

《菩提道次第廣論》與《成佛之道》之研究 ——以三學為主=The Study of Discipline, the Study of Mediation, and the Study of Wisdom are based on the Body of Knowledge, Lamrim Chenmo and Buddhahood of the Road.
著者 林斐文 (撰)=Lin, Fei-wen (compose)
出版サイト http://www.rsd.fju.edu.tw/
出版地新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード廣論; 成佛之道; 三學
抄録以《廣論》與《成佛》的知識體系為論述基底,於此之上,架構戒學、定學、慧學。選擇適當的主題作研究:先作摘要,以期能明白本段的大綱與重點;再逐一作地毯式的比對說明,並為主題作補充或引伸,以期能掌握二論的真正旨趣。 第一章,說明動機與研究方法等,另詮釋三學。第二章,說明二論的思想體系,從歷史、人物著眼,進而分析二論全書的基本架構。第三章,說明戒定慧三學的意涵,為後來的論述作鋪底。 第四章戒學,〈歸依〉,《成佛》僅於「歸敬三寶」中說明。而《廣論》不只於下士道說明,更於上士道說明歸依是為了再次堅固菩提心而行的儀軌。〈十善業.菩薩戒〉,《成佛》在五乘共法中,於五戒之後,接續說明十善業,以人間德行為其核心。《廣論》在下士道裡,於業果中,說明十善業。又於上士道中,從十善業開展出菩薩戒,說明持戒之理。最後二論在六度的持戒度中,分別說明作結。 第五章定學,《成佛》於五乘共法的定福業與三乘共法的定增上學中,淺說定學,因與《廣論》無相對應,故自成一節。又《成佛》大乘不共法的六度之禪定度,詳說修止的內容。而《廣論》則於上士道六度之後,另外開展出奢摩他。二論雖有出入,但有許多相對應處。 第六章慧學,比照第四章的方法作處理。二論皆於說明四聖諦中的苦諦與集諦後,轉說十二因緣,再轉入四聖諦的滅諦與道諦。六度中的持戒度、禪定度,分別於第四章、第五章作過說明,故省略不說。二論皆簡說般若度,是前述慧學的總結,並為後續的毗缽舍那與智慧度作引線。最後精說毗缽舍那與智慧度的內容。

The Study of Discipline, the Study of Mediation, and the Study of Wisdom are based on the Body of Knowledge, Lamrim Chenmo and Buddhahood of the Road. Choose the proper topic to make research: First, make a summary to understand the outline and the main points of this passage. Second, make a comparison to reinforce or induct the topic so that one can command the main idea of the two books. Chapter One: Interpret the motives and methods of the research and explain The Study of Discipline, the Study of Mediation, and the Study of Wisdom are based on the Body of Knowledge. Interpret the contents of the Three Studies as the base of theory later on. Chapter Two: Interpret the Body of Thought of the two books from the point of view of the history and characters to the structure. Chapter Three : Assert the important issues in the Study of Discipline firstly. Then provide comparable topics to make an explanation. Interpret Turn to and Rely Upon and Buddhahood of the Road only in the Turn to and Rely upon of the Road of Three Treasures of Buddhism. However, the interpretation of Lamrim Chenmo not only in Sia-shi-dao but also in Shang-shi-dao is to confirm the Vidhi proceeded in the Enlightened Mind. Interpret the Ten Meritorious Deeds after the Five Precepts inTen Meritorious, the Bodhi-sattva rules and Buddahood of the Road in Wu-sheng-gong-fa. It focuses on the people’s virtues.Interpret the Ten Meritorious Deeds in Xiahi and the Fruit of Karma. Furthermore, initiate the Bodhi-sattva Rules from Ten Meritorious Deeds to explain the principles of Discipline. The last two books are individually interpreted in the Keeping the Command Rents of the Six Kinds of Practice, Lending to Buddhahood and then make a conclusion.
Chapter Four: The Study of Meditation.Interpret the Study of Meditation generally in the Pondering over the Demands of the Life Beyond of Wu-sheng-gong-fa and Meditation of San-sheng-gong-fa. Because there is no corresponding places to Lamrim Chenmo, it is made into one chapter independently. Interpret the contents of Smatha in detail. Then, extend the chapter, Samatha, after the Six Kinds of Practice,
Leading to Buddhahood of Shang-shi-dao in Lamrim Chenmo. Maybe there is some difference, but there is still much correspondence. Chapter Five: Handle the Study of Wisdom in the similar ways as chapter Four. The two books are to interpret Effect of Suffering and Cause of Suffering in Four Noble Truths. Turn to state the Twelve Nid a Nas and then Effect of Happiness and Cause of Happiness in Four Noble Truths, later on. The Keeping the Command Rents and Meditation or Contemplation in the Six Kinds of practice, Leading to Buddhahood are individually interpreted in Chapter Four and Five. Skip them here. The two contentions summarize the insight. They make a conclusion of the Study of Wisdom and induct Vipassana and Insight. Finally, specify the contents of Vipassana and Insight.
目次第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 文獻回顧 3
第三節 研究範圍與方法 12
第四節 三學的詮釋 15
第二章 《菩提道次第廣論》與《成佛之道》的知識體系
第一節 《菩提道次第廣論》與《成佛之道》的佛教背景 21
第二節 《菩提道次第廣論》的知識體系 24
第三節 《成佛之道》的知識體系 30
第四節 結語 37
第三章 戒學
第一節 歸依 41
第二節 十善業.菩薩戒 72
第四章 定學
第一節 《成佛》五乘共法與三乘共法的定學 101
第二節 《廣論》上士道與《成佛》大乘不共法的定學 111
第五章 慧學
第一節 四聖諦之苦諦與集諦 143
第二節 十二緣起 180
第三節 四聖諦之滅諦與道諦 197
第四節 六度
一、六度 208
二、布施 220
三、忍辱 234
四、精進 242
五、般若 249
第五節 四攝法 255
第六節 無漏慧學 261
第六章 結論
第一節 研究發現 275
第二節 結語 279
附錄 281
參考書目 315

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