![](jp/images/title/Title_FulltextSearch.gif) |
著者 |
陳瑞珍 (著)
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 | 2020.09 |
ページ | 427 - 449 |
出版者 | 佛光大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為南華大學宗教研究所。 |
キーワード | 《法華經》=Lotus Sutra; 六度=six-paramitas; 方便=skillful means; 一乘=Buddha-vehicle |
抄録 | 《妙法蓮華經》(以下簡稱《法華經》)是集大乘佛教之大成,涵蓋了空性、真如、法性、究竟涅槃……等概念,有「經中之王」的美稱。屬於初期大乘經典的《法華經》有濃厚的的菩薩思想,佛陀以權實方便而演說一乘大法,藉由開權顯實的理路,闡明了會二歸一或會三歸一的佛乘思想,肯定人人皆可成佛。這部經典詮說佛陀以慈悲的本懷,開釋眾生疑惑,以種種方便化導聲聞、緣覺二乘,使其成為菩薩,而入於一佛乘,倡導佛陀教化一切聞法者成佛。比如〈方便品〉悟入佛之知見,即泯除方便區分的聲聞、緣覺、菩薩三乘,全部趣向真實的一乘。本文因此擬探討《法華經》的一乘菩薩行,首先,銜接初期大乘的《般若經》,論證《法華經》的善巧方便力的般若智慧根柢。其次,依《法華經》認為方便是眾生開、示、悟、入一切佛智後,所開展出來的重要化眾智慧,而六度在大乘佛法中是以般若智慧為本之菩薩道修行成佛的核心法門。諸佛也藉由六度波羅蜜來成就第一義諦,佛陀將每一個學佛行者引領到六波羅蜜菩薩行,這也就是《法華經》特別強調二乘得以入一佛乘而成佛的原因與過程。本文依《法華經》所說「諸佛以一大事因緣故,出現於世」,論說《法華經》 一佛乘的六度實踐思想,於其「開示悟入佛之知見」的過程中,藉由佛陀「種種因緣、譬喻言辭,演說諸法」的教化接引,最終目的在令學佛行者開啟與佛一樣的正知正見,也就是佛的智慧,由此引導菩薩萬行。眾生過去累劫中,曾因聽聞菩薩法義,開發菩提心,而與諸佛結此法源,種一乘之因。其後因根機差別而由佛陀以其圓滿知見出方便力,示以三乘修行道途,最終皆導入一乘六波羅蜜行的成佛之道。成佛須要福慧雙修,而「般若如目,五度如盲」,本文闡述《法華經》大乘般若思想為本的菩薩行,因此開為福德門與智慧門的論述架構。《法華經》全文的特點是在倡導大乘菩薩道的修行,富含波羅蜜行的指導,福德門與智慧門並行。智慧門的精進、禪定、般若是菩薩上求菩提為智業,證悟一切諸法實相,解脫煩惱,成就佛果。福德門的布施、持戒、忍辱是下化眾生為福業,在慈悲的推動之下,成就利益他人的廣大福業。《法華經》的一乘行須藉六波羅蜜來實現,為菩薩行的展開與實踐,據以圓成佛之知見。
"The Sūtra of the Lotus Blossom of the Marvelous Dharma" (hereinafter referred to as "Lotus Sutra") is a masterpiece of Mahayana Buddhism, covering the concepts of self-naturelessness, True Suchness, Dharma Nature, Ultimate Nirvana, etc. It is known as the king of all sutras. In the early Mahayana classics, the "Lotus Sutra" has an intense expressions regarding Bodhisattva. The Buddha spoke of Marvelous Dharma with opening up the provisional and showing the real. By this way it elaborates the two vehicles to be unified into one which refer to the thinking of Buddha-vehicle. In Mahayana Buddhism, the Buddha clarified doubts of all living beings with compassion, and used various skillful means to make Sravaka and Pratyekabuddha a bodhisattva, leading to Buddhavehicle, advocating that everyone can become a Buddha. To realize the Buddha wisdom in the Chapter on Skillful Means, that is, Sravaka, Pratyekabuddha and Bodhisattva, so called the three vehicles should be ignored, only enter Buddha-vehicle. Therefore, this article attempts to demonstrate the skillful means of the "Lotus Sutra" of early Mahayana's "Prajñāpāramitā Sutras". The "Lotus Sutra" believes that skillful means are demonstrations when all beings "to reveal (the truth for sentient beings), show them, awaken them, and make them enter". The six-paramitas are the core of the bodhisattva practice of the Mahayana Buddhism. Buddhas also expressed the foremost truth through the six-paramitas , in which the causes and processes are specifically emphasized in the "Lotus Sutra" that the Sravaka and Pratyekabuddha leading to Buddha-vehicle and eventually can become a Buddha. This article is based on the "Lotus Sutra" in which " The buddhas appear in the world only due to their engagement in one great matter" was declared. It elaborates the "Buddha-vehicle" thoughts regarding the skillful means of six-paramitas in the "Lotus Sutra". "Various causes and conditions, metaphors, speeches", that are the causes and processes in which the "Lotus Sutra" particularly emphasizes that Sravaka and Pratyekabuddhacan become a Buddha. The ultimate goal is to enable all beings to attain the same enlightenment as Buddha did, that is, follow Buddha’s wisdom and apply it in every area of our life. In the past, all sentient beings had listened to this Marvelous Dharma and had connected with Buddhas, that are the causes and conditions of Buddha-vehicle which had been rooted. Eventually, because of the Buddha's views they can practice skillful means and six-paramitas. At the end of of this article will demonstrate the Bodhisattva practice of Mahayana Prajna thought with " Prajna as the eye, five-paramitas as the blind", that is Prajna as the forerunner, leading the five-paramitas, illustrating the practice of the Buddha's Wisdom Gate and Merits Gate amoung the six-paramitas in the "Lotus Sutra". The full text of the Lotus Sutra is characterized by the practice that advocates the Mahayana Bodhisattva path. Bodhisattva path is to practice the six-paramitas, the practice of six-paramitas is also known for its Merit |
目次 | 一、前言 430 二、《法華經》一佛乘的菩薩行思想 430 三、《法華經》六度的智慧門實踐 435 四、《法華經》六度的福德門實踐 439 五、結論 447 文獻參考 449
ヒット数 | 574 |
作成日 | 2022.10.13 |
更新日期 | 2023.09.22 |
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