

Gross, Rita M.  


70 件著作が収録され、40 件全文を含む 

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Gross, Rita = Gross, R.



全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  "I Go for Refuge to the Saṅgha": A Response to Rosemary Ruether's Paper Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1991
  A Buddhist Response Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1998
  A Contemporary North American Discussion of Abortion Gross, Rita M.; Storhoff, Gary; Whalen-Bridge, John American Buddhism as a Way of Life 2010
  A Garland of Feminist Reflections: Forty Years of Religious Exploration Gross, Rita M. (著)=Gross, Rita (au.) 2009.03.05
  A Relevant Role Model: An Ordinary Woman (Like Me) Who Achieved Enlightenment=一個深具意義的典範 -- 普通女眾﹝如同我一樣﹞的證道體驗 Gross, Rita M. 國際佛教善女人大會(第11屆)=Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women(11th) 2009.12.28
  Autobiography, Mutual Transformation, and the Prophetic Voice in Buddhist Feminism Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1993
  Being a North American Buddhist Woman: Reflections of a Feminist Pioneer Gross, Rita M. Dharma World=ダーマワールド 2011.04-06
  Book Review: "Being a Buddhist Nun: The Struggle for Enlightenment in the Himalayas by Kim Gutschow; Himalayan Hermitess: The Life of a Tibetan Buddhist Nun," by Kurtis R. Schaeffer Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 2006
  Book Review: "Being Benevolence: The Social Ethics of Engaged Buddhism," by Sallie B. King Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 2007
  Book Review: "Bringing Zen Home: The Healing Art of Japanese Women’s Rituals," by Paula Arai Gross, Rita M.; Brown, Sid Buddhist-Christian Studies 2013
  Book Review: "Buddhist Nuns and Gendered Practice: In Search of the Female Renouncer," by Nirmala S. Salgado; "Women in Pali Buddhism: Walking the Spiritual Paths in Mutual Dependence," by Pascale Engelmajer; "Women in Early Indian Buddhism: Comparative Textual Studies," by Alice Collett Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 2015
  Book Review: "Courtesans and Tantric Consorts: Sexualities in Buddhist Narrative, Iconography, and Ritual" by Serinity Young Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 2005
  Book Review: "Eminent Nuns: Women Chan Masters of Seventeenth-Century China," by Beata Grant Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 2012
  Book Review: "Monopoly on Salvation? A Feminist Approach to Religious Pluralism," by Jeannine Hill Fletcher Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 2010
  Book Review: "The Buddha and Religious Diversity," by J. Abraham Velez de Cea Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 2014
  Book Review: "The Life of Buddhism", by Frank E. Reynolds and Jason A. Carbine Gross, Rita M. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 2003.03
  Book Review: "Women in the Footsteps of the Buddha: Struggle for Liberation in the Therigatha", by Kathryn R. Blackstone Gross, Rita M. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 1999.06.01
  Book Review: Buddhism and Abortion, edited by Damien Keown Gross, Rita M. (評論) International Journal of Hindu Studies 1999.12
  Book Review: Buddhist Goddesses Of India By Miranda Shaw; Goddesses and the Divine Feminine: A Western Religious History By Rosemary Radford Ruether Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 2008
  Buddhism Gross, Rita M. Women in Religion 1994
  Buddhism after Patriarchy: A Feminist History, Analysis, and Reconstruction of Buddhism Gross, Rita M. (著) 1992
  Buddhism After Patriarchy: A Feminist History, Analysis, and Reconstruction of Buddhism [1st Indian ed.] Gross, Rita M. 1995
  Buddhism and Feminism: Toward Their Mutual Transformation (I) Gross, Rita M. The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 1986
  Buddhism and Feminism: Toward Their Mutual Transformation (II) Gross, Rita M. The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 1986
  Buddhism and Women Gross, Rita M. Women in religion 1994
  Buddhism beyond Gender: Liberation from Attachment to Identity Gross, Rita M. (著) 2018.03.27
  Buddhist Women and Social Justice: Ideals, Challenges, and Achievements (review) Gross, Rita M. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 2006.06
  Buddhists Talk About Jesus: Christians Talk About the Buddha Gross, Rita M.; Muck, Terry C. 2000.07
  Christians Talk About Buddhist Meditation, Buddhists Talk About Christian Prayer Gross, Rita M.; Muck, Terry C. 2003.04.29
  Comments On Neville's "Behind the Masks of God" Behind the Masks Of God: An Essay Toward Comparative Theology By Robert C. Neville Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1994
  Editor's Introduction Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1993
  Feminism from the Perspective of Buddhist Practice Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1981
  Feminism, Lay Buddhism, and the Future of Buddhism Gross, Rita M. (著) Buddhist Women Across Cultures: Realizations 1999
  Gordon Kaufman Interview Gross, Rita M.; Kaufman, Gordon D.; Muck, Terry C. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1999
  Historical Consciousness and Traditional Buddhist Narratives Gross, Rita M. International Journal of Dharma Studies 2013
  I Will Never Forget to Visualize That Vajrayogini Is My Body and Mind Gross, Rita M. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 1987
  Incommensurability: Between Traditions or between Psychological Styles? Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1996
  Introduction Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1991
  Is the Glass Half-empty or Half-full? A Feminist Assessment of Buddhism at the Beginning of the Twenty-first Century=望空興歎或滿懷希望? -- 在新世紀初評估佛教女性主義之發展前景 Gross, Rita M. (著)=Gross, Rita (au.) 玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism Studies 2008.03.01
  Meditation and Prayer: A Comparative Inquiry Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 2002
  Religious Diversity -- What's the Problem?: Buddhist Advice for Flourishing with Religious Diversity Gross, Rita M. 2014.04.24
  Religious Feminism and the Future of the Planet: A Buddhist-Christian Conversation Gross, Rita M.; Ruether, Rosemary Radford 2001.03
  Religious Identity and Openness in a Pluralistic World Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 2005
  Response To Gordon Kaufman "This Is It: Nothing Happens Next" Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1989
  Roundtable Discussion: The Question That Won't Go Away: A Dialogue about Women in Buddhism and Christianity Brock, Rita Nakashima; Cooey, Paula M.; Klein, Anne C.; Greeve Davaney, Sheila; Gross, Rita M.; Ruether, Rosemary Radford Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 1990
  Soaring and Settling: Buddhist Perspectives on Contemporary Social and Religious Issues Gross, Rita M. 1998
  Some Reflections about Community and Survival Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 2003
  Studying Personal Transformation: Questions and Suggestions Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1982
  Studying Women and Religion: Conclusions Twenty-five Years Later Gross, Rita M. Today's Woman In World Religions 1994
  Suffering, Feminist Theory, and Images of Goddess Gross, Rita M. (著) Anima 1986
  The Crisis of Authority: Buddhist History for Buddhist Practitioners Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 2010
  The Dharma of Gender Gross, Rita M. Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal 2004.05
  The Dharma... Is Neither Male nor Female: Buddhism on Gender and Liberation Gross, Rita M. Women's and Men's Liberation: Testimonies of Spirit 1991
  The Feminine Principle and Female Gurus Gross, Rita M. 1982
  The Feminine Principle in Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism: Reflections of a Buddhist Feminist Gross, Rita M. (著) Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 1984
  The Householder and the World-renunciant: Two Modes of Sexual Expression in Buddhism Gross, Rita M. Journal of Ecumenical Studies 1985
  The International Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter: Twenty Years of Dialogue Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 2005
  The Study Of Religion As Religious Experience Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1991
  The Suffering of Sexism: Buddhist Perspectives and Experiences Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 2014
  The Three-Yāna Journey in Tibetan Vajrayāna Buddhism Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1987
  This Buddhist's View of Jesus Gross, Rita M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1999
  Toward a Buddhist Environmental Ethic Gross, Rita M. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 1997.07.01
  What Is a Relevant Role Model? The Example of an Ordinary Woman Who Achieved Enlightenment Gross, Rita M. (著) Eminent Buddhist Women 2014.09.01
  Why (Engaged) Buddhists Should Care about Gender Issues Gross, Rita M. A Garland of Feminist Reflections: Forty Years of Religious Exploration 2009.03.05
  Why Me? Methodological-Autobiographical Reflections of a Wisconsin Farm Girl Who Became a Buddhist Theologian When She Grew Up Gross, Rita M. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 1997
  Yeshe Tsogyel: Enlightened Consort, Great Teacher, Female Role Model Gross, Rita M. Feminine Ground: Essays on Women and Tibet 1987
  Yeshe Tsogyel: Enlightened Consort, Great Teacher, Female Role Model Gross, Rita M. The Tibet Journal 1987
  Yeshe Tsogyel: Enlightened Consort, Great Teacher, Female Role Model Gross, Rita M. (著) The Tibet Journal 1987
  宗教経験としての宗教研究のあり方 Gross, Rita M.; 篠崎友伸 (譯)=Shinozaki, Tomonobu (tr.) 中央学術研究所紀要=Annual review of the Chūō Academic Research Institute=Memoirs of the Chūō Academic Research Institute=Bulletin of the Chūō Academic Research Institute=Bulletin of Chūō Academic Research Institute=Chūō gakujutsu kenkyujo kiyō 1996.12.01
  法に性別なし - 仏教における性と解放 - =The Dharma...Is Neither Male nor Female : Buddhism on Gender and Liberation Gross, Rita M. (著); 安冨信哉 (譯) 大谷大学真宗総合研究所研究所紀要=Annual memoirs of the Otani University Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute 1990.02.25