

Cheng, Cheng-ying  


10 件著作が収録され、9 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録




全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  "Unity of Three Truths" and Three Forms of Creativity:Lotus Sutra and Process Philosophy Cheng, Cheng-ying Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2001.12
  Book Review: "Chan Insights and Oversights," by Bernard Faure Cheng, Cheng-ying Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1996.12
  Chan Historigraphy and Chan Philosophy: A Review Essay on Bernard Faure's Chan Insights and Oversight Cheng, Cheng-ying Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1996.12
  Chinese Philosophy:a characterization Cheng, Cheng-ying Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy
  On the Metaphysical Significance of Ti(Body-Embodiment)in Chinese Philosophy:Benti(Origin-Substance)and Ti-Yong(Substance and Function) Cheng, Cheng-ying Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2002.06
  On Zen(Ch'an)Language and Zen Paradoxes Cheng, Cheng-ying Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1973.12
  Preface: Lévinas For Chinese Philosophy Cheng, Cheng-ying Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2008.12
  Preface:The Lotus Sutra and Chinese Philosophy Cheng, Cheng-ying Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2001.12
  Rejoinder to Michael Levin's "comments on the paradoxicality of the koans" Cheng, Cheng-ying Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1976.06
  Relativity and Transcendence in the Platform Sutra of Hui-neng: On Polarities and their Philosophical Significances Cheng, Cheng-ying Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1992.03