

Vélez de Cea, Abraham  


7 件著作が収録され、5 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録




全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  A New Direction for Comparative Studies of Buddhists and Christians: Evidence from Nāgārjuna and John of the Cross Vélez de Cea, Abraham Buddhist-Christian Studies 2006
  Emptiness in the Pāli Suttas and the Question of Nāgārjuna's Orthodoxy Vélez de Cea, Abraham Philosophy East and West 2005.10
  Nagarjuna y la Filosofia del Buddha Vélez de Cea, Abraham Contrastes: Revista Interdisciplinar de Filosofia 1998
  The Criteria of Goodness in the Pali Nikayas and the Nature of Buddhist Ethics Vélez de Cea, Abraham Journal of Buddhist Ethics 2004
  The Significance of the Injunction to Hold Oneself and the Dhamma as an Island and a Refuge in the Buddha's Teaching Vélez de Cea, Abraham Buddhist Studies Review 2000
  The Silence of the Buddha and the Questions About the Tathāgata After Death Vélez de Cea, Abraham The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies=IIJBS 2004
  Value Pluralism in Early Buddhist Ethics Vélez de Cea, Abraham Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 2010