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出版年月日 |
《歷代名畫記》與敦煌早期壁畫--兼論南朝繪畫與敦煌早期壁畫的關係 |
寧強 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
1988.11 |
「心惑於境」與「境滅於心」: 敦煌畫家高山解剖=Heart Perplexed by the Scene and the Seenee Melted in the Heeut |
寧強 |
絲綢之路=Silk Road |
1997 |
Art, Religion, and Politics in Medieval China : the Dunhuang Cave of the Zhai Family |
Ning, Qiang |
2004.03 |
Buddhist-Daoist Conflict and Gender Transformation: Deciphering the Illustrations of the Vimalakirti-nirdesha in Medieval Chinese Art |
寧強=Ning, Qiang |
Orientations |
1996.10 |
Diplomatic Icons: Social and Political Meanings of Khotanese Images in Dunhuang Cave 220 |
寧強=Ning, Qiang |
Oriental Art: a Quarterly Publication Devoted to the Study of all Forms of Oriental Art |
1998 |
Gender Politics in Medieval Chinese Buddhist Art : Images of Empress Wu at Longmen and Dunhuang |
Ning, Qiang (著)=寧強 (au.) |
Oriental Art: a Quarterly Publication Devoted to the Study of all Forms of Oriental Art |
2003 |
Paradise Images in Early Chinese Art |
寧強 (著)=Ning, Qiang (au.); 巫鴻 (著)=Wu, Hung (au.) |
The Flowering of A Foreign Faith: New Studies in Chinese Buddhist Art |
1998 |
Patrons of the Earliest Dunhuang Caves: a Historical Investigation |
寧強 (著)=Ning, Qiang (au.) |
漢唐之間的宗教藝術與考古=Between Han and Tang: religious art and archaeology in a transformative period |
2000 |
Ritual, Entertainment and Politics: Rethinking the Northern Wall of Dunhuang Cave 220 |
寧強=Ning, Qiang |
Oriental Art: a Quarterly Publication Devoted to the Study of all Forms of Oriental Art |
1996-1997 |
The Emergence of the "Dunhuang Style" in the Northern Wei Dynasty |
寧強=Ning, Qiang |
Orientations |
1992.05 |
The emergence of the 'Dunhuang style' in the Northern Wei dynasty |
Ning, Qiang |
Orientations |
1992.05 |
Visualization Practice and the Function of the Western Paradise Images in Turfan and Dunhuang in the Sixth to Seventh Centuries |
Ning, Qiang (著) |
Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology |
2007 |
上士登仙圖與維摩詰經變 -- 莫高窟第249窟窟頂壁畫再探 |
寧強 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
1990.02 |
大足石刻中的繪畫性因素試析 -- 兼談敦煌藝術對大足石刻的影響 |
寧強 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
1987.02 |
巴中南龕第93號毘沙門天王造像龕新探 |
寧強 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
1989.08 |
巴中摩崖造像中的佛教史跡故事初探 |
寧強 |
四川文物=Sichuan Cultural Relics |
1987.07 |
西夏佛教藝術中的“家窟”與“公共窟” —— 瓜州榆林窟第29窟供養人的構成再探 |
寧強 (著); 何卯平 (著) |
敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies |
2017 |
佛經與圖像 : 敦煌第二二0窟北壁壁畫新解=Buddhist Words and Images: A New Approach to the North Wall Painting at Tunhuang Grotto 220 |
寧強 (著)=Ning, Qiang (au.) |
故宮學術季刊=The National Palace Museum Research Quarterly |
1998.03 |
孫悟空形象與西夏民族淵源初探=The Iconography of Monkey King and Its Tangut Origin |
何卯平 (著)=He, Mao-ping (au.); 寧強 (著)=Ning, Qiang (au.) |
敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies |
2018 |
從印度到中國:某些本生故事構圖形式的比較=From India to China: Comparison Among the Compositions of Some Jatakas |
寧強 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
1991.08 |
從往生到來迎:西夏凈土信仰對西方三圣的觀念與圖像重構=From Rebirth to Welcoming:The New Composition of the Holy Three of the West in the Pure Land Pictures of the Western Xia Period |
何卯平 (著)=He, Mao-ping (au.); 寧強 (著)=Ning, Qiang (au.) |
敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies |
2019 |
曹議金夫婦出行禮佛圖研究 |
寧強 |
1990年敦煌學國際研討會文集(石窟藝術編) |
1995 |
莫高窟第428窟影塑千佛相關問題考述=A Study on the Clay-Molded Thousand Buddhas in Mogao Cave 428 |
陳培麗 (著)=Chen Peili (au.); 寧強 (著)=Ning, Qiang (au.) |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2023 |
敦煌莫高窟各家編號述評 |
寧強 |
敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies |
1986 |
敦煌莫高窟第254窟千佛畫研究 |
胡同慶; 寧強 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
1986.11 |
敦煌與瓜州西夏時期石窟藝術的比較研究=A Comparative Study of Western Xia Period Buddhist Cave Art from Dunhuang and Guazhou |
何卯平 (著)=He, Mao-ping (au.); 寧強 (著)=Ning, Qiang (au.) |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2016 |
敦煌藝術概要 |
寧強 |
明報=Ming Pao monthly |
1985.12 |
隋代晚期佛教雕塑 -- 一種年代學和地方性的分析 |
M. M., Rhie (著); 寧強 (譯) |
1990 |
榆林窟第32窟維摩詰經變探究 |
祁峰 (著); 寧強 (著) |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2024 |
漢傳佛經特色詞英譯方法對比研究 |
寧強 (著); 唐曉東 (著) |
中國科技翻譯=Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal |
2021.02 |
論敦煌石窟藝術的內在一體性 |
寧強 |
蘭州學刊=Lanzhou Academic Journal |
1986 |
繪於公元642年敦煌壁畫中的兩件可能是薩珊地毯的罕見資料 |
Laing, Ellen Johnston; 寧強 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
1991.05 |