

Beckwith, Christopher I.  

+1945 ~

7 件著作が収録され、4 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録, 2012.06.22 料更新





個人サイト: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_I._Beckwith
全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  Early Buddhism and Incommensurability Beckwith, Christopher I. Philosophy East and West 2018.07
  Once Again on the Aramaic Word for 'Monastery' in East Asia: Data and Science versus Doctrine and Belief Beckwith, Christopher I. (著) Journal Asiatique 2017
  The Aramaic Source of the East Asian Word for 'Buddhist Monastery': On the Spread of Central Asian Monasticism in the Kushan Period Beckwith, Christopher I. (著) Journal Asiatique 2014
  The Medieval Scholastic Method in Tibet and the West Beckwith, Christopher I. Refliections on Tibentan Culture: Essays in Memoryof Turrell V. Wylie 1990
  The Revolt of 755 in Tibet Beckwith, Christopher I. Contributions on Tibetan Language, History and Culture, Vol.1 1995
  The Tibetan Empire in the West Beckwith, Christopher I. Tibetan Studies I Honour of Hugh Richardson 1980
  Tibetan Science at the Court of the Great Khans Beckwith, Christopher I. (著) The Journal of the Tibet Society 1987