シリアル番号: |
9024 |
別名: |
種類: |
個人著者 |
個人サイト: |
http://www.dur.ac.uk/s.p.james/ |
全文 |
タイトル |
著者 |
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 |
Against Holism: Rethinking Buddhist Environmental Ethics |
James, Simon P. |
Environmental Values |
2007.11 |
Buddhism and the environment |
Cooper, David Edward; James, Simon P. |
Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal |
2007.11 |
Buddhism and the Ethics of Species Conservation |
James, Simon P. (著) |
Environmental Values |
2006.02 |
Buddhism, Virtue and Environment |
Cooper, David Edward; James, Simon P. |
2005.02 |
Buddhism, Virtue and the Environment |
Cooper, David Edward; James, Simon P. |
2005 |
Climate Justice: Some Challenges for Buddhist Ethics |
James, Simon P. |
Journal of Buddhist Ethics |
2020 |
Keeping The Faith |
Tang, Y. (著); James, Simon P. (著) |
Beijing Review=北京周報 |
2006 |
Madhyamaka, Metaphysical Realism, and the Possibility Of an Ancestral World |
James, Simon P. |
Philosophy East and West |
2018.10 |
Zen Buddhism and Environmental Ethics |
James, Simon P. (著) |
2004.06.01 |
Zen Buddhism and the Intrinsic Value of Nature |
James, Simon P. |
Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal |
2003.11 |