「頓」中開出次第化漸修—聖嚴法師禪法的革新與調和=Methodical and Gradual Path Stemmed from “Sudden Teaching”—Renovation and Concord of Master Sheng-Yen’s Teaching of Meditation |
Author |
張雅雯 (著)=Chang, Ya-wen (au.)
Source |
Date | 2015.09 |
Pages | 5 - 41 |
Publisher | 華梵大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者為法鼓文理學院博士班。 |
Keyword | 禪=Chan(Zen, Meditation); 聖嚴法師=Master Sheng-Yen; 頓悟=sudden; 次第漸修=methodical and gradual; 空性=emptiness |
Abstract | 本論文主要探討聖嚴法師「在頓中開出次第化漸修」禪法之特色與現代意義,嘗試以「實踐教學角度」切入解讀法師禪法,採取綜合考量文義、體系、歷史、目的因素的研究方法,分析其基於「空性」而得應機提供現代人融通頓漸次第的革新禪法,基於「空性」而得適應現代社會的實踐性與多元性需求。本文將聖嚴法師禪法置入「修行取悟過程」的實踐脈絡探討,其禪修體系既因應現代需求而廣納南傳、藏傳、日、韓、越等聲聞乘與大乘次第禪法以及話頭禪、默照禪法,又同時保有禪宗頓悟禪法之精髓,「頓悟法門」與「漸修」、「次第法門」間自文義表象看似存在衝突,實則不然;以體系、歷史、目的等諸項因素綜合檢視:聖嚴法師融通頓漸次第的禪法,由入門開始使用包含次第漸悟法門與頓悟法門的種種修行方法,但在關鍵時刻改採話頭、默照的頓悟法門乃屬於可化解的體系內矛盾;在歷史溯源上,法師所傳承的是融合諸宗精華的禪宗禪法,而非狹義的禪宗「頓悟法門」;而由實踐教學、啟發禪眾的目的觀察,法師的創新禪法與禪宗開創新宗、新法門的祖師們一樣具有因應時代轉變的社會適應性以及面對個案應機教化的彈性;此以「次第化漸修法門」接引禪眾的靈活變通特色,與祖師們共通的活水源頭、核心關鍵,可推斷為聖嚴法師「在頓中開出次第化漸修」禪法中的「頓」,此一「頓」指涉者應不僅指狹義的「頓悟法門」,而是意涵更為寬廣的「頓」,即「空性」、「無我」、傳承禪宗「祖師禪」宗旨的「頓悟」智慧。聖嚴法師禪法透過禪宗「空性」、「無我」與「無住」精神之開展,調和「次第化漸修法門」與「頓悟法門」以同時達成接引現代禪眾的「啟後」與傳承祖師禪的「承先」目的;其以實踐角度開展的禪學應用,進程為「提起、放下、再提起」,由「有」至「空」、應化眾生需求隨即再變幻「有」的「即空即有」、「提放不二」;而源自「空性」不囿於自我立場的「無我」態度,更可使個人逐漸去除我執而尊重每一個體選擇適合自己的價值與信仰;此基於「空性」展現的適應性、實踐 多元性,正是聖嚴法師「在『頓』中開出次第化漸修」禪法兼具傳承與革新特色的真正展現。
From the practical and training perspective, Master Sheng-Yen’s teaching of meditation is characterized by methodical and gradual approaches and thus reforms the stereotypical identification of “sudden approach” in Chan tradition. However, his fundamental meditation theory is actually stemmed from the “sudden teaching” of ChanSchool, i.e. the teaching of “emptiness’’. By situating Master Sheng-Yen’s teaching of meditation within the practical context on the path to enlightenment and taking a hermeneutical shift from philological to “systematical”, historical and objective interpretations, this research argues that although Master Sheng-Yen’s gradual training style is methodologically distinct form the “direct” and “sudden” Chan tradition, its essence is the very concept of “emptiness’’ in Zu-Shi Chan(祖師禪). Based on the concept of “emptiness” and “the dependent origination”, the diverse application of “sudden”, “direct”, “gradual” and “stepwise” approaches in his teaching is practically for purpose of guiding different students; it is neither a “method-free”“sudden” approach, nor a rigid “following-through” of a gradual step-by-step instruction. Master Sheng- Yen’s teaching renovates the Chan School by harmonizing different approaches of meditation and presents the essence of “no-attachment”, “liberating-insight” and “emptiness” in Chan. |
Table of contents | 前言 7 壹、研究背景說明 8 一、頓漸論議與本文聚焦範疇 8 二、聖嚴法師融通頓漸次第之禪法特色 10 貳、置入禪宗修行取悟過程分析—比對《牧牛圖頌》與祖師語錄 13 一、《牧牛圖頌》有關修行取悟之進展說明 13 二、《禪宗語錄》有關修行取悟之進展說明 15 二、解讀聖嚴法師「頓悟法門」與「次第化漸修法門」並存的調和之道 22 (一)體系因素 23 (二)歷史因素 24 (三)目的因素 25 (四)小結 28 肆、自「空性」、「無我」開展的「無住」之法 29 一、從「頓」中開展—自「頓悟」、「空性」、「無我」開展 30 二、開展出變化多端的修行方法—包含「次第化漸修」 31 伍、結論 34 陸、參考文獻 38
Hits | 500 |
Created date | 2022.10.26 |
Modified date | 2023.09.27 |
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