禪境-花藝創作論述=Zen Phenomenon: A Study on the Creation of Floral Design |
Author |
黃碧琴 (撰)=Huang, Pi-chin (compose)
Date | 2021 |
Pages | 233 |
Publisher | 東方設計大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 高雄市, 臺灣 [Kaohsiung shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 東方設計大學 |
Department | 流行商品設計系 |
Advisor | 洪世杰、鄭義融 |
Publication year | 109 |
Keyword | 禪境=Zen; 花藝=Floral Design; 借景=Borrowing Scenery; 真空妙有=Vacuum Wonderfulness; 參禪三偈=Participation in Zen Three Verses |
Abstract | 禪,靜思之意;境,指感知界域。禪境-花藝創作論述是作者將生活歷練與自然觀照體悟,演繹在花藝創作的實踐紀錄,亦為素材運用實作與空間意境裝置,實證「禪境」真空妙有的創作歷程。題材創思源自於欣賞不同「禪」作品的領悟,萌生以空間借景概念,揣摩水墨意境營造手法,參照四季色彩連結佛家色空意涵,採用永生花結合花藝技巧實作,最後模擬觀者角度情境佈置展出,進行反思及作品命名,完成影像紀錄與創作論述。 素材運用創思實作含「歲月」、「靜心」與「祈願」等三系列,「歲月」係回憶過往歷程,為青春縱逝心境註腳;「靜心」是花藝人生看繁華落盡,藉由創作參透反璞真諦;「祈願」為描繪凡事隨緣,以願力祝禱福澤心意。後續策劃「禪境風華」個展,以空間意境裝置創意之「風華」系列,係感知萬般皆無常,透過靜思與創作,結合運用「參禪三偈」啟承轉合,以生命歸真是人生風韻。此理念在於建構物境營造情境和意境,引導觀者做連結,體會心境與意境感知,感悟禪境之妙有。 禪境意涵到花藝設計與意境裝置的創作探索,感知物境萬象佛家色空一體兩面,虛實並存。惟有創作已然是一生的課業,學理研修與事物觀察應作日常修持,將來更致力於研究與分享,期待能豐富生命視野與底蘊。
“Zen” means the meditation, and the “Phenomenon” refers to the realization of perception. Zen Phenomenon-study on the creation of floral design, is the practice records of author’s both life experience and natural contemplation in floral creation. It is the creative process of adopting material imagery and special contextual installation to demonstrate the vacuum wonderful of Zen. The creation comes first from the realization of different "Zen" works, including the concept of spatial borrowing, the artistic conception of ink and wash, the notion of Buddhism form and emptiness through the seasonal colors, and the floral design of natural dry and immortal flowers. Then both the reflection and naming of the works are carried out by the exhibition from the perspective of the viewer, and simultaneously complete the video recording and creative commentary. The stages of implementation of materials consist of four series: "Years", "Meditation" "Prayer" and "Elegance". The "Years" recall the past, using works as a footnote of following youth with flying feet; the "Meditation" is a floral art to see the process of diminishing, with the return of innocence through creation; the "Prayer" depicts doing whatever it takes with a willingness if blessing; the "Elegance" means returning to the truth, in the heart and perception. The complete concept is to perceive the impermanence of all things, and through meditation and creation, to practice the installation of imagery, and to curate a solo exhibition of Zen Style. The main area, Three Verses of Zen, demonstrates inheritance to transformation, and the returning to the truth which is the rhythm of life. The idea is to construct and create a situation by guiding the viewer to integrate the perception of the mood and mind, and finally experience the beauty of Zen. From the connotative form of Zen to the creative process of floral design and artistic conception installation, it is perceived that the Buddhism form and emptiness is one with two sides, real and virtual. Creation is a lifelong task, while academic research and observation are the daily assignment, and practice is the only way. In the future, I will be more committed to conducting research and sharing, looking forward to enriching the vision and heritage of life. |
Table of contents | 摘要 i Abstract ii 目錄 iii 表目錄 v 圖目錄 vi 第一章 創作理念 8 1.1 創作緣起 8 1.2 創作歷程 9 1.2.1 創思階段 10 1.2.2 實踐階段 11 1.2.3 反思與命名階段 12 1.2.4 展出與回饋階段 13 1.3 創作實踐階段 14 1.3.1 素材色彩意象 14 1.3.2 空間意境裝置 16 1.4 名詞釋義 18 1.4.1 禪境 18 1.4.2 花藝設計 18 1.4.3 永生花 18 第二章 學理基礎 19 2.1 禪與境 19 2.2 花藝設計 27 2.3 空間借景 31 2.4 水墨情境 34 2.5 佛家色彩 37 2.6 參禪三偈 50 第三章 主題與內容 53 3.1 禪境詮釋 54 3.1.1 歲月 57 3.1.2 靜心 59 3.1.3 祈願 60 3.1.4 風華 61 3.2 真空妙有意象 62 3.3 借景 67 3.4 參禪三偈導引 70 第四章 作品分析與闡釋 72 4.1 作品分析 73 4.1.1 歲月系列 73 光陰 73 時光 75 時光荏苒 77 流轉 79 白駒過隙 81 風華 83 海枯石爛 86 天長地久 88 4.1.2 靜心系列 92 印心 92 映念 94 曙光 96 松吟 98 歸真 100 4.1.3 祈願系列 102 心願 102 悲願 104 分緣 106 善緣 108 願力 110 祈福 112 祝禱 114 元神 116 心界 118 4.1.4 風華系列 120 忘我 121 真空 124 人生風韻 125 了悟情境 127 性靈芬華 129 心境禪意 132 禪境風華 135 參禪三偈 137 第五章 省思與展望 138 5.1 創作理念的省思 138 5.2 學理應用的省思 139 5.3 主題與內容的省思 140 5.4 作品分析與闡釋省思 140 5.5 展望 140 參考文獻 142 附錄1 歷年作品表 147 附錄2 花藝工法表 182 附錄3 創作素材表 211 簡歷 228 |
Hits | 312 |
Created date | 2022.10.14 |
Modified date | 2023.01.07 |

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