

Bond, George D.  


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Bond, George Doherty


全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  20th century sinhalese idea of ultimate reality and meaning Bond, George D.; Gamburd, Geraldine Ultimate Reality and Meaning
  Book Review: "Buddhism in Life: The Anthropological Study of Religion and the Sinhalese Practice of Buddhism," by Martin Southwold Bond, George D. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1985
  Book Review: A Handbook of Pali Literature By Oskar von Hinuber Bond, George D. Journal of the American Oriental Society 1998.01-03
  Book Review: Early Buddhist Philosophy in the Light of the Four Noble Truths. By Alfonso Verdu. Bond, George D. (著) The Journal of Asian Studies 1981.08
  Book Reviews: Selfless Persons: Imagery and Thought in Theravada Buddhism By Steven Collins; Self and Non-Self in Early Buddhism By Joaquín Pérez-Remón Bond, George D. History of Religions 1983.11
  Buddha in Sri Lanka: Remembered Yesterdays Swarna, Wickremeratne; Bond, George Doherty 2006.09
  Buddhism at Work: Community Development, Social Empowerment and the Sarvodaya Movement Bond, George D. 2004.01
  Buddhism at Work: Community Development, Social Empowerment, and the Sarvodaya Movement Bond, George Doherty 2003.12.01
  Buddhism in practice:community development, social empowerment and the Sarvodaya Movement Bond, George Doherty 2003.10
  Buddhist Revival in Sri Lanka:religious tradition, reinterpretation and response Bond, George D. 1988
  Conflicts of Identity and Interpretation in Buddhism:The Clash between the Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement and the Government of President Premadasa Bond, George D. (著) Buddhist Fundamentalism and Minority Identities in Sri Lanka 1998
  History and interpretation in Theravada Buddhism and Christianity Bond, George D. Encounter 1978
  Sainthood: Its Manifestations in World Religions Kieckhefer, Richard; Bond, George D. 1988
  Self or No-Self in Theravada Buddhism Bond, George D. (著) History of Religions 1983.11
  Tathagata Bond, George D. Encyclopedia of Religion 1986
  The arahant:sainthood in Theravada Buddhism Bond, George Doherty Sainthood 1988
  The Buddhist Revival in Sri Lanka Bond, George D. 1992.12
  The Buddhist Revival in Sri Lanka: Religious Tradition, Reinterpretation and Response Bond, George D. 1988.10.01
  The Comity and Grace of Method: Essays in Honor of Edmund F. Perry Ryba, Thomas; Bond, George D.; Tull, Herman Wayne 2004
  The Contemporary Lay Meditation Movement and Lay Gurus in Sri Lanka Bond, George D. Religion 2003.01
  The Development and Elaboration of the Arahant Ideal in the Theravada Buddhist Tradition [bibliog] Bond, George D. Dialogue 1984
  The Development and Elaboration of the Arahant Ideal in the Theravada Buddhist Tradition [bibliog] Bond, George D. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 1984.06
  The gradual path as a hermeneutical approach to the Dhamma the Netti and the Petakopadesa Bond, George Doherty (著) Buddhist Hermeneutics 1988
  The Insight Meditation Movement in Contemporary Theravada Buddhism Bond, George D. Journal of the Institute for the Sutdy of Religion and Culture 1987
  The nature and meaning of the Netti-Pakarana Bond, George D. Studies in Pali and Buddhism 1979
  The Netti-Pakarana:a Theravada method of interpretation Bond, George D. (著) Buddhist Studies in Honour of Walpola Rahula 1980
  The problem of interpretation in Theravada Buddhism and Christianity Bond, George Doherty 1981, 1972
  The word of the Buddha:the Tipitaka and its interpretation in Theraveda Buddhism [1st ed.] Bond, George Doherty 1982
  Theravada Buddhism and the aims of Buddhist studies Bond, George D. Studies in the history of Buddhism 1980
  Theravada Buddhism's Meditations on Death and the Symbolism of Initiatory Death Bond, George D. History of Religions 1980.02
  Theravada Buddhism's Two Formulations of the Dasa Sila and the Ethics of the Gradual Path Bond, George D.; Hoffman, Frank J.; Deegalle, Mahinda Pali Buddhism 1996.07
  Wisdom and Compassion: Two Paradigms of Humanistic Buddhist Movements=慈悲與智慧 -- 人間佛教二模範 Bond, George D. Hsi Lai Journal of Humanistic Buddhism=西來人間佛教學報 2000