

董永故事型變研究:以孝道思想為線索=The Study of Transformations and Developments of Dong Yong Stories —— Focus on the Filial Piety
著者 陳慧涵 (著)=CHEN, Hui-han (au.)
出版サイト https://www.hfu.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード董永=Dong Yong; 孝道思想=filial piety; 賣身葬父=sold himself into servitude to pay for his father's funeral; 董永變文=The Narrative of Dong Yong; 尋母=in quest of mother

Dong Yong is a representative of filial son in Chinese traditional folk stories and the origin of his story dates back to the earliest in the portrait of Wuliang Shrine in the Eastern Han Dynasty, followed by the ”Dutiful son Biography” written by Liu Xiang in the Western Han Dynasty, ”Ganoderma” written by Cao Zhi in the Three Kingdoms Period, and ”Soushenji” by Gan Bao in the Jin Dynasty. Until the time of the Tang Dynasty, there were ”The Narrative of Dong Yong” in Dunhuang manuscripts, ”Dutiful son Biography”, ”Soushenji” by Gou Dao-Xing, and ”FayuanZhulin” by Dao Shi. Dong Yong's story is based on ”Soushenji” and adds new chapters to the Dunhuang manuscripts that is rich in contents. Among them, 《Dong Zhong in quest of his mother》is the one with most distinctive feature. In the Song Dynasty, many editions were collected, and the storybook ”Dong Yong's passing on the immortal” was bred. In the Ming Dynasty, Gu Jue-yu's ”Brocade” combines the "play" with "emotion" to bring new vitality to the story of Dong Yong.
The purpose of this thesis is to explore the traces and causes of changes in the stories of Dong Yong in the past dynasties, as well as to use the thought of filial piety as a clue to reflect the evolutionary process of Dong Yong's story from "basic type" to "development" and finally to "mature". The author's discourses are divided into five chapters: the first chapter is introduction that includes the research motivation and purpose, the review of previous researches, the scope and methods of research. The second chapter is based on the text of Dong Yong in each period to sort out the proper arrangement of the story.
The third chapter discusses the filial piety of Dong Yong story during the period of Han Wei and Six Dynasties. In the Han Dynasty, Dong Yong's “sold himself into servitude to pay for his father's funeral” was influenced by the concept of “ luxurious burials” from the value of the Confucian ethical code, while the reaction to the filial piety of nature came in the Wei Jin Dynasty, emphasizing that filial piety was a natural expression of human nature. Since Dong Yong's "highest virtue", "the filial piety has moved the heaven" and therefore got the assistance from fairy maiden, this echoes the Confucian's interactions between heaven and mankind and Buddhist's "what goes around comes around."
The fourth chapter discusses of the filial piety of Dong Yong story during the period of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and the Song and Ming Dynasties. The filial piety during the Sui and Tang dynasties was deeply influenced by Buddhism which can be seen from the frequently used Buddhist scriptures in Dunhuang manuscripts regarding Dong Yong. Buddhism advocated filial piety by promoting the grace of parenting and the works related to filial piety to get the merit of advising filial piety. During the Song and Ming Dynasties, the focus was on the family and ethical perspectives conveyed by the story of Dong Yong. The plot of “in quest of mother” was based on “filial thoughts that are inherently and without considering self”, demonstrating the importance that the Song people attach to a successful parent-child relationship. In the Ming Dynasty, under the influence of Yangmingism, the tradit
目次第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究動機與目的 1
一、研究動機 1
二、研究目的 4
第二節、前人研究成果回顧 7
一、董永故事流變 7
二、歷代孝文化史 9
第三節、研究範圍與研究方法 14
一、研究範圍 14
二、研究方法 18
第二章、董永故事的開展理路 23
第一節、董永故事的源頭 23
一、東漢武梁祠董永事父畫像 23
二、《孝子傳》考證 30
第二節、董永故事在魏晉六朝的開展 34
一、三國‧曹植〈靈芝篇〉 34
二、晉‧干寶《搜神記》 35
第三節、董永故事在隋唐的開展 36
一、唐‧敦煌《董永變文》 36
二、唐‧敦煌《孝子傳》 47
三、唐‧句道興《搜神記》 49
四、唐‧道世《法苑珠林》 51
第四節、董永故事在宋明的開展 54
一、宋《董永遇仙傳》 54
二、明‧顧覺宇《織錦記》 77
第三章、董永故事在漢魏六朝的孝道思想 82
第一節、賣身葬父的名教價值 82
一、賣身葬父的演變 82
二、賣身葬父的社會背景 85
三、賣身葬父的價值觀 91
第二節、孝感動天的自然價值 93
一、回歸自然的孝 93
二、孝感思想與故事 96
第四章、董永故事在隋唐宋明的孝道思想 106
第一節、隋唐時期佛教與孝道之關係及影響 106
一、佛教與孝道之關係 106
二、佛教對孝道之影響 119
第二節、宋明時期以孝為核心的人倫關係 131
一、建立完整的人倫家庭 133
二、符合社會的人倫規範 138
三、以情為本的人倫孝道 147
第五章、結論 155
參考書目 159
一、古籍文獻 159
二、現代專著 160
三、期刊論文 162
四、博碩論文 167
附錄一:《孝子傳》 168
一、黃奭輯劉向《孝子傳》 168
二、《太平御覽》卷四一一 168
附錄二:顧覺宇《織錦記》 169
一、《群音類選》《織錦記》 169
二、《曲海總目提要》《織錦記》 176

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