

Kachru, Sonam  


11 件著作が収録され、10 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2019.10.23 登録, 2024.01.23 料更新





全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  After the Unsilence Of the Birds: Remembering Aśvaghoṣa’s Sundarī Kachru, Sonam (著) Journal of Indian Philosophy 2019.04
  Book Review: Paving the Great Way: Vasubandhu's Unifying Buddhist Philosophy by Jonathan C. Gold Kachru, Sonam (評論) The Journal of Religion 2017.01
  Correction to: Seeing in the Dark: Of Epistemic Culture and Abhidharma in the Long Fifth Century C.E. Kachru, Sonam (著) Journal of Dharma Studies: Asian and Transcultural Religion, Philosophy, & Ethics 2023.08
  Death and the Afterlife: The View from South Asian Buddhism Kachru, Sonam (著) The Journal of Religion 2021.01
  Human Being, Bodily Being: Phenomenology from Classical India by Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad (review) Kachru, Sonam (著) Philosophy East and West 2021.07
  On Steven D. Goodman’s The Buddhist Psychology of Awakening: An In-Depth Guide to Abhidharma Kachru, Sonam (評論) Religious Studies Review 2021.09
  Other Lives: Mind and World in Indian Buddhism Kachru, Sonam (著) 2021.08.10
  Seeing in the Dark: of Epistemic Culture and Abhidharma in the Long Fifth Century C.E. Kachru, Sonam (著) Journal of Dharma Studies: Asian and Transcultural Religion, Philosophy, & Ethics 2020.10
  Surely you're Joking, Mr. Nāgasena!: Once Again on Menander's Questions and Nāgasena's Replies Kachru, Sonam (著) Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 2021
  The Translation of Life: Thinking of Painting in Indian Buddhist Literature Kachru, Sonam (著) Religions 2020.09
  Things You Wouldn't Think to Look for in One Place: A Note on an All-Too-Brief Example on Life and Matter in Abhidharmakośabhāṣyam A.D. 3.14c Kachru, Sonam (著) Journal of the American Oriental Society 2017.10-12