2016 年 2 月 6 日美濃地震磚造寺廟震損分析與耐震評估=Damage Analysis and Seismic Evaluation of Masonry Temples in the February 6th , 2016 Meinong Earthquake |
Author |
林子晏 =Lin, Tzu-yen
Date | 2020 |
Pages | 178 |
Publisher | 國立高雄科技大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 高雄市, 臺灣 [Kaohsiung shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 國立高雄科技大學 |
Department | 營建工程系 |
Advisor | 郭耕杖 |
Publication year | 108 |
Keyword | 歷史建築=historic buildings; 廟宇=temples; 磚造=masonry construction; 耐震評估=seismic evaluation |
Abstract | 由於台灣地處歐亞大陸板塊與菲律賓海板塊交接處,屬於地震頻發生地帶。對於歷史建築之維護及活用,確保其耐震性能是重要的課題。 繼 1999 年 921 集集地震後,2016 年 2 月 6 日 的美濃地震造成 最大震度達 7 級。根據台南市政府文化局統計,本次地震受損的歷史建築案例中,超過一半為磚造傳統廟宇。傳統廟宇數量眾多,全台各地均存在, 其構法相似,若再有強震來襲,類似的高損壞比例趨勢恐仍將重現。有鑑於此,本研究以台南市震度 5 級以上地區之磚造傳統寺廟為對象,分析美濃地震中之震損模式,並探討震損與結構相關耐震指標之關係,其中耐震指標包括壁量比、單位面積載重等簡易指標與抗剪強度、基底剪力係數等詳細指標。本研究主要分為兩個階段,第一階段得知對於進深方向 (Y向牆體,當Y向壁量比少於 0.08,且單位牆體載重大於 5000 kgf/m2 時即可能開始發生面內破壞。第二階段透過理論計算寺廟磚牆抗剪強度,可知面內震損之案例所受地震慣性力 分別約在磚牆降伏與極限抗剪強度的 6.3 與 6.1 。 另外,同時進行微振量測 以獲知寺廟自振頻率再迴歸自振頻率實測值與前述剪力係數理論值 之關係迴歸之 R-square 值均高於 0.80 相關性良好,意即可藉由自振頻率來替換抗剪強度相關係數。調查對象之傳統廟宇 面內向自振頻率介於 10 Hz 15 Hz ,面外向介於 5 Hz 8 Hz與幾何參數迴歸公式 R square值可達 0.83 0.93。由於磚造寺廟構造方式相似,本研究所得之分析結果,可應用在全國各地之廟宇,作為耐震評估使用,以便提前預防強震的損害及維護歷史建築。
Earthquakes occur frequently in Taiwan as it is located at the junction of the Eurasian continental plate and the Philippine Sea plate. Hence, for the maintenance and utilization of historical buildings in Taiwan, ensuring their seismic performance is an important issue. After the occurrence of the Meinong earthquake on Feb 6th, 2016, which triggered strong shakings greater than intensity level 7, according to the Cultural Bureau of Tainan City, more than half of the historical building cases damaged by the earthquake were traditional masonry temples. Considering the large number of traditional temples exsisting all over Taiwan, and their structural similarity, once another strong earthquake occurs, traditional temples may subject to similar high damage ratio. In view of this, traditional masonry temples in Tainan subject to seismic intensity level greater than 5 are considered in this study. First, their damage pattern in the Meinong earthquake and the relationship with structural characteristics are investigated, such as wall ratio, load of unit area, and base shear coefficient. From the analysis resalts, for the in-plane direction of side walls, damage of masonry walls may occur, when the wall ratio is less than 0.08, and the load of unit area is greater than 5000kgf/m2. Based on the calculation of the shear strength of wall, it can be identified that damage occurs when the seismic inertia force attains approximately 6.3% and 6.1% of the yield and ultimate shear strength of the wall, respectively. In addition, this study conducted ambient vibration measurement to obtain the natural vibration frequency of the temple. The regression between measured natural frequency and geometric parameter of the temple showed good relation as the R-squared value was greater than 0.8. The natural frequency of the surveyed temples ranged 10~15 Hz and 5~8 Hz for the in-plane and out-of-plane direction, respectively. Due to the structural similarity of masonry temples, the results obtained in this study can be applied to temples across the country, in order to prevent damage in strong earthquakes and to maintain the integrity of historical buildings in advance. |
Table of contents | 第一章、緒論 1 1.1研究動機與目的 1 1.2研究內容 3 第二章、文獻回顧 5 2.1傳統廟宇構造方式及空間樣式概論 5 2.2磚造歷史建築地震震害 8 2.3磚造歷史建築剪力強度 12 2.4磚造寺廟振動特性 14 第三章、0206美濃地震磚造寺廟災損分析 17 3.1調查地區強地動特性 18 3.2調查對象震損情形 23 第四章、傳統廟宇結構特性現地調查與微振動量測 29 4.1傳統廟宇結構特性調查 29 4.2微振動量測 32 4.2.1設備介紹 32 4.2.2微振動量測作業流程 34 4.2.3頻率域分析與自振頻率判讀方式 35 4.3現地調查量測結果與自振頻率分析 37 4.3.1結構特性調查結果 37 4.3.2磚造寺廟自振頻率量測結果分析 39 4.3.3自振頻率經驗公式迴歸 42 4.4小結 44 第五章、震損與耐震指標之關係 45 5.1耐震指標定義 45 (1)壁量比 45 (2)單位面積牆體載重 45 (3)偏心率 45 (4)自振頻率 46 (5)牆體水平抗剪強度 47 (A)無開口牆體 49 (B)有開口牆體 50 (6)基底剪力係數Cy 52 (7)牆體剪應力 52 5.2震損情況與耐震指標之關係 53 5.3依據震損經驗之耐震指標應用方式 57 5.4小結 60 第六章、結論與建議 61 6.1結論 61 6.2建議 62 參考文獻 63 附錄A、微振量測頻率分析 65 附錄B、調查之廟宇剪力強度計算之結果 173 |
Hits | 337 |
Created date | 2022.09.22 |
Modified date | 2023.01.16 |

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