シリアル番号: |
70272 |
別名: |
クレーマ, ハンス・マーティン |
種類: |
個人著者 |
個人サイト: |
全文 |
タイトル |
著者 |
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 |
Beyond the Dark Valley: Reinterpreting Christian Reactions to the 1939 Religious Organizations Law |
Krämer, Hans Martin |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
2011 |
Book Review: "JAPANimals: History and Culture in Japan's Animal Life," by Gregory M. Pflugfelder and Brett L. Walker (ed.) |
Krämer, Hans Martin |
Monumenta Nipponica |
2007 |
Book Review: Against Harmony: Progressive and Radical Buddhism in Modern Japan by James Mark Shields |
Krämer, Hans Martin (評論) |
Monumenta Nipponica |
2020 |
Book Review: Micah Auerback, A Storied Sage: Canon and Creation in the Making of a Japanese Buddha |
Krämer, Hans Martin (著) |
History of Religions |
2020.02 |
Buddhism and Modernity: Sources from Nineteenth Century Japan |
Klautau, Orion (編); Krämer, Hans Martin (編) |
2021.10 |
How "Religion" Came to Be Translated as Shukyo: Shimaji Mokurai and the Appropriation of Religion in Early Meiji Japan=“Religion”の訳語が「宗教」となった経緯 : 島地黙雷と明治初期の日本における宗教概念の取り込み |
Krämer, Hans Martin |
Japan Review: Journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies=日本研究=Nichibunken Japan Review=Bulletin of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies |
2013.08 |
Reconceiving the Secular in Early Meiji Japan: Shimaji Mokurai, Buddhism, Shinto, and the Nation=明治初期の《世俗性》の再考 : 島地黙雷、仏教、神道、国家 |
Krämer, Hans Martin (著)=クレーマ, ハンス・マーティン (au.) |
Japan Review: Journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies=日本研究=Nichibunken Japan Review=Bulletin of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies |
2017.07 |
Shimaji Mokurai and the Reconception of Religion and the Secular in Modern Japan |
Krämer, Hans Martin (著) |
2015.06 |
近代日本における「宗教」概念の西洋的起源 : 島地黙雷のヨーロッパ滞在を中心に=The Western Sources of "Religion" in Modern Japan : Shimaji Mokurai and His Trip to Europe |
クレーマ, ハンス・マーティン (著)=Krämer, Hans Martin (au.) |
宗教研究=Journal of Religious Studies=シュウキョウ ケンキュウ |
2014.12.30 |