

Hershock, Peter Damian  


10 件著作が収録され、5 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録




全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  Chan Buddhism Hershock, Peter Damian 2004.10
  Chan Buddhism (Dimensions of Asian Spirituality) Hershock, Peter Damian 2004.11.01
  Dramatic Intervention: Human Rights From a Buddhist Perspective Hershock, Peter Damian Philosophy East and West 2000.01
  Family Matters: Dramatic Interdependence and the Intimate Realization of Buddhist Liberation Hershock, Peter Damian Journal of Buddhist Ethics 2000
  From Vulnerability to Virtuosity: Buddhist Reflections on Responding to Terrorism and Tragedy Hershock, Peter Damian Journal of Buddhist Ethics 2003
  Liberating Intimacy Enlightenment and Social Virtuosity in Ch'an Buddhism Hershock, Peter Damian 1999, 1997
  Liberating Intimacy: Communicative Virtuosity and the Realized Sociality of Ch'an Enlightenment Hershock, Peter Damian 1994
  Person as Narration: the Dissolution of 'Self' and 'Other' in Ch'an Buddhism Hershock, Peter Damian Philosophy East and West 1994.10
  Reinventing the wheel:a Buddhist response to the information age Hershock, Peter Damian 1999
  Renegade emotion:Buddhist precendents for returning rationality to the heart Hershock, Peter Damian Philosophy East and West 2003.04