全文 |
タイトル |
著者 |
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 |
A Buddhist debate about the self, and remarks on Buddhism in the work of Derek Parfit and Galen Strawson |
Faure, Bernard |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
1997.10 |
Bodhidharma |
Faure, Bernard |
Encyclopedia of Religion |
1986 |
Bodhidharma as Textual and Religious Paradigm |
Faure, Bernard |
History of Religions |
1986.02 |
Book Review: "Mantras and Mandarins--Tantric Buddhism in China(French)", by M. Strickmann. |
Faure, Bernard |
Connaissance des Arts |
1997.09 |
Book Review: "Myoe the Dreamkeeper: Fantasy and Knowledge in Early Kamakur Buddhism", by George J. Tanabe |
Faure, Bernard |
Journal of Japanese Studies |
1994 |
Book Review: "The Bodymind Experience in Japanese Buddhism: a Phenomenologica Study of Kukai and Dogen", by David Edward Shaner |
Faure, Bernard |
The Journal of Religion |
1988.01 |
Book Review: Mantras et mandarins: Le bouddhisme tantrique en Chine by Michel Strickmann |
Faure, Bernard (評論) |
L'Homme |
1997.10-12 |
Book Review: Présence du bouddhisme. Edited by René de Berval. |
Faure, Bernard (著) |
The Journal of Asian Studies |
1988.11 |
Book Review: Religion and Nothingness. By Keiji Nishitani. Translated by Jan Van Bragt. |
Faure, Bernard (著) |
The Journal of Asian Studies |
1985.02 |
Book Review:"Mantras and Mandarins--Tantric Buddhism in China(French)", by M. Strickmann. |
Faure, Bernard |
Homme |
1997.10-12 |
Bouddhismes, philosophies et religions |
Faure, Bernard |
1998 |
Bouddhismes, philosophies et religions. English;"Double exposure : cutting across Buddhist and Western discourses |
Faure, Bernard; Lloyd, Janet |
2004 |
Bouddisme |
Faure, Bernard |
1997 |
Buddhism and/as Performance |
Faure, Bernard |
Journal of Religion in Japan |
2013 |
Buddhism’s Black Holes: From Ontology to Hauntology |
Faure, Bernard |
International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture=국제불교문화사상사학회 |
2017.12 |
Can (and Should) Neuroscience Naturalize Buddhism? |
Faure, Bernard |
International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture=국제불교문화사상사학회 |
2017.06 |
Chan Buddhism in Ritual Context |
Faure, Bernard |
2003.07.01 |
Chan Insights and Oversights: an Epistemological Critique of the Chan Tradition |
Faure, Bernard |
1993 |
Chan Insights and Oversights: An Epistemological Critique of the Chan Tradition |
Faure, Bernard |
1996 |
Ch'an Master Musang: A Korean Monk in East Asian Context |
Faure, Bernard |
Currents and Countercurrents: Korean Influences on the East Asian Buddhist Traditions |
2005.06 |
Decentering Mañjuśrī: some aspects of Mañjuśrī’s cult in medieval Japan |
Faure, Bernard |
Studies in Chinese Religions |
2019 |
Double Exposure: Cutting Across Buddhist and Western Discourses (Cultural Memory in the Present) |
Faure, Bernard; Lloyd, Janet |
2003.11.01 |
Double Exposure: Cutting Across Buddhist and Western Discourses (Cultural Memory in the Present) |
Faure, Bernard; Lloyd, Janet |
2003.11 |
Early Chan and ‘Nonduality’:The Cultural Impact of Chan Antinomianism |
Faure, Bernard (著) |
国際禅研究=International Zen studies |
2020.08 |
Fair and unfair language games in Chan/Zen |
Faure, Bernard |
Mysticism and language |
1992 |
Fragments de l'imaginaire bouddhique. English;"Visions of power : imagining medieval Japanese Buddhism |
Faure, Bernard; Brooks, Phyllis |
1996 |
From Tiantaishan to Hieizan: The View from the Keiran Shūyō Shū 渓嵐拾葉集 |
Faure, Bernard (著) |
Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2021.05 |
Kingship and Religion: The French and Japanese Cases |
Faure, Bernard (著) |
불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu |
1997.08.05 |
La volonte d'orthodoxie dans le bouddhisme chinois |
Faure, Bernard |
1988 |
Le bouddhisme Ch'an en mal d'histoire: genese d'une tradition religieuse dans la Chine des T'ang |
Faure, Bernard |
1989 |
Le MAÎTRE de DHYĀNA Chih-ta et le "Subitisme" de L'ecole du Nord |
Faure, Bernard |
Cahiers d'Extême-Asie |
1986 |
Quand L'Habit Fait le Moine: the Symbolism of the "Kāṣāya" in Sōtō Zen |
Faure, Bernard |
Cahiers d'Extême-Asie |
1995 |
Random Thought: Wonhyo's Life as "Thought" |
Faure, Bernard |
Pulkyo yon'gu=Buddhist Studies |
1995.11 |
Random thoughts:Wonhyo’s “Life” as thought |
Faure, Bernard (著) |
불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu |
1995.11.15 |
Relic Theft in Medieval Japan |
Faure, Bernard |
Buddhism and Law: An Introduction |
2014.07.31 |
Rethinking Medieval Shinto |
Faure, Bernard; Como, Michael; Iyanaga, Nobumi |
2006 |
Rethinking Medieval Shintō: In Homage to Allan Grapard (Repenser le shintō médiéval:
En hommage à Allan Grapard) |
Faure, Bernard; Como, Michael Ilio; Iyanaga, Nobumi |
2009 |
Review Article: Beyond Zen Historiography: The Saga of Zen History & the Power of Legend by John C. Maraldo |
Faure, Bernard (著) |
The Eastern Buddhist: Third Series |
2023.07 |
Sexualites bouddhiques: Entre desirs et realites |
Faure, Bernard |
2005 |
Sexualites bouddhiques:entre desirs et realites |
Faure, Bernard |
1994 |
Sexualites bouddhiques=The red thread : Buddhist approaches to sexuality |
Faure, Bernard |
1998 |
Shen-hsiu et l'Avatamsaka-sutra |
Faure, Bernard (著); 京都大学人文科学研究所 (編) |
ZINBUN=Zinbun : memoire of the Research Institute for Humanistic Studies, Kyoto University |
1983 |
Shugendo: the history and culture of a Japanese religion=L'histoire et la culture d'une religion japonaise |
Faure, Bernard (著) |
2011 |
Space and Place in Chinese Religious Traditions |
Faure, Bernard |
History of Religions |
1987.05 |
Substitute bodies in Chan/Zen Buddhism |
Faure, Bernard |
Religious reflections on the human body |
1995 |
Substitute bodies in Chan/Zen Buddhism |
Faure, Bernard |
Religious Reflections on the Human Body |
1999/1997 |
Substitute bodies in Chan/Zen Buddhism [glossary of Japanese terms; repr] |
Faure, Bernard |
Religious reflections on the human body |
1995 |
The Buddhist icon and the modern gaze |
Faure, Bernard |
Critical Inquiry |
1998 |
The Concept of One-practice Samadhi in Early Ch'an |
Faure, Bernard |
Traditions of meditation in Chinese Buddhism |
1986 |
The Cultic World of the Blind Monks: Benzaiten, Jūzenji, and Shukujin |
Faure, Bernard |
Journal of Religion in Japan |
2013 |
The Daruma-shu, Dogen and Soto Zen |
Faure, Bernard (著) |
Monumenta Nipponica |
1987 |
The Heart of Buddhist Ritual: Relics, Reliquaries, and Icons |
Faure, Bernard |
International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture=국제불교문화사상사학회 |
2017.12 |
The Kyoto School and Reverse Orientalism |
Faure, Bernard |
Japan in Traditional and Postmodern Perspectives |
1999 |
The Kyoto School and reverse Orientalism [bibliog] |
Faure, Bernard |
Japan in Traditional and Postmodern Perspectives |
1995 |
The Power of Denial: Buddhism, Purity and Gender |
Faure, Bernard (著) |
2003 |
The Power of Denial: Buddhism, Purity, and Gender |
Faure, Bernard |
2003.02.10 |
The Power of Denial:Buddhism, Purity and Gender |
Faure, Bernard |
2003.03 |
The Red Thread: Buddhist Approaches to Sexuality |
Faure, Bernard (著) |
1998 |
The rhetoric of immediacy: a cultural critique of Chan/Zen Buddhism |
Faure, Bernard (著) |
1991.11 |
The Thousand and One Lives of the Buddha |
Faure, Bernard (著) |
2022.08.31 |
The Will to Orthodoxy: A Critical Genealogy of Northern Chan Buddhism |
Brooks, Phyllis; Faure, Bernard |
1997.12.01 |
The Will to Orthodoxy:A Critical Genealogy of Northern Chan Buddhism |
Faure, Bernard |
1997 |
Touching peace:an evening with Thich Nhat Hanh |
Faure, Bernard |
1997 |
Unmasking Buddhism |
Faure, Bernard |
2009.03.23 |
Visions of Power: Imagining Medieval Japanese Buddhism |
Faure, Bernard (著); Brooks, Phyllis (譯) |
1996 |
Voices of Dissent: Women in Early Chan and Tiantai |
Faure, Bernard |
禅文化研究所紀要=Annual report of the Institute for Zen Studies=ゼン ブンカ ケンキュウジョ キヨウ |
1998.12 |
早期禪的“一行三昧”觀念 |
Faure, Bernard; 蔣海怒 (譯)=Jiang, Hai-nu (tr.) |
中國哲學史=History of Chinese Philosophy |
2010 |
西洋における禅の発見 |
Faure, Bernard; 阿部哲三 (譯)=Abe, Tetsuzo (tr.) |
禅文化=Zen Culture=ゼン ブンカ |
1988.04 |
初期禅と「不二」─禅における反戒律主義の文化的影響力 |
Faure, Bernard (著); 金子奈央 (譯) |
国際禅研究=International Zen studies |
2020.08 |
神秀と華厳経 |
Faure, Bernard; 禅文化研究所紀要編集部 |
禅文化研究所紀要=Annual report of the Institute for Zen Studies=ゼン ブンカ ケンキュウジョ キヨウ |
1988.12 |
몇 가지 思索 -- 思想으로서의 元曉의 “生涯” |
베르나르 포르 (著)=Faure, Bernard (au.) |
불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu |
1995.11.15 |
보살의 여러 얼굴 중국과 일본에서의 변모=The Changing Faces of the Bodhisattva: Views from China and Japan |
Faure, Bernard (著)=베르나르 포르 (au.) |
불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu |
2017.02.28 |
왕권과 종교-- 프랑스와 일본의 경우 |
베르나르 포르 (著) |
불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu |
1997.08.05 |
講演: 曹洞宗における袈裟のシンボリズム=Lecture: The Symbolism of the Kesa in Soto Zen |
川橋正秀 (譯)=Kawahashi, Masahide (tr.); Faure, Bernard |
駒澤大学禅研究所年報=Annual Report of the Zen Institute=コマザワ ダイガク ゼン ケンキュウジョ ネンポウ |
1996.03 |