シリアル番号: |
26360 |
別名: |
Kawanami, Hiroko |
種類: |
個人著者 |
個人サイト: |
全文 |
タイトル |
著者 |
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 |
Book Review: "Women Living Zen: Japanese Soto Buddhist Nuns," by Paula Arai |
Kawanami, Hiroko |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
2000 |
Book review: Buddhism in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives Edited By Stephen C. Berkwitz |
Kawanami, Hiroko |
Religion |
2008.09 |
Book Review: Burma's Mass Lay Meditation Movement: Buddhism and the Cultural Construction of Power By Ingrid Jordt |
Kawanami, Hiroko |
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies |
2009.06 |
Book Review: Champions of Buddhism: Weikza Cults in Contemporary Burma Edited By Bénédicte Bracde la Perrière, Guillaume Rozenberg and Alicia Turner |
Kawanami, Hiroko |
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies |
2016.02 |
Book Review: Gender and the Path to Awakening: Hidden Histories of Nuns in Modern Thai Buddhism by Martin Seeger |
Kawanami, Hiroko (評論) |
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 |
2020.06 |
Book Review: Guillaume Rozenberg, Renunciation and Power: The Quest for Sainthood in Contemporary Burma. Trans. Jessica Hackett |
Kawanami, Hiroko |
Asian Ethnology |
2011 |
Book Review: Modern Buddhist Conjunctures in Myanmar: Cultural Narratives, Colonial Legacies, and Civil Society by Juliane Schober |
Kawanami, Hiroko (評論) |
Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia |
2012.10 |
Book Review: Monk, Householder and Tantric Priest: Newar Buddhism and Its Hierarchy of Ritual By D.N. Gellner |
Kawanami, Hiroko |
Religion |
1997.01 |
Book Review: Monks, Money, and Morality: The Balancing Act of Contemporary Buddhism Edited by Christoph Brumann, Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko and Beata Switek |
Kawanami, Hiroko (評論) |
Religions of South Asia |
2021 |
Book Review: The Buddha's Wizards: Magic, Protection, and Healing in Burmese Buddhism by Thomas Nathan Patton |
Kawanami, Hiroko (評論) |
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies |
2021.12 |
Book Review: The Immortals: Faces of the Incredible in Buddhist Burma by Guillaume Rozenberg, Ward Keeler |
Kawanami, Hiroko (著) |
Asian Ethnology |
2018 |
Book Review: Women in the Footsteps of the Buddha By Kathryn R. Blackstone |
Kawanami, Hiroko |
Religion |
1999.07 |
Charisma, Power(s), and the Arahant Ideal in Burmese-Myanmar Buddhism |
Kawanami, Hiroko |
Asian Ethnology |
2009 |
Learning Monastic Discipline and the Communal Life of Myanmar Thilashin |
Kawanami, Hiroko (著) |
Contemporary Buddhist Women: Contemplation, Cultural Exchange & Social Action: Sakyadhita 15th International Conference on Buddhist Women |
2017.06 |
Monastic Discipline and Communal Rules for Buddhist Nuns in Myanmar and Thailand |
Lindberg Falk, Monica ; Kawanami, Hiroko |
Buddhism, Law & Society |
2017-18 |
Studying Buddhism in Practice by JOHN S. HARDING |
Kawanami, Hiroko (評論) |
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 |
2013 |
The Bhikkhunī Ordination Debate: Global Aspirations, Local Concerns, with special emphasis on the views of the monastic community in Burma |
Kawanami, Hiroko |
Buddhist Studies Review |
2007 |
The Culture of Giving in Myanmar: Buddhist Offerings, Reciprocity and Interdependence |
Kawanami, Hiroko (著) |
2020.12.30 |
The Making of an "inside Enemy": A Study of the Sky-Blue Sect in Myanmar |
Kawanami, Hiroko (著) |
Buddhism, Law & Society |
2020-21 |
The Religious Standing of Burmese Buddhist Nuns (thilá-shin): The Ten Precepts and Religious Respect Words |
Kawanami, Hiroko (著)=川並宏子 (au.) |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS |
1990 |