全文 |
タイトル |
著者 |
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 |
… While the Scholar in His Wisdom Bows Down to the Truth |
Loy, David R. |
Cultural Dynamics |
1996.07 |
A Buddhist Critique of Transnational Corporations=Can Corporations Become Enlightened? A Buddhist Critique of Transnational Corporations |
Loy, David R. |
Globalisation: the Responses of Religions in the Seatheast Asia Region |
1997.07 |
A Buddhist God? |
Loy, David R. |
Tikkun |
2014 |
A Buddhist History of the West: Studies in Lack |
Loy, David R. (著) |
2002.02 |
A Buddhist Response to the Climate Emergency |
Gyurme Dorje ; Loy, David R. ; Stanley, John |
2009.08.01 |
A Different Enlightened Jurisprudence |
Loy, David R. (著) |
Saint Louis University Law Journal |
2010 |
A New Holy War Against Evil? A Buddhist Response |
Loy, David R. (著)=洛伊, 大衛 (au.) |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
2001 |
A Zen Cloud? Comparing Zen "Koan" Practice with "The Cloud of Unknowing" |
Loy, David R. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
1989 |
A Zen Cloud? Comparing Zen Koan Practice with The Cloud of Unknowing |
Loy, David R. (著) |
Budhi=Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture |
1997 |
Avoiding the Void: The Lack of Self in Psychotherapy and Buddhism |
Loy, David R. |
The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology |
1992.10 |
Awareness Bound and Unbound: Buddhist Essays |
Loy, David R. |
2009.07.09 |
Awareness Bound and Unbound: Realizing the Nature of Attention |
Loy, David R. |
Philosophy East and West |
2008.04 |
Beyond Good and Evil? A Buddhist Critique of Nietzsche |
Loy, David R. |
Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East |
1996 |
Book Reivew: Religious Pluralism and Christian Truth By Joseph Stephen O'Leary |
Loy, David R. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
1998 |
Book Review: "Buddhism and Christianity: A Multicultural History of Their Dialogue," by Whalen Lai & Michael von Bruck |
Loy, David R. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2003 |
Book Review: "Buddhism in the Public Sphere: Reorienting Global Interdependence", by Peter D. Hershock |
Loy, David R. |
Philosophy East and West |
2008.01 |
Book Review: "Cult of Nothingness: The Philosophers and the Buddha", tn. David Streight and Pamela Vohnson |
Loy, David R. |
2003.12 |
Book Review: "Elaborations on Emptiness: Uses of the Heart Sutra", by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. |
Loy, David R. |
Philosophy East and West |
1999.10 |
Book Review: "Evil and/or/as The Good: Omnicentrism, Intersubjectivity, and Value Paradox in Tiantai Buddhist Thought", by Brook Ziporyn |
Loy, David R. |
Philosophy East and West |
2004.01 |
Book Review: "Nirvana and Other Buddhist Felicities", by Steven Collins |
Loy, David R. |
Philosophy East and West |
2000.07 |
Book Review: "Religious Pluralism and Christian Truth", by Joseph Stephen O'Leary |
Loy, David R. (著)=洛伊, 大衛 (au.) |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
1997 |
Book Review: "The Foundational Standpoint of Madhyamika Philosophy", by Gadjin Nagao."Madhymaka Schools in India: A Study of the Madhyamaka Philosophy and of the Division of the System into the Prasangika and Svatantrika Schools", by Peter Della Santina |
Loy, David R. |
Philosophy East and West |
1992.01 |
Book review: "The Happiness Project: Transforming the Three Poisons that Cause the Suffering We Inflict on Ourselves and Others," by Ron Leifer |
Loy, David R. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2001 |
Book Review: "Zen at War", by Brian Victoria |
Loy, David R. |
Journal of the American Academy of Religion |
1999.09 |
Book Review: "Zen War Stories," by Brian Daizen Victoria |
Loy, David R. |
Journal of Buddhist Ethics |
2004 |
Book Review: Nietzsche and Buddhism: A study in Nihilism and Ironic Affinities By R.G. Morrison |
Loy, David R. |
Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East |
1998 |
Book Review: Pain and Its Ending: The Four Noble Truths in the Theravāda Buddhist Canon, by Carol S. Anderson |
Loy, David R. (評論) |
International Journal of Hindu Studies |
2003.02 |
Book Review: Philosophical Meditations on Zen Buddhism By Dale S. Wright |
Loy, David R. |
Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East |
2000 |
Book Review: Practically Religious: Worldly Benefits and the Common Religion of Japan By Ian Reader and George J. Tanabe, Jr. |
Loy, David R. |
Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East |
2000 |
Book Review: Psychoanalysis and Buddhism: An Unfolding Dialogue by Jeremy D. Safran |
Loy, David R. |
Philosophy East and West |
2005.04 |
Book Reviews: The Cult of Nothingness: The Philosophers and the Buddha By Roger-Pol Droit |
Loy, David R. |
H-Net Reviews in the Humanities & Social Sciences |
2003.12 |
Buddhism and Money |
Loy, David R. |
Radical Buddhism: Essays in Honor of Bhikkhu Buddhadasa's 84th Birthday |
1991 |
Buddhism and Money |
Loy, David R. |
Mindfulness and Meaningful Work: Explorations in Right Livelihood |
1994 |
Buddhism and Money: The Repression of Emptiness Today |
Loy, David R. (著) |
Buddhist Ethics and Modern Society: An International Symposium |
1991 |
Buddhism and poverty |
Loy, David R. |
Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal |
2001 |
Buddhism and Poverty=Bouddhisme et Pauvrete |
Loy, David R. |
Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal |
2001 |
Buddhismus und Wirtschaft |
Sangharakshita, Urgyen (著); Watts, Jonathan (著); Loy, David (著); Liegl, Werner (著); Wagner, Hans-Günter (著); Phra Paisan Visalo (著) |
2000 |
Buddhist Wisdom: The Path to Enlightenment (Sacred Wisdom) |
Benedict, Gerald; Loy, David R. |
2009.04.07 |
Bursting the Bubbles |
Loy, David |
Insight Journal =Full moon Insight Journal |
2010.01.01 |
Chapter One of the Tao Tê Ching: A ‘New’ Interpretation |
Loy, David (著) |
Religious Studies |
1985.09 |
Chuang-tzu and Nagarjuna on the Truth of No Truth |
Loy, David R. |
Essays on Skepticism, Relativism, and Ethics in the Zhuangzi |
1996 |
Das Vermeiden der Leere: Der Mangel eines Selbst in Psychotherapie und Buddhismus=Avoiding the Void: The Lack of Self in Psychotherapy and Buddhism |
Schiekel, Munish B.; Loy, David R. |
Kleine Uebersicht ueber Philosophie und Praxis einiger Buddhistischer Schulen |
2001 |
Dead Words, Living Words, and Healing Words:The Dissemination of Doogen and Eckhart |
Loy, David R. |
Healing Deconstruction: Postmodern Thought in Buddhism and Christianity |
1996 |
Dinero, sexo, guerra y karma: Ideas para una revolucion buddhista (Spanish Edition) |
Loy, David |
2010.05.01 |
Ecodharma: a new Buddhist path? |
Loy, David |
Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2020 |
Enlightenment in Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta:Are Nirvana and Moksha the Same? |
Loy, David R. |
International Philosophical Quarterly |
1982.03 |
Erleuchtung, Evolution, Ethik: Ein neuer buddhistischer Pfad |
Loy, David R. (著); Jansen, Rüdiger Dhammaloka (譯) |
2015.10.06 |
Evil as the Good? A Reply to Brook Ziporyn |
Loy, David R. |
Philosophy East and West |
2005.04 |
Frederick J. Streng Book Award |
Loy, David |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2000 |
Geld, Sex, Krieg, Karma: Anmerkungen zu einer buddhistischen Revolution |
Loy, David R. (著) |
2018.07.03 |
Globalizing Education or Educating Globalization |
Loy, David R. |
The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Universities |
2008 |
Healing Deconstruction: Postmodern Thought in Buddhism and Christianity |
Loy, David R. |
1996 |
Healing Ecology |
Loy, David R. |
Journal of Buddhist Ethics |
2010 |
How Many Nondualities Are There? |
Loy, David R. |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
1983.12 |
How Not to Criticize Nāgārjuna: A Response to L. Stafford Betty |
Loy, David R. |
Philosophy East and West |
1984.10 |
How to Reform a Serial Killer: The Buddhist Approach to Restorative Justice |
Loy, David R. |
Journal of Buddhist Ethics |
2000 |
How to Reform a Serial Killer: The Buddhist Approach to Restorative Justice |
Loy, David R. (著) |
Bridges |
2002 |
Indra's Postmodern Net |
Loy, David R. |
Philosophy East and West |
1993.07 |
Indra's Postmodern Net |
Loy, David R. |
Critical Studies: Institutions in Cultures, Theory and Practice |
1996 |
Institutionalized Greed |
Loy, David R. |
Dharma World=ダーマワールド |
2013.01-03 |
Jesus and Buddha as Stories? |
Loy, David R. |
Konzernmacht: Eine Buddhistische Kritik=A Buddhist Critique of Transnational Corporations |
Loy, David R. (著); Lehmann, Lothar (譯); Kaczerowsky, Klaus (註釋) |
BuddhaNetzInfo |
1998.07 |
La Religion del Mercado=The Religion of the Market |
Loy, David R. |
1997 |
Lack and Transcendence: The Problem of Death and Life in Psychotherapy, Existentialism, and Buddhism |
Loy, David R. |
2003.11 |
Lack and Transcendence: The Problem of Death and Life in Psychotherapy, Existentialism, and Buddhism |
Loy, David R. |
2000 |
Language Against Its Own Mystifications: Deconstruction in Nagarjuna and Dogen |
Loy, David R. |
Philosophy East and West |
1999.07 |
Loving the World as Our Own Body: The Nondualist Ethics of Taoism Buddhism and Deep Ecology |
Loy, David R. (著) |
Asian and Jungian Views of Ethics |
1998 |
Loving the World as Our Own Body: The Nondualist Ethics of Taoism, Buddhism and Deep Ecology |
Loy, David R. |
Worldviews: Environment, Culture, Religion |
1997 |
Loving the World as Our Own Body: The Nondualist Ethics of Taoism, Buddhism and Deep Ecology |
Loy, David R. (著) |
Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology |
1997 |
Loy on Leifer: "Becker & Buddhism: Anger, Aggression and Violence" |
Loy, David R. |
The Newsletter of the Ernest Becker Foundation |
2000.11 |
Momo, Dogen, and the Commodification of Time |
Goodhew, Linda; Loy, David R. |
KronoScope: Journal for the Study of Time |
2002.01.01 |
Money, Sex, War, Karma: Notes for a Buddhist Revolution |
Loy, David R. |
2008.02.08 |
Money, Sex, War, Karma: Notes for A Buddhist Revolution |
Loy, David R. |
2011.03.14 |
Mu and Its Implications |
Loy, David R. |
Zen Buddhism Today: Annual Report of the Kyoto Zen Symposium |
1985.09 |
Non-dual Thinking |
Loy, David R. |
Journal of Chinese Philosophy |
1986.09 |
Nonduality: A Study in Comparative Philosophy |
Loy, David R. |
1988 |
ÖkoDharma: Buddhistische Perspektiven zur ökologischen Krise |
Loy, David R. (著) |
2021.06.17 |
On the Duality of Nature and Culture |
Loy, David R. |
Philosophica |
1995 |
Preparing for Something that Never Happens: The Means/Ends Problem in Modern Culture |
Loy, David R. |
International Studies in Philosophy: interdisciplinary issues in philosophy, interpretation, and culture |
Remaking the World, or Remaking Ourselves? Buddhist Reflections on Technology |
Loy, David R. |
Technology and Cultural Values: On the Edge of the Third Millennium |
2003 |
Saving Time: A Buddhist Perspective on the End |
Loy, David R. |
Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal |
2000 |
The Challenge of Global Capitalism: The Perspective of Eastern Religions |
Loy, David R. |
2003.04.17 |
The Cloture of Deconstruction: A Mahayana Critique of Derrida |
Loy, David R. |
International Philosophical Quarterly |
1987.03 |
The Deconstruction of Buddhism |
Loy, David R. |
Derrida and Negative Theology |
1992 |
The Deep Roots of Mara and Mammon: The Implications of Evolutionary Psychology |
Loy, David |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2019 |
The Dharma of Dragons and Daemons: Buddhist Themes in Modern Fantasy |
Loy, David R. |
2004.11 |
The Dharma of Emanuel Swedenborg: A Buddhist Perspective |
Loy, David R. (著) |
Arcana: Inner Dimensions of Spirituality |
1995 |
The Dharma of Emanuel Swedenborg: A Buddhist Perspective |
Loy, David R. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
1996 |
The Dharma of Family |
Loy, David R. |
Dharma World=ダーマワールド |
2009.01.01 |
The Difference between Saṁsāra and "Nirvāṇa |
Loy, David R. |
Philosophy East and West |
1983.10 |
The Great Awakening: A Buddhist Social Theory |
Loy, David R. |
2003.07.25 |
The Karma of the Rings: A Myth for Modern Buddhism? |
Goodhew, Linda; Loy, David R. |
Think Sangha |
2005.04 |
The Mahāyāna Deconstruction of Time |
Loy, David R. |
Philosophy East and West |
1986.01 |
The Nonduality of Good and Evil: Buddhist Reflections on the New Holy War |
Loy, David R. |
Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness |
2003.07 |
The Nonduality of Good and Evil: Buddhist Reflections on the New Holy War |
Loy, David R. |
Kyoto Journal |
2002 |
The Nonduality of Life and Death: A Buddhist View of Repression, Psychoanalysis, Buddhism, and Heidegger on Death |
Loy, David R. |
Philosophy East and West |
1990.04 |
The Paradox of Causality in Madhyamika [Things and Their Causes] |
Loy, David R. |
International Philosophical Quarterly |
1985.03 |
The Path of No-Path: Śankara and Dōgen on the Paradox of Practice |
Loy, David R. |
Philosophy East and West |
1988.04 |
The Religion of Consumption: A Buddhist Perspective |
Loy, David R.; Watts, Jonathan |
Development |
1998.03 |
The Religion of the Market |
Loy, David R. |
Journal of the American Academy of Religion |
1997.06 |
The Religion of the Market |
Loy, David R. |
Visions of A New Earth: Religious Perspectives on Population, Consumption and Ecology |
1999 |
The Religion of the Market |
Loy, David R. |
Population, Consumption and Ecology:Religious Conversations and Strategies |
1997 |
The Self and Suffering: A Buddhist-Christian Conversation |
Ingram, Paul O.; Loy, David R. |
Dialog: A Journal of Theology |
2005 |
The Spiritual Origins of the West: A 'Lack' Perspective |
Loy, David R. |
International Philosophical Quarterly |
2000.06 |
The Spiritual Roots of Civil Society: A Buddhist Perspective |
Loy, David R. |
Cultural Dynamics |
2001 |
The Spiritual Roots of Civil Society: A Buddhist Perspective |
Loy, David R. |
Cultural Dynamics |
2001.06 |
The Spiritual Roots of Modernity: Buddhist Reflections on the Idolatry of the Nation-State, Corporate Capitalism and Mechanistic Science |
Loy, David R. |
Socially Engaged Buddhism for the New Millennium: Essays in Honor of the Ven. Phra Dhammapitaka (Bhikkhu P. A. Payutto) on his 60th Birthday Anniversary |
1999 |
The Three Institutional Poisons: Challenging Collective Greed, Ill Will, & Delusion |
Loy, David R. |
Insight Journal =Full moon Insight Journal |
2006.12 |
The West Against the Rest? A Buddhist Response To "The Clash of Civilizations" |
Loy, David R. |
Awareness Bound and Unbound: Buddhist Essays |
2009.07 |
The World is Made of Stories |
Loy, David |
2010.08.31 |
Transcendence East and West |
Loy, David R. |
Man and World -- An International Philosophical Review |
1993.12 |
Trying to Become Real:A Buddhist Critique of Some Secular Heresies |
Loy, David R. |
International Philosophical Quarterly |
1992.12 |
Views & Reviews: Is Zen Buddhism? |
Loy, David R. (著)=洛伊, 大衛 (au.) |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
1995 |
Wei-Wu-Wei: Nondual Action |
Loy, David R. |
Philosophy East and West |
1985.01 |
What's Wrong with Being and Time: A Buddhist Critique |
Loy, David R. |
Time and Society |
1992.05 |
What's Wrong with Heidegger's Being and Time: A Buddhist Critique |
Loy, David R. |
Time and Society |
1992.05 |
What's Wrong with Me? Resolving the Lack of Self |
Loy, David R. |
Dharma World=ダーマワールド |
2012.04-06 |
Why Buddhism and the Modern World Need Each Other: A Buddhist Perspective |
Loy, David R. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2014 |
Why Buddhism and the West Need Each Other: On the Interdependence of Personal and Social Transformation |
Loy, David (著) |
Journal of Buddhist Ethics |
2013 |
Zen Philosopher and Social Critic |
Loy, David R. |
Zhuangzi and Nagarjuna on the Truth of No Truth |
Loy, David R. |
Essays on Skepticism, Relativism, and Ethics in the Zhuangzi |
1996.04 |
憤怒、狂暴、報復與同情、寬恕 ── 美國學者對新聖戰的佛教反思 |
洛伊, 大衛 (著)=Loy, David (au.); 張源 (著) |
世界宗教文化=The Religious Cultures in the World |
2003.06 |