從《法華經.四安樂行》解析星雲大師人間佛教的現代實踐=A Research of the Four Modes of Happiness in the Lotus Sutra and Its Practice in Modern Times – A Case Study of the Doctrines of Master Hsing Yun’s Humanistic Buddhism |
Author |
洪瑀謙 =Hung, Yu-chien
Date | 2017 |
Pages | 104 |
Publisher | 佛光大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 佛光大學 |
Department | 佛教學系 |
Advisor | 釋永東 |
Publication year | 105 |
Keyword | 法華經人間=Lotus Sutra; 四安樂行=Four modes of happiness; 星雲=Hsing Yun; 佛教=Humanistic Buddhism |
Abstract | 《法華經.安樂行品》的佛典文本,言說架構、文字義理精簡深刻而有力,是世尊得諸修道經驗的體會,示教眾生認識佛法,側重實踐修行的實務方法,讓人們可以透過信、解、行、證方式,精確掌握自證種種力量的重要依據,再者,透過古代高僧大德們《法華經》注著疏的考察、解析與論證,更能提高自己思辯想像的理解能力,深入分析《法華經.安樂行品》適合於現今時代人們,對實踐修行的觀念。 人類生來不知萬事萬物,沒有是非善惡的觀念,必須藉由知識的獲取、理則的實踐,賦予(精神)探索價值標準思想理念,學習面對(物質)外在環境與現象,進行待人接物的種種活動,達到身與心的平和狀態,圓滿生命的歷程。此知識的獲取、理則的實踐便是一個人的身、口、意、誓願的定位標準,本文透過「信解行證」的思考邏輯,審慎評估四安樂行的實踐規範,「身」立身處世、「口」謹慎發言、「意」遠離諸惡及「誓願」心念的慈悲心行等顯著意義的規範準則,呈顯自身主宰生命的格局與價值,締造「生命的向度」圓滿之完整性。 本文運用文獻分析揭明歷史蹤跡,並重視義理詮釋作為立言根據,採取傅偉勳的五個層次之詮釋學方法進行探究。首先,提出緒論的開展,研究進路依序為研究動機、目的、範圍與方法,以及前人的研究成果。其次,《法華經》傳譯淵源、組織架構,提出《法華經》「四安樂行」的重要性,解讀「四安樂行」身、口、意、誓願安樂行之涵意與義蘊。繼之,對《法華經》人物實踐「四安樂行」的探討,試圖分別從菩薩、聲聞人物的人格風範、修行特質,凸顯出實踐「四安樂行」修道理趣的核心觀點。接著,耙梳星雲人間佛教的思想建構觀,探討星雲人間佛教思想與「四安樂行」的關連性,以及運用於現代社會的可行性,歸納申述星雲人間佛教思想的實踐典範,討論對社會的應用價值,並對近代佛教的影響與具體貢獻。最後結論,為本文研究成果之做一評估總結。
The Chapter of Modes of Happiness of the Lotus Sutra is well-structured, with precise and forceful exposition of the underlying ideas; it represents the practical experience gained by the World-Honored during his spiritual cultivation and is meant to guide all people in the understanding of Dharma. It stresses the practical side in spiritual cultivation, enabling people to accurately grasp for themselves the important evidence of the various forces that come with self-realization through the four processes of belief, understanding, practice and realization. Further, by scrutinizing, analyzing and discoursing upon the annotations made by eminent monks of ancient times on the Lotus Sutra, one can strengthen one’s analytical, imaginative and understanding powers with which to do in-depth analysis of the Chapter of Modes of Happiness of the Lotus Sutra to determine if it is a suitable vehicle of thought for modern people to pursue spiritual cultivation. The motive and objective of this study. Human beings are born ignorant of all things, and without any concept of good and evil. They acquire knowledge and put concepts into practice, thereby fostering their mental faculty of exploring value standards and intellectual conceptions, of learning to face the external (material) environment and happenings, of engaging in various interpersonal activities, with a view to achieving harmony of body and mind as well as an impeccable life. Such acquisition of knowledge and practice of concepts are the benchmarks for determining one’s physical actions, spoken words, thoughts and vows. Through logical thinking based on “belief, understanding, practice and realization”, this article aims to prudently assess any obvious meaning or otherwise of the paradigm of practice regarding the four modes of happiness, that is, paradigmatic yardsticks of “physical actions” that require proper attitudes in dealing with worldly affairs, of “spoken words” that require cautious speech, of “thoughts” that require dissociation with all evils, and of “vows” that require compassionate actions; to see whether together they can manifest the state and value of being the master of one’s life in order to achieve complete integrity of “life’s orientation”. Methodology of this study. Available relevant literature was analyzed to trace historical facts, with emphasis on annotations of the underlying meanings of the sutra as the basis to establish any conclusion. The five-step method of annotation developed by Dr. Fu Weixun was used in the study. First, an introduction was made to briefly outline the steps of the study which are, in order, the motive, objective, scope and methodology of the study, and the findings of previous studies. Next, the history of translation of the Lotus Sutra is examined, so is the construction of the sutra; the importance of the “four modes of happiness” in the Lotus Sutra is raised, with exposition of the meanings and connotations of the four modes of happiness, that is, those concerning physical actions, spoken words, thoughts and vows. This is followed by a study of the ways personalities practiced the four modes of happiness as they appeared in the Lotus Sutra, with an at |
Table of contents | 摘要 I ABSTRACT III 致謝辭 V 目錄 VI 第 一 章: 緒論 1 第一節: 研究動機與目的 1 第二節: 研究範圍與研究方法 3 第三節: 文獻回顧 7 第 二 章: 《法華經》「四安樂行」義蘊之解讀 12 第一節: 《法華經》傳譯淵源與組織架構 12 第二節: 《安樂行品》的重要性 24 第三節: 《法華經》「四安樂行」之涵義 31 第 三 章: 《法華經》人物實踐「四安樂行」的探析 41 第一節: 《法華經》人物展現「四安樂行」的修行觀點 41 第二節: 《法華經》菩薩人物的因行與果德之特色 47 第三節: 《法華經》聲聞、緣覺人物的因行與果德之特色 56 第 四 章: 星雲人間佛教思想「四安樂行」之現代實踐 64 第一節: 星雲人間佛教的思想建構 64 第二節: 星雲人間佛教思想與「四安樂行」的關涉性 71 第三節: 綜述星雲人間佛教思想的現代運用與實踐 79 第 五 章: 結論 86 參考資料 91 佛教典籍和古籍 91 專書 92 論文 94 網站 95
Hits | 333 |
Created date | 2022.09.29 |
Modified date | 2023.01.06 |

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