シリアル番号: |
46501 |
別名: |
Chai, Jian-hong |
種類: |
個人著者 |
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出版年月日 |
(書評) 《俄藏敦煌漢文寫卷敘錄》(孟列夫主編,袁席箴、陳華平譯,上海古籍出版社,1999) |
柴劍虹 (著); 季羨林 (編); 饒宗頤 (編); 周一良 (編) |
敦煌吐魯番研究=Journal of the Dunhuang and Turfan studies |
2001 |
“時”、“地”、“人” ─ 敦煌莫高窟開窟因緣述略=History, Geography, and Wandering Monks - A Brief Discussion on Cave Construction at Mogao |
柴劍虹 (著)=Chai, Jian-hong (au.) |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2016 |
《西遊記》與敦煌學 |
柴劍虹 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2000.05 |
「模糊」的「敦煌文學」 |
柴劍虹 |
敦煌文學論集 |
1997.12 |
今天我們怎樣守護敦煌? -- 紀念敦煌研究院成立60周年暨常書鴻先生百歲誕辰=How Do We Face to The Duty of Conservation of Dunhuang Today |
柴劍虹 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2004.06 |
王國維對敦煌寫本的早期研究 |
柴劍虹 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2006.12 |
再談“行百里者半九十”——紀念莫高窟藏經洞發現120周年=Reassessing Advice from a Contemporary Dunhuang Studies Scholar——In Commemoration of the 120th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Dunhuang Library Cave |
柴劍虹 (著)=Chai, Jian-hong (au.) |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2021 |
西域飛天與「天人合一」:關於飛天藝術的一點思考 |
柴劍虹 (著) |
傳統文化與現代化=Chinese Culture: Tradition and Modernization |
1998 |
金針度人,功德無量——捧讀《敦煌藝術大辭典》感言=The Boundless Bounty of “Teaching Men to Fish”——A Respectful Reading of the Dunhuang Art Dictionary |
柴劍虹 (著)=Chai, Jian-hong (au.) |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2021 |
俄藏敦煌詩詞寫卷經眼錄(二) |
柴劍虹 |
敦煌吐魯番研究=Journal of the Dunhuang and Turfan studies |
1997.06 |
俄羅斯漢學家孟列夫對國際敦煌學的貢獻 |
柴劍虹 (著) |
敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies |
2016 |
段文杰─敦煌研究傑出的領軍人 |
柴劍虹 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2011.06 |
書評:怎樣讀懂敦煌 ── 以《圖說敦煌二五四窟》為例=Book Review: How to understand Dunhuang: taking The Illustrated Book on Cave 254 in Dunhuang as an Example |
柴劍虹 =Chai, Jian-hong |
敦煌學=Studies on Tun-Huang |
2019.08.01 |
常書鴻的原名及其兩篇舊作=On the Original Name of Chang Shuhong and Two of His Early Works |
李晗 (著)=Li, Han (au.); 柴劍虹 (著)=Chai, Jian-hong (au.) |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2018 |
敦煌「守護眾神」與絲路之魂 - 為紀念段文杰先生百年誕辰而作=The Guardian Patrons of Dunhuang and the Spirits of the Silk Road - In Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of Mr.Duan Wenjie’s Birth |
柴劍虹 (著)=Chai, Jian-hong (au.) |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2017 |
敦煌文物流散的是與非=Rights and Wrongs of the dispersal of Dunhuang cultural relics |
柴劍虹 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2008.04 |
敦煌吐魯番學論稿 |
柴劍虹 |
2000.05.01 |
敦煌藏文P.t1208、1221號寫卷卷被的唐人詩鈔 |
柴劍虹 |
敦煌吐魯番研究=Journal of the Dunhuang and Turfan studies |
1998.09 |
對敦煌學百年回顧中若干問題的認識 |
柴劍虹 |
文藝研究=Literature & Art Studies |
2000 |
慶龍飛鴻 —— 嚴慶龍先生關涉編撰《敦煌學大辭典》事宜的來函選錄=Selected Letters from Yan Qinglong (嚴慶龍) about Compiling The Great Dictionary of Dunhuang Studies (《敦煌學大辭典》) |
柴劍虹 (著)=Chai, Jian-hong (au.) |
敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies |
2020 |
論敦煌失寶及葉昌熾《緣督廬日記抄》 |
柴劍虹 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2000.05 |
壁畫絲踪--兼及觀瞻斯里蘭卡石窟得到的啟示=Depiction of Silk in Wall Paintings-with Some Ideas from Studying Caves in Sri Lanka |
柴劍虹 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2014.02 |
學術期刊的學術視野與創新:為《敦煌研究》創刊三十周年而作=Academic Vision and Innovation in Academic Periodicals-for the Thirtieth Anniversary of Dunhuang Research |
柴劍虹 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2013.06 |
關於中村不折舊藏敦煌、吐魯番所出 《金光明經》古寫本=On ancient copies of the Suvar aprabh ā sottamasūtra from Dunhuang and T u rfan in the Nak a mura collection |
柴劍虹; 薩仁高娃 |
敦煌學=Studies on Tun-Huang |
2008.02.01 |
讀《新獲吐魯番出土文獻》的感受 |
柴劍虹 (著) |
魏晉南北朝隋唐史=History Between Wei-Jin and Sui-Tang |
2009.11 |