

《華嚴經》與《中論》「緣起性空」哲學思想研究 ── 以〈十定品〉及〈如來隨好光明功德品〉經文為例=A Philosophical Study of the “dependent origination and the emptiness of nature” in Avatamsaka Sutra and Madhyamaka-Kārikā— Taking “The Ten Concentration” and “The Qualities of the Buddha’s Embellishments and Lights” as Examples
著者 陳士濱=Chen, Shi-Bin
掲載誌 2015華嚴專宗國際學術研討會論文集下冊
ページ353 - 398
出版サイト https://www.huayen.org.tw/
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類會議論文=Proceeding Article
ノート作者單位:宏國德霖科技大學通識中心 副教授
(Associate Professor, General Education Center, De Lin Institute of Technology)
キーワード華嚴經=: Avatamsaka Sutra; 十方來=Come from the ten directions; 中論=Madhyamaka-Kārikā; 眾因緣生法=the dharma that is born out of dependent origination; 自生他生; self-born; others-born

Dharma masters of the various dynasties, such as Cheng-kuan(澄觀), Fa-tsang(法藏), and Chih-yen(智儼), drew a lot from the philosophical ideas inherent in the MadhyamakaKārikā (中論) for their footnotes when they were writing comments for the Avatamsaka Sutra. However, research materials concerning the combined study of the Avatamsaka
Sutra and the Madhyamaka-Kārikā are still difficult to find. This paper, therefore, aims to carry out an analytical study on the philosophical idea of “dependent origination and the emptiness of nature(緣起性空)” inherent in both the Avatamsaka Sutra and the Madhyamaka-Kārikā. The focus will be put on a paragraph in “The Ten Concentration(十定品)” of the Avatamsaka Sutra which reads as: “It is like a mirage in the daytime—it does not come from clouds or lakes, it does not rest on land or water, neither exists nor does not exists, is not good or bad, not pure or polluted…Through causes and conditions, it manifests the appearance of water, as perceived by the consciousness.” Also, the focus of study will be on a paragraph in “The Qualities of the Buddha’s Embellishments and Lights (如來隨好光明功德品)” which reads as: “Just as my sound does not come from the east or from the west, the south, the north, or the intermediate directions or the zenith or nadir, in the same way the achievement of buddhahood as a consequence of actions does not come from any of the ten directions…This has no basis, it does not come from anywhere.” The meaning of the above-mentioned two paragraphs from the Avatamsaka Sutra is in accord with the meaning of a paragraph from the “pratyaya-parīkṣā nāma prathamaṃ prakaraṇam (觀因緣品)” of the Madhyamaka-Kārikā which reads thus: “It is not self-born, not others-born, not the symbiosis of the self-born and others-born. It is born not without origin.” Moreover, it is in accord with the meaning of a paragraph from the “ārya-satya—parīkṣā nāma catur-viṃśatitamaṃ prakaraṇam ( 觀四諦品 )” of the Madhyamaka-Kārikā which reads: “yaḥ pratītya-samutpādaḥ śūnyatāṃ tāṃ pracakṣmahe” (the dharma that is born out of dependent origination is the dharma of emptiness). The Avatamsaka Sutra and the Madhyamaka-Kārikā share a lot in common in terms of the philosophy of “dependent origination and the emptiness of nature.”
目次一、前言 356
二、《華嚴經》註疏與《中論》的因緣 358
三、《中論》四種不生的「緣起性空」義 364
四、《華嚴經》中不生的「緣起性空」義 370
五、〈十定品〉中的「緣起性空」義 373
六、〈如來隨好光明功德品〉的「緣起性空」義 377
七、結論 383
八、附錄:引用《中論》解《華嚴經》的案例 386

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