao both discover the meaning of life in their religions, share it to others to enrich each other’s life and reach a consensus of the meaning of life in public dimension through inter-religious dialogue. Finally, this dissertation will explore the issues provoked from unequal power in inter-religious dialogue. It states the willingness to enter inter-religious dialogue is the core foundation. Oppression of religious power is not the ultimate solution for the seeking the meaning of life. Human beings should first seek meaning of life from their religions, share it to others and wait for others’ willingness into a dialogue. |
Table of contents | 研究動機 1 研究方法 3 研究目的 5 第一章 生命意義的私領域 17 第一節 生命意義的個人性層面 19 第二節 生命意義的公共性層面 29 第三節 私領域宗教性的生命意義 37 小結 43 第二章 生命意義的公共性領域 45 第一節 私領域生命意義的扭曲 47 第二節 生命意義共識的達成 55 第三節 公共領域宗教性的生命意義 63 小結 77 第三章 生命意義作為宗教交談基礎的實踐案例 79 第一節 亞西西祈禱會 81 第二節 世界宗教博物館 95 小結 111 第四章 生命意義概念對當代宗教交談理論的反思與補充 113 第一節 當代宗教交談理論的反思與補充 115 第二節 生命意義基礎的宗教交談與權力 127 小結 141 結論 143
參考書目 149 附錄 155 |
Hits | 393 |
Created date | 2022.06.23 |
Modified date | 2023.02.03 |

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