

Palihawadana, Mahinda  


17 件著作が収録され、1 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録




全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  A Buddhist Response: Religion Beyond Ideology and Power Palihawadana, Mahinda (著) Christian Faith in a Religiously Plural World 1978
  Buddhism and the scientific enterprise Palihawadana, Mahinda Faith and science in an unjust world 1980
  Buddhist response to Dr. Donald G. Dawe's lecture on Christian faith in a religiously plural world Palihawadana, Mahinda 1976
  Dh 306 and Commentary; Some Observations Palihawadana, Mahinda Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka 2009
  Dhamma today and tomorrow Palihawadana, Mahinda Religiousness in Sri Lanka 1979
  Faith and ideology Palihawadana, Mahinda Food/energy and the major faiths 1978
  From "Gambler" to "Camouflage":The Strange Semantic Metamorphosis of Pali "Kitava" Palihawadana, Mahinda パーリ学仏教文化学=Journal of Pali and Buddhist Studies=パーリガク ブッキョウ ブンカガク 1997.05
  Is There a Theravada Buddhist Idea of Grace? Palihawadana, Mahinda (著) Christian Faith in a Religiously Plural World 1978
  Is There a Theravada Buddhist Idea of Grace? Palihawadana, Mahinda Dialogue 1982
  Liberation in the Theravada Buddhist tradition Palihawadana, Mahinda Offenbarung als Heilserfahrung 1982
  Man of nature and man above nature Palihawadana, Mahinda Man in nature 1979
  Pali Sajjhaya and Sanskrit Svadhyaya:An Inquiry into the Historical Origins of Parittana Recitation Palihawadana, Mahinda Recent Researches in Buddhist Studies: Essays in Honour of Professor Y. Karunadasa 1997
  The Dhammapada Carter, John Ross; Palihawadana, Mahinda 1987.10; 1998
  The Dhammapada 195/196: Two verses added in Sri Lanka ? Palihawadana, Mahinda (著) 仏教研究=Buddhist Studies 1997.03
  The Dhammapada:The Sayings of the Buddha Palihawadana, Mahinda; Carter, John Ross 2000
  The Persisting 'Image':Views on the Growth of Self in Early Theravada Texts Palihawadana, Mahinda Ananda: Papers on Buddhism and Indology a Felicitation Volume Presented to Ananda Weihena Palliya Guruge on his Sixtieth Birthday 1990
  Theravada Perspective on Causation and Resolution of Conflicts Palihawadana, Mahinda (著) Journal of Buddhist Ethics 2003