



10 件著作が収録され、2 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録, 2015.01.13 料更新



Wu, Pei-jung



個人サイト: http://art.ncu.edu.tw/TeacherDetail.asp?Te_No=58
全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  1870 年代西方旅人筆下的京都古寺=Kyoto Temples Seen in the Western Travelogues of the 1870s 巫佩蓉 (著)=Wu, Pei-jung (au.) 成大歷史學報=Cheng Kung Journal of Historical Studies 2023.06
  Iconography and Interior Features of the Saidaiji Monju 巫佩蓉 (著)=Wu, Pei-jung (au.) Symposium "New Research on Japanese Buddhist Art" at UCLA 2002
  Wooden Statues as Living Bodies: Deciphering the Meanings of the Deposits within Two Images of the Saidaiji Order 巫佩蓉 (著)=Wu, Pei-jung (au.) Annual Conference of Collage Art Association 2003
  中國與日本佛像納入品之比較:以清涼寺與西大寺釋迦像為例 巫佩蓉 南藝學報 2011.06
  中國與日本佛像納入品之比較:以清凉寺與西大寺釋迦像為例=A Comparison of the Chinese and Japanese Deposit within Buddhist Statues: With the Seiryōji Shaka and the Saidaiji Shaka Statues as Examples 巫佩蓉 (著)=Wu, Pei-jung (au.) 南藝學報 2011.06.01
  文殊菩薩與兩界曼荼羅 -- 末法時代的文殊信仰與圖像=Mañjuśrī and the Two-realm Mandalas 巫佩蓉 國立臺灣大學美術史研究集刊=Taida journal of art history, National Taiwan University 2006.03
  西大寺之文殊像及相關之佛教信仰與儀式=The Manjusri Statues and Buddhist Practice of Saidaiji: A Study on Iconography, Interior Features of Statues, and Rituals Associated with Buddhist Icons 巫佩蓉 (撰)=Wu, Pei-jung (compose) 2002
  吾心似秋月:中日禪林觀畫脈絡之省思=My Mind is Like the Autumn Moon: Rethinking the Ways Zen Monks Interpreting Paintings in China and Japan 巫佩蓉 (著)=Wu, Pei-jung (au.) 國立臺灣大學美術史研究集刊=Taida journal of art history, National Taiwan University 2013.03
  清涼寺與西大寺釋迦像內納入品比較 巫佩蓉 「藝術‧禮儀‧宗教:物質文化與精神信仰」國際學術研討會=Art, Ritual and Religion: Material Culture and Spiritual Beliefs 2009.11.14
  清凉寺釋迦像的日本傳統 McCallum, Donald; 巫佩蓉 (譯)=Wu, Pei-jung (tr.); 楊雅琲; 石守謙; 廖肇亨 (主編)=Liao, Chao-heng (Editor-in-Chief) 東亞文化意象之形塑 2011.01.01