シリアル番号: |
72082 |
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Book Review: "Schopenhauer’s Compass: An Introduction to Schopenhauer’s Philosophy and Its Origins," by Urs App. Wil |
Maharaj, Ayon |
Philosophy East and West |
2017.07 |
Sarvamukti: Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan’s Aporetic Metaphysics Of Collective Salvation |
Maharaj, Ayon |
Philosophy East and West |
2020.01 |
Śivajñāne jīver sevā: Reexamining Swami Vivekananda’s Practical Vedānta in the Light of Sri Ramakrishna |
Maharaj, Ayon (著) |
Journal of Dharma Studies: Asian and Transcultural Religion, Philosophy, & Ethics |
2020.03 |
Śrī Harṣa contra Hegel: Monism, Skeptical Method, and the Limits of Reason |
Maharaj, Ayon |
Philosophy East and West |
2014 |
Yogic Mindfulness: Hariharānanda Āraṇya's Quasi-Buddhistic Interpretation of Smṛti in Patañjali's Yogasūtra I.20 |
Maharaj, Ayon (著) |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
2013.02 |