全文 |
タイトル |
著者 |
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 |
Book Review: "A history of Buddhist philosophy: continuities and discontinuities", by David J. Kalupahana |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Religious Studies |
1993.09 |
Book Review: "Buddhism and American Thinkers" |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Religious Studies |
1987.03 |
Book Review: "Buddhism and Christianity: Rivals and Allies", by Ninian Smart |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
The Journal of Asian Studies |
1994.05 |
Book Review: "Buddhism, Conflict and Violence in Modern Sri Lanka," ed. by Mahinda Deegalle |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Buddhist Studies Review |
2007 |
Book Review: "Buddhist and Western Psychology", edited by Natan Katz |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Philosophy East and West |
1986.10 |
Book Review: "Buddhist faith and sudden enlightenment", by Sung-bae Park |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Religious StudiesSeptember '85 |
1985.09 |
Book Review: "On being Buddha: The Classical Doctrine of Buddhahood" |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Religious Studies |
1996.03 |
Book Review: "On Being Mindless: Buddhist Meditation and the Mind-Body Problem," by Paul Griffiths |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS |
1988 |
Book Review: "Process Metaphysics and Hua-yen Buddhism: A Critical Study of Cumulative Penetration vs. Interpenetration" |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Religious Studies |
1985.09 |
Book Review: "Researches in Indian and Buddhist Philosophy", by Ram Karan Sharma |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Philosophy East and West |
1997.01 |
Book Review: "The principles of Buddhist psychology", by David J. Kalupahana |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Religious Studies |
1988.12 |
Book Review: A History of Buddhist Philosophy. By David J. Kalupahana |
Hoffman, Frank J. (著) |
Religious Studies |
1993.09 |
Book Review: Buddhism and American Thinkers. By Kenneth K. Inada, Nolan P. Jacobson |
Hoffman, Frank J. (著) |
Religious Studies |
1987.03 |
Book Review: Buddhist Faith and Sudden Enlightenment. By Sung Bae Park; Process Metaphysics and Hua-Yen Buddhism. By Steve Odin |
Hoffman, Frank J. (著) |
Religious Studies |
1985.09 |
Book Review: Fragments from Diṅnāga. By H. N. Randle |
Hoffman, Frank J. (著) |
Religious Studies |
1984.09 |
Book Review: Lucid Exposition of the Middle Way: The Essential Chapters from the Prasannapadā of Candrakīrti. By Mervyn Sprung, T. R. V. Murti, U. S. Vyas |
Hoffman, Frank J. (著) |
Religious Studies |
1983.03 |
Book Review: Nagarjuna: The Philosophy of the Middle Way. By David J. Kalupahana; The Principles of Buddhist Psychology. By David J. Kalupahana |
Hoffman, Frank J. (著) |
Religious Studies |
1988.12 |
Book Review: On Being Buddha: The Classical Doctrine of Buddhahood. By Paul J. Griffiths |
Hoffman, Frank J. (著) |
Religious Studies |
1996.03 |
Book Review: Vision of Power: Imagining Medieval Japanese Buddhism By B. Faure, P. Brooks |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East |
1997.11 |
Book Review:"Zen Keys", by Thich Nhat Hanh; "The Golden Age of Zen", by John C. Wu |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Philosophy East and West |
1998.01 |
Book Reviews: The Law of Karma: A Philosophical Study By Bruce R. Reichenbach |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion |
1994.02 |
Buddhism and human rights |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal |
2001 |
Buddhism and Psychotherapy: The Language of Attitude Adjustment in Psychotherapy, Meditation, and Ethics in Buddhism=佛教與心理治療:佛教視角看心理治療之心態調適、冥想、倫理的語言運用 |
Hoffman, Frank J.=霍夫曼, 弗蘭克・J. |
禪與人類文明研究=International Journal for the Study of Chan Buddhism and Human Civilization |
2017.12.01 |
Buddhist belief "in" |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Religious Studies |
1985.09 |
Buddhist Belief ‘In’ |
Hoffman, Frank J. (著) |
Religious Studies |
1985.09 |
Contemporary Buddhist Philosophy: A Bibliographical Essay |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East |
1992 |
Evam me sutam: oral tradition in Nikaya Buddhism [bibliog] |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Texts in context |
1992 |
How Did the Buddha Foster Critical Thinking and Thereby Contribute to Human Development? |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Universities |
2018 |
More on Blasphemy |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Sophia: international journal of philosophy and traditions |
1989.07 |
Non-Dual Awareness and Logic |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East |
2001 |
'Orientalism' in Buddhology: Western Preunderstanding in Understanding Buddhism |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Pali Buddhism |
1996.07 |
Pali Buddhism |
Deegalle, Mahinda; Hoffman, Frank J. |
1996 |
Pali Buddhism (Curzon Studies in Asian Philosophy) |
Deegalle, Mahinda; Hoffman, Frank J. |
1996.12 |
Rationality and mind in early Buddhism |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
1987 |
Rationality and Mind in Early Buddhism [Corrected ed.] |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
2002.04 (Paperback); 2002.02 |
Rationality in Early Buddhist Four Fold Logic |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
1982.12 |
Response to Mary Bockover's Review of Rationality and Mind in Early Buddhism and Mind in Early Buddhism |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Philosophy East and West |
1990.04 |
Review:Reply to Masefield(Hoffman 'Rationality and Mind in Early Buddhism' and Masefield review in Numen, vol 36, June 1989) |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Numen: International Review for the History of Religions |
1992.12 |
The Buddhist Empiricism Thesis |
Hoffman, Frank J. (著) |
Religious Studies |
1982.06 |
The Concept of Nonviolence in Buddhism and its Application to Conflict Resolution in society |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Sri Lanka International Journal of Buddhist Studies (SIJBS) |
2014 |
The Pragmatic Efficacy of Saddha |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
1987.12 |
Theravada Buddhism's Two Formulations of the Dasa Sila and the Ethics of the Gradual Path |
Bond, George D.; Hoffman, Frank J.; Deegalle, Mahinda |
Pali Buddhism |
1996.07 |
Towards a Philosophy of Buddhist Religion |
Hoffman, Frank J. |
Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East |
1991 |
Unskillful Karma: Environmental Pollution as Ignorance in Action |
Hoffman, Frank J. (著) |
人間佛教研究=International Journal for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism |
2011 |
西藏的本教 |
霍夫曼, 弗蘭克・J.; 李冀誠 |
世界宗教資料=Shijie Zongjiao Ziliao=Shih Chieh Tsung Chiao Tzu Liao |
1985.12 |
西藏的民間宗教 |
霍夫曼, 弗蘭克・J.; 李冀誠 |
世界宗教資料=Shijie Zongjiao Ziliao=Shih Chieh Tsung Chiao Tzu Liao |
1980.09 |
對佛教體驗的再思考:皈依與神跡 ── 佛教體驗的「家族相似性」特徵=Rethinking Experience in Buddhism: Conversion and Miracle as "Family Resemblance" Features of Buddhism Experience |
霍夫曼, 弗蘭克・J.=Hoffman, Frank J. |
華中科技大學學報 (社會科學版)=Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition) |
2005 |