

Faure, Bernard  


73 件著作が収録され、24 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録, 2024.08.27 料更新



베르나르 포르 = ベルナール・フォール = 伯納德・佛爾



全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  A Buddhist debate about the self, and remarks on Buddhism in the work of Derek Parfit and Galen Strawson Faure, Bernard Journal of Indian Philosophy 1997.10
  Bodhidharma Faure, Bernard Encyclopedia of Religion 1986
  Bodhidharma as Textual and Religious Paradigm Faure, Bernard History of Religions 1986.02
  Book Review: "Mantras and Mandarins--Tantric Buddhism in China(French)", by M. Strickmann. Faure, Bernard Connaissance des Arts 1997.09
  Book Review: "Myoe the Dreamkeeper: Fantasy and Knowledge in Early Kamakur Buddhism", by George J. Tanabe Faure, Bernard Journal of Japanese Studies 1994
  Book Review: "The Bodymind Experience in Japanese Buddhism: a Phenomenologica Study of Kukai and Dogen", by David Edward Shaner Faure, Bernard The Journal of Religion 1988.01
  Book Review: Mantras et mandarins: Le bouddhisme tantrique en Chine by Michel Strickmann Faure, Bernard (評論) L'Homme 1997.10-12
  Book Review: Présence du bouddhisme. Edited by René de Berval. Faure, Bernard (著) The Journal of Asian Studies 1988.11
  Book Review: Religion and Nothingness. By Keiji Nishitani. Translated by Jan Van Bragt. Faure, Bernard (著) The Journal of Asian Studies 1985.02
  Book Review:"Mantras and Mandarins--Tantric Buddhism in China(French)", by M. Strickmann. Faure, Bernard Homme 1997.10-12
  Bouddhismes, philosophies et religions Faure, Bernard 1998
  Bouddhismes, philosophies et religions. English;"Double exposure : cutting across Buddhist and Western discourses Faure, Bernard; Lloyd, Janet 2004
  Bouddisme Faure, Bernard 1997
  Buddhism and/as Performance Faure, Bernard Journal of Religion in Japan 2013
  Buddhism’s Black Holes: From Ontology to Hauntology Faure, Bernard International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture=국제불교문화사상사학회 2017.12
  Can (and Should) Neuroscience Naturalize Buddhism? Faure, Bernard International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture=국제불교문화사상사학회 2017.06
  Chan Buddhism in Ritual Context Faure, Bernard 2003.07.01
  Chan Insights and Oversights: an Epistemological Critique of the Chan Tradition Faure, Bernard 1993
  Chan Insights and Oversights: An Epistemological Critique of the Chan Tradition Faure, Bernard 1996
  Ch'an Master Musang: A Korean Monk in East Asian Context Faure, Bernard Currents and Countercurrents: Korean Influences on the East Asian Buddhist Traditions 2005.06
  Decentering Mañjuśrī: some aspects of Mañjuśrī’s cult in medieval Japan Faure, Bernard Studies in Chinese Religions 2019
  Double Exposure: Cutting Across Buddhist and Western Discourses (Cultural Memory in the Present) Faure, Bernard; Lloyd, Janet 2003.11.01
  Double Exposure: Cutting Across Buddhist and Western Discourses (Cultural Memory in the Present) Faure, Bernard; Lloyd, Janet 2003.11
  Early Chan and ‘Nonduality’:The Cultural Impact of Chan Antinomianism Faure, Bernard (著) 国際禅研究=International Zen studies 2020.08
  Fair and unfair language games in Chan/Zen Faure, Bernard Mysticism and language 1992
  Fragments de l'imaginaire bouddhique. English;"Visions of power : imagining medieval Japanese Buddhism Faure, Bernard; Brooks, Phyllis 1996
  From Tiantaishan to Hieizan: The View from the Keiran Shūyō Shū 渓嵐拾葉集 Faure, Bernard (著) Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies 2021.05
  Kingship and Religion: The French and Japanese Cases Faure, Bernard (著) 불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu 1997.08.05
  La volonte d'orthodoxie dans le bouddhisme chinois Faure, Bernard 1988
  Le bouddhisme Ch'an en mal d'histoire: genese d'une tradition religieuse dans la Chine des T'ang Faure, Bernard 1989
  Le MAÎTRE de DHYĀNA Chih-ta et le "Subitisme" de L'ecole du Nord Faure, Bernard Cahiers d'Extême-Asie 1986
  Quand L'Habit Fait le Moine: the Symbolism of the "Kāṣāya" in Sōtō Zen Faure, Bernard Cahiers d'Extême-Asie 1995
  Random Thought: Wonhyo's Life as "Thought" Faure, Bernard Pulkyo yon'gu=Buddhist Studies 1995.11
  Random thoughts:Wonhyo’s “Life” as thought Faure, Bernard (著) 불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu 1995.11.15
  Relic Theft in Medieval Japan Faure, Bernard Buddhism and Law: An Introduction 2014.07.31
  Rethinking Medieval Shinto Faure, Bernard; Como, Michael; Iyanaga, Nobumi 2006
  Rethinking Medieval Shintō: In Homage to Allan Grapard (Repenser le shintō médiéval: 
En hommage à Allan Grapard) Faure, Bernard; Como, Michael Ilio; Iyanaga, Nobumi 2009
  Review Article: Beyond Zen Historiography: The Saga of Zen History & the Power of Legend by John C. Maraldo Faure, Bernard (著) The Eastern Buddhist: Third Series 2023.07
  Sexualites bouddhiques: Entre desirs et realites Faure, Bernard 2005
  Sexualites bouddhiques:entre desirs et realites Faure, Bernard 1994
  Sexualites bouddhiques=The red thread : Buddhist approaches to sexuality Faure, Bernard 1998
  Shen-hsiu et l'Avatamsaka-sutra Faure, Bernard (著); 京都大学人文科学研究所 (編) ZINBUN=Zinbun : memoire of the Research Institute for Humanistic Studies, Kyoto University 1983
  Shugendo: the history and culture of a Japanese religion=L'histoire et la culture d'une religion japonaise Faure, Bernard (著) 2011
  Space and Place in Chinese Religious Traditions Faure, Bernard History of Religions 1987.05
  Substitute bodies in Chan/Zen Buddhism Faure, Bernard Religious reflections on the human body 1995
  Substitute bodies in Chan/Zen Buddhism Faure, Bernard Religious Reflections on the Human Body 1999/1997
  Substitute bodies in Chan/Zen Buddhism [glossary of Japanese terms; repr] Faure, Bernard Religious reflections on the human body 1995
  The Buddhist icon and the modern gaze Faure, Bernard Critical Inquiry 1998
  The Concept of One-practice Samadhi in Early Ch'an Faure, Bernard Traditions of meditation in Chinese Buddhism 1986
  The Cultic World of the Blind Monks: Benzaiten, Jūzenji, and Shukujin Faure, Bernard Journal of Religion in Japan 2013
  The Daruma-shu, Dogen and Soto Zen Faure, Bernard (著) Monumenta Nipponica 1987
  The Heart of Buddhist Ritual: Relics, Reliquaries, and Icons Faure, Bernard International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture=국제불교문화사상사학회 2017.12
  The Kyoto School and Reverse Orientalism Faure, Bernard Japan in Traditional and Postmodern Perspectives 1999
  The Kyoto School and reverse Orientalism [bibliog] Faure, Bernard Japan in Traditional and Postmodern Perspectives 1995
  The Power of Denial: Buddhism, Purity and Gender Faure, Bernard (著) 2003
  The Power of Denial: Buddhism, Purity, and Gender Faure, Bernard 2003.02.10
  The Power of Denial:Buddhism, Purity and Gender Faure, Bernard 2003.03
  The Red Thread: Buddhist Approaches to Sexuality Faure, Bernard (著) 1998
  The rhetoric of immediacy: a cultural critique of Chan/Zen Buddhism Faure, Bernard (著) 1991.11
  The Will to Orthodoxy: A Critical Genealogy of Northern Chan Buddhism Brooks, Phyllis; Faure, Bernard 1997.12.01
  The Will to Orthodoxy:A Critical Genealogy of Northern Chan Buddhism Faure, Bernard 1997
  Touching peace:an evening with Thich Nhat Hanh Faure, Bernard 1997
  Unmasking Buddhism Faure, Bernard 2009.03.23
  Visions of Power: Imagining Medieval Japanese Buddhism Faure, Bernard (著); Brooks, Phyllis (譯) 1996
  Voices of Dissent: Women in Early Chan and Tiantai Faure, Bernard 禅文化研究所紀要=Annual report of the Institute for Zen Studies=ゼン ブンカ ケンキュウジョ キヨウ 1998.12
  早期禪的“一行三昧”觀念 Faure, Bernard; 蔣海怒 (譯)=Jiang, Hai-nu (tr.) 中國哲學史=History of Chinese Philosophy 2010
  西洋における禅の発見 Faure, Bernard; 阿部哲三 (譯)=Abe, Tetsuzo (tr.) 禅文化=Zen Culture=ゼン ブンカ 1988.04
  初期禅と「不二」─禅における反戒律主義の文化的影響力 Faure, Bernard (著); 金子奈央 (譯) 国際禅研究=International Zen studies 2020.08
  神秀と華厳経 Faure, Bernard; 禅文化研究所紀要編集部 禅文化研究所紀要=Annual report of the Institute for Zen Studies=ゼン ブンカ ケンキュウジョ キヨウ 1988.12
  몇 가지 思索 -- 思想으로서의 元曉의 “生涯” 베르나르 포르 (著)=Faure, Bernard (au.) 불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu 1995.11.15
  보살의 여러 얼굴 중국과 일본에서의 변모=The Changing Faces of the Bodhisattva: Views from China and Japan Faure, Bernard (著)=베르나르 포르 (au.) 불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu 2017.02.28
  왕권과 종교-- 프랑스와 일본의 경우 베르나르 포르 (著) 불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu 1997.08.05
  講演: 曹洞宗における袈裟のシンボリズム=Lecture: The Symbolism of the Kesa in Soto Zen 川橋正秀 (譯)=Kawahashi, Masahide (tr.); Faure, Bernard 駒澤大学禅研究所年報=Annual Report of the Zen Institute=コマザワ ダイガク ゼン ケンキュウジョ ネンポウ 1996.03