シリアル番号: |
66196 |
別名: |
Washizuka, Hiromitsu |
種類: |
個人サイト: |
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タイトル |
著者 |
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 |
Enlightenment Embodied: The Art of the Japanese Sculptor (7th–14th Centuries) |
Washizuka, Hiromitsu; Goepper, Roger |
1997 |
Review Article - Transmitting the Forms of Divinity: Early Buddhist Art from Korea and Japan |
Bogel, Cynthea; Kang, Woo-bang; Richard, Naomi Noble; Washizuka, Hiromitsu; Youngbok, Park |
Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 |
2005.01 |
Transmitting the Forms of Divinity: Early Buddhist Art from Korea and Japan |
Washizuka, Hiromitsu (著)=鷲塚泰光 (au.); Park, Young-bok (著); Kang, Woo-bang (著)=姜友邦 (au.); Ariga, Yoshitaka (著)=有賀祥隆 (au.) |
2003.04.01 |
山梨県・福光園寺蔵の木造吉祥天及び二天像について=Interpretation of Frontispieces: Wooden Statues of Śrīmahādevī, Dhṛtarāṣṭra and Vaiṣravaṇa of the Fukukōen-ji in Yamanashi Prefecture |
鷲塚泰光 (著)=Washizuka, Hiromitsu (au.) |
佛敎藝術=Ars buddhica=仏教芸術=佛教藝術 |
1983.07 |
日本上代における仏像の荘厳 |
鷲塚泰光 |
2003.03 |
北陸・越後に遺る金銅仏=Bronze Bddhist Images Remaining in the Hokuriku and Echigo Districts of Japan |
鷲塚泰光 (著)=Washizuka, Hiromitsu (au.) |
佛敎藝術=Ars buddhica=仏教芸術=佛教藝術 |
1973.04 |
室生寺 |
鷲塚泰光 |
1991.03 |
仏像を旅する「山陰線」 -- ふるさとの自然・文学・民俗 |
鷲塚泰光 |
1989.06 |
円応寺の閻魔十王像について=Yama-raja and the other Buddhist Images in the Enno-ji, Kamakura |
鷲塚泰光 (著)=Washizuka, Hiromitsu (au.) |
佛敎藝術=Ars buddhica=仏教芸術=佛教藝術 |
1972.12 |