無量壽經在生活與商業的應用=The Application of Abundant Life Sutra in Life and Business |
Author |
王金蘭 (著)=Wang, Jin-Lan (au.)
Date | 2018 |
Pages | 131 |
Publisher | 逢甲大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺中市, 臺灣 [Taichung shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 逢甲大學 |
Department | 商學專業碩士在職學位學程 |
Advisor | 林問一 |
Publication year | 106 |
Keyword | 無量壽經=Infinite Life Sutra; 佛教=Buddhism; 普賢行願=Puxian |
Abstract | 眾生因為無明覆心,三毒熾盛,所以妄念紛飛,憂悲苦惱。正因為如此,所以我們才要學佛。佛是覺者,教是教育,所以佛教就是一種覺悟的教育。覺悟什麼呢?覺悟世間的無常,生命的短暫;覺悟因果如影隨形,諸惡莫作,眾善奉行;覺悟金玉滿堂,莫之能守;覺悟恩愛無常,轉眼成空;覺悟萬法唯心,三界唯識;覺悟煩惱如客塵,自性本不動;覺悟輪迴如大夢,佛性無生死;覺悟緣起性空的宇宙實相……。 這部經《無量壽經》是佛四十九年教化眾生之重心,世尊為我們介紹阿彌陀佛在因地修行發四十八願度眾生成佛、成就了西方極樂世界依正莊嚴而我們娑婆世界苦多樂少、種種苦難,二者相較……。教我們依教奉行真正去接受這種「覺悟的教育」,讓它融入我們的生命,這樣才能破除一切的執著,才能走出生命的重重迷惑。 若能信能行是圓滿的幫助我們解決一切苦難,使我們在這一生當中得到幸福快樂、家庭美滿、事業順利、社會和諧、國家富強、世界大同乃至斷煩惱出三界是無比的利益與恩惠。
All sentient beings because of the ignorance of the heart, three poison flaming, so delusion swirling, sorrow and sorrow. That's why we have to learn Buddhism. Buddha is the awakened one, teaching is education, so Buddhism is an enlightened education. Enlightened what? Awareness of the impermanence of the world, the short life, consciousness and cause and effect, Chuching, all good to pursue, awareness feast, MO can keep; consciousness and love impermanence, the twinkling of an eye into the sky, consciousness million Dharma idealism, the three realms only knowledge, consciousness troubles such as guest dust, self does not move, consciousness reincarnation such as Dream, Buddha sex without life and death, enlightened the origin of empty universe reality. This sutra is the center of Buddha's 49 years of enlightenment to all sentient beings. The Buddha introduced to us the Buddha in the spiritual practice of 48 willing to make all sentient beings into a Buddha, the achievement of the Western Paradise in accordance with the solemn and we are the world's more than the joy of happiness, all kinds of suffering, the two compare ... Teach us to follow the real to accept this "enlightened education", let it into our lives, so as to break all the perseverance, to get out of the confusion of life. If we can believe that the best way is to help us solve all the suffering, so that we in this lifetime to get happiness and happiness, family happiness, career smooth, social harmony, the country rich and powerful, the world of Datong and even the trouble of three realms is incomparable benefits and favors. |
Table of contents | 第一章 緒論 1 第一節研究動機 1 第二節研究目的 3 第三節研究範圍與方法 5 第二章認識佛教 6 第一節什麼是佛法 6 第二節什麼是佛教 9 第三節佛陀教育的目標 11 第三章無量壽經概說 15 第一節無量壽經由來 15 第二節本經的地位、要義、影響 24 第三節主要闡述 27 第四章世間人民及佛教戒 52 第一節濁世惡苦 55 第二節佛教戒 65 第五章生活及商業應用 77 第一節安住一切功德法中 77 第二節普賢行願 78 第三節依教奉行成就者實例 121 第六章結論 125 參考文獻 126 |
Hits | 273 |
Created date | 2022.09.28 |
Modified date | 2023.01.17 |

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