

Schopen, Gregory  

+1947 ~

71 件著作が収録され、46 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2014.02.26 登録, 2023.10.01 料更新



Schopen, G. = Schopen, Gregory Robert = Schopen, Gregory R. = グレゴリー・ショペン = 그레고리 쇼펜 = G. ショペン = ショペン, グレゴリー



全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  『大般涅槃経』における比丘と遺骨に関する儀礼 -- 出家仏教に関する古くからの誤解 平岡聡; Schopen, Gregory 大谷学報=The Otani Gakuho 1996.06
  『금강경(Vajracchedikā)』의 정형구 ‘sa pṛthivīpradeśaś caityabhūto bhavet’: 대승불교(Mahāyāna)에서 경전 숭배에 관한 생각 Schopen, Gregory (著)=그레고리 쇼펜 (au.); 류현정 (譯) 불교학리뷰=Critical Review for Buddhist Studies=仏教学レビュー 2015.06
  AAR Centennial Roundtable: Liberation Is Only for Those Already Free: Reflections on Debts to Slavery and Enslavement to Debt in an Early Indian Buddhist Monasticism Schopen, Gregory Journal of the American Academy of Religion 2014.09
  An Old Inscription from Amarāvatī and the Cult of the Local Monastic Dead in Indian Buddhist Monasteries Schopen, Gregory Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1991
  Archaeology and Protestant Presuppositions in the Study of Indian Buddhism Schopen, Gregory History of Religions 1991.08
  Bones, Stones, and Buddhist Monks: Collected Papers on the Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Texts of Monastic Buddhism in India Schopen, Gregory (著) 1997.10.01
  Buddhist Monks and Business Matters: Still More Papers on Monastic Buddhism in India(Studies in the Buddhist Tradition) Schopen, Gregory 2004.01
  Buddhist Nuns, Monks, and other Worldly Matters Schopen, Gregory (著) 2014.07
  Burial ‘ad sanctos’ and the Physical Presence of the Buddha in Early Indian Buddhism: A Study in the Archaeology of Religions Schopen, Gregory Religion 1987.07
  Counting the Buddha and the Local Spirits in: A Monastic Ritual of Inclusion for the Rain Retreat Schopen, Gregory (著) Journal of Indian Philosophy 2002.08
  Deaths, Funerals, and the Division of Property in a Monastic Code Schopen, Gregory (著) Buddhism in Practice 1995
  Doing Business for the Lord: Lending on Interest and Written Loan Contracts in the Mūlasarvāstivāda-vinaya Schopen, Gregory Journal of the American Oriental Society 1994.10-12
  Figments and Fragments of Mahayana Buddhism in India: More Collected Papers Schopen, Gregory 2005.05
  Filial Piety and the Monk in the Practice of Indian Buddhism: A Question of "Sinicization" Viewed from the Other Side Schopen, Gregory T'oung Pao=通報 1984
  Hierarchy and Housing in a Buddhist Monastic Code: A Translation of the Sanskrit Text of the Śāyanāsanavastu of the Mūlasarvāstivāda-vinaya—Part One Schopen, Gregory (譯) Journal of Buddhist Literature 2000
  Hierarchy and Housing in a Buddhist Monastic Code: A Translation of the Sanskrit Text of the Śāyanāsanavastu of the Mūlasarvāstivāda-vinaya—Part One (from the Sanskrit) Schopen, Gregory Journal of Buddhist Literature 2000
  Hīnayāna Texts in A 14th Century Persian Chronicle: Notes on Some of Rashīd al-Dīn's Sources Schopen, Gregory (著) Central Asiatic Journal 1982
  Immigrant Monks and the Protohistorical Dead: The Buddhist Occupation of Early Burial Sites in India Schopen, Gregory Buddhist Monks and Business Matters: Still More Papers on Monastic Buddhism in India 2004.01
  Mahāyāna Schopen, Gregory ; Buswell, Robert E., Jr. Encyclopedia of Buddhism 2003.10
  Mahayana in Indian Inscriptions Schopen, Gregory Indo-Iranian Journal 1979.01
  Monastic Law Meets the Real World: A Monk's Continuing Right to Inherit Family Property in Classical India Schopen, Gregory History of Religions 1995.11
  Monks and the relic cult in the Mahaparinibbanasutta: an old misunderstanding in regard to monastic Buddhism Schopen, Gregory (著) From Benares to Beijing, essays on Buddhism and Chinese religion in honor of Prof. Jan Yün-hua 1997
  On an Alleged Reference to Amitābha in a Kharoṣṭhī Inscription on a Gandhārian Relief Salomon, Richard; Schopen, Gregory Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 2002
  On an Allged Reference to Amitabha in a Kharosthi Inscription on a Gandharian Relief Salomon, Richard; Schopen, Gregory Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 2002
  On Avoiding Ghosts and Social Censure: Monastic Funerals in the Mulasarvastivada-Vinaya Schopen, Gregory Journal of Indian Philosophy 1992.03
  On Emptying Chamber Pots without Looking and the Urban Location of Buddhist Nunneries in Early India Again Schopen, Gregory (著) Journal Asiatique 2008
  On Incompetent Monks and Able Urbane Nuns in a Buddhist Monastic Code Schopen, Gregory Journal of Indian Philosophy 2010.04
  On Monks, Nuns and Vulgar Practices: The Introduction of the Image Cult into Indian Buddhism Schopen, Gregory Artibus Asiae 1988-1989
  On Some Who Are Not Allowed to Become Buddhist Monks or Nuns: An Old List of Types of Slaves or Unfree Laborers Schopen, Gregory Journal of the American Oriental Society 2010.04-06
  On the Buddha and His Bones: The Conception of a Relic in the Inscriptions of Nagarjunikonda Schopen, Gregory Journal of the American Oriental Society 1988.10-12
  On the Legal and Economic Activities of Buddhist Nuns: Two Examples from Early India Schopen, Gregory Buddhism and Law: An Introduction 2014.07.31
  Relic Schopen, Gregory; Taylor, Mark C. Critical Terms for Religious Studies 1998.08.15
  Ritual Rights and Bones of Contention:More on Monastic Funerals and Relics in the "Mulasarvastivada-Vinaya" Schopen, Gregory Journal of Indian Philosophy 1994.03
  Stūpa and Tīrtha: Tibetan Mortuary Practices and an Unrecognized Form of Burial Ad Sanctos at Buddhist Sites in India Schopen, Gregory The Buddhist Forum 1994
  Sukhavati as A Generalized Religious Goal in Sanskrit Mahayana Sutra Literature Schopen, Gregory Indo-Iranian Journal 1977.08-09
  Sūryacandrāya: Essays in Honour of Akira Yuyama on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday Harrison, Paul (編); Schopen, Gregory (編) 1998
  The Bhaisajyaguru-Sutra and the Buddhism of Gilgit Schopen, Gregory Robert 1978
  The Bodhigarbhālaṅkāralakṣa And Vimaloṣṇīṣa Dhāraṇīs in Indian Inscriptions: Two Sources for the Practice of Buddhism in Medieval India Schopen, Gregory Figments and Fragments of Mahayana Buddhism in India 2005
  The Bones of a Buddha and the Business of a Monk: Conservative Monastic Values in an Early Mahayana Polemical Tract Schopen, Gregory Journal of Indian Philosophy 1999.08
  The Buddha as an Owner of Property and Permanent Resident in Medieval Indian Monasteries Schopen, Gregory Journal of Indian Philosophy 1990.09
  The Buddhist "Monastery" and the Indian Garden: Aesthetics, Assimilations, and the Siting of Monastic Establishments Schopen, Gregory Journal of the American Oriental Society 2006.10-12
  The Buddhist Bhikṣu's Obligation to Support His Parents in Two Vinaya Traditions Schopen, Gregory Journal of the Pali Text Society 2007
  The Buddhist Nun as an Urban Landlord and a "Legal Person" in Early India Schopen, Gregory Buddhist Nuns in India 2011.04.16 -17
  The Business Model of a Buddhist Monasticism: Acquiring Productive Assets Schopen, Gregory (著) Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies 2019.10
  The Five Leaves of the Buddhabalādhānaprāti-hāryavikurvānanirdeśa-sūtra Found at Gilgit Schopen, Gregory (著) Journal of Indian Philosophy 1978.08
  The fragrance of the Buddha, the scent of monuments, and the odor of images in early India Schopen, Gregory (著) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient=Bulletin of the French School of Asian Studies=遠東學報 2015
  The Generalization of an Old Yogic Attainment in Medieval Mahāyāna Sūtra Literature: Some Notes on Jātismara Schopen, Gregory Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1983
  The Good Monk and His Money In a Buddhist Monasticism Of "The Mahāyāna Period" Schopen, Gregory (著) The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 2000
  The Good Monk and His Money In a Buddhist Monasticism Of "The Mahāyāna Period" Schopen, Gregory (著) Buddhist Monks and Business Matters: Still More Papers on Monastic Buddhism in India 2004
  The Indravarman(Avaca)Casket Inscription reconsidered: further evidence for canonical passages in Buddhist inscriptions Salomon, Richard; Schopen, Gregory Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1984
  The Inscription on the Kuṣān Image of Amitābha and the Charakter of the Early Mahāyāna in India Schopen, Gregory Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1987
  The Lay Ownership of Monasteries and the Role of the Monk in Mūlasarvāstivādin Monasticism Schopen, Gregory Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1996
  The learned monk as a comic figure: on reading a Buddhist Vinaya as Indian literature Schopen, Gregory Journal of Indian Philosophy 2007.06
  The Mahāyana and the Middle Period In Indian Buddhism: Through a Chinese Looking-glass Schopen, Gregory The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 2000
  The Manuscript of the Vajracchedika found at Gilgit: An Annotated Transcription and Translation Schopen, Gregory Studies in the Literature of the Great Vehicle:Three Mahayana Buddhist Texts 1989
  The Monastic Ownership of Servants or Slaves: Local and Legal Factors in the Redactional History of Two Vinayas Schopen, Gregory Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1994
  The Monk Mūlaphalguna and the Nuns: Biography as Criticism Schopen, Gregory (著) Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies 2022.05
  The phrase ‘sa pthivīpradeśaś caityabhūto bhavet' in the Vajracchedikā: Notes on the cult of the book in Mahāyāna Schopen, Gregory (著) Indo-Iranian Journal 1975.01.01
  The Phrase 'sa Prthivipradesas Caityabhuto Bhavet' in the Vajracchedika: Notes on the Cult of the Book in Mahayana Schopen, Gregory Indo-Iranian Journal 1975.11-12
  The Ritual Obligations and Donor Roles of Monks in the Pali Vinaya Schopen, Gregory Journal of the Pali Text Society 1992
  The Stūpa Cult and the Extant Pāli Vinaya Schopen, Gregory Journal of the Pali Text Society 1989
  The Suppression of Nuns and the Ritual Murder of Their Special Dead in Two Buddhist Monastic Texts Schopen, Gregory Journal of Indian Philosophy 1996.12
  The Text on the "Dhāraṇī Stones from Abhayagiriya": A Minor Contribution to the Study of Mahāyāna Literature in Ceylon Schopen, Gregory Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1982
  Three Studies in Non-tantric Buddhist Cult forms Schopen, Gregory 1975
  Two Problems in the History of Indian Buddhism:The Layman/ Monk Distinction and the Doctrines of Transfer of Merit Schopen, Gregory Studien zur Indologie and Iranistic 1985
  インドの僧院生活 -- 大乗仏教興起時代 Schopen, Gregory 2000.07
  大乗佛教興起時代 -- インドの僧院生活 グレゴリー・ショペン (著)=Schopen, Gregory (au.); 小谷信千代 2000
  大乗仏教興起時代インドの僧院生活 グレゴリー・ショペン (著)=Schopen, Gregory (au.); 小谷信千代 (譯) 2000.07
  印度石刻銘文中的大乘佛教 Schopen, G.; 周伯戡 (譯)=Chou, Po-kan (tr.); 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1992.01.25
  新装版 大乗仏教興起時代 インドの僧院生活 ショペン, グレゴリー (著)=Schopen, Gregory (au.); 小谷信千代 (譯)=Odani, Nobuchiyo (tr.) 2018.05.18
  인도 불교사에 있어서의 두 가지 문제 -- 승・속의 구분과 복의 회향에 관한 교의 Schopen, Gregory (著)=그레고리 쇼펜 (au.); 한대성 (譯) 불교학리뷰=Critical Review for Buddhist Studies=仏教学レビュー 2013.06