

《華嚴》唯心現境:釋界全創作論述="Hua Yan" Idealistic Situation – Shih Jie-Chuan’s Discussion on Creative Painting
著者 釋界全 (著)=Shih, Jie-Chuan (au.)
出版サイト https://www.hfu.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード三界唯心=All of Dharmadhatu Came from Our Mind; 真如=Truth is in the Mind; 抽象畫=Abstract; 禪畫=Zen Painting

In the current state of “all of Dharmadhatu coming from the mind”, the discussion on SāgaramudrāSamādhi means that the origin of all living beings is mind, which is originally pure in nature, never born or destroyed, just like void. In the current state that all of Dharmadhatu comes from our mind, all things are created by the mind, which can create a pure earth and also develop great bodhicitta where various ways of bodhisattva, Six Paramitas (Perfections), the ten thousand practices, and altruistic behavior are practiced. The mind is the key to strictly purify the Buddha's land and achieve the ideas of all living beings. The Buddha’s land and sentient beings are all in the mind. The researcher used the abstract form of oil painting and composite media to present the imagery creation of current state of idealism of Avatamsaka Sutra. This work probes into the realm of Avatamsaka Sutra, and explores the “view of life,” “view of the world,” and “view of the universe” in the world of Avatamsaka Sutra. As a result, four series of creative works were produced: "Heart as a Painter", "Haiyin Samadhi", "Void Dharma Realm", and "True as Idealist Pure Land". These four series of works are positioned as the abstract painting presentation of "Mind Image Painting". At the beginning of his enlightenment, the Buddha, for the great bodhisattvas, deduced "one is everything", "combination without hindrance," a vast, perfect and harmonious realm. Although it is a rehearsal of the achievements of the Great Bodhisattva, it is also a broad road for all living beings to learn to make aspirations and move towards a hopeful and bright future. The artistic viewpoint presented here is a blend of the imagery and roundness of Eastern Zen purification, echoing the original viewpoint of the ideal of ten thousand dharma, and at the same time, it is a re-pursuit of the insight that truth emerges from the heart. This visual art presents the true meaning of the Dharma, allows the public to get closer to the Dharma, understand the truth of the Dharma, and cultivate the wisdom of the Buddha’s teachings on life. It also allows everyone to take a journey of purification of the body and mind, and practice together to present the "purity of the mind and the pure land" and the ideal world of "realizing the Buddhahood after perfecting the human nature".
目次摘要 I
Abstract II
目次 IV
圖目次 VI
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
一、研究動機 1
二、研究目的 1
第二節 研究方法與步驟 3
一、文獻分析法 3
二、實驗創作法 3
第二章 創作理論基礎與文獻探討 5
第一節 華嚴圖像文獻探討 5
第二節 抽象畫與禪畫 7
第三節 華嚴唯心的意境禪風 18
第三章 華嚴義理(創作理念與形式探討) 21
第一節 華嚴唯心現境義理論述 21
第二節 《華嚴經》真如唯心思想 23
第三節 萬法唯心現境—海印三昧 25
第四章 《華嚴》唯心現境-創作作品詮釋 29
第一節 心如工畫師 29
一、〈心如工畫師.能畫諸彩色〉(圖4-1-1) 30
二、〈三界火宅〉(圖4-1-2) 32
三、〈火燄化紅蓮〉(圖4-1-3) 34
四、〈娑婆世界〉(圖4-1-4) 36
五、〈凡塵中的佛華嚴〉(圖4-1-5) 38
第二節 海印三昧 40
一、〈海印三昧〉(圖4-2-1) 40
二、〈海沸江翻〉(圖4-2-2) 43
三、〈心海.世界海〉(圖4-2-3) 45
第三節 虛空法界 47
一、〈虛空法界〉(圖4-3-1) 48
二、〈世界成立〉(圖4-3-2) 50
三、〈虛空中的世界〉(圖4-3-3) 52
第四節 真如唯心淨土 54
一、〈真如唯心〉(圖 4-4-1) 54
二、〈法界緣起〉(圖4-4-2) 56
三、〈萬法唯心〉(圖4-4-3) 58
四、〈唯心淨土〉(圖 4-4-4) 60
第五章 結論 63
參引文獻 65
一、經書典籍 65
二、專書 65
三、期刊學報 66
四、工具書 66

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