

從「寺田」到「服務」:當代越南順化佛寺的經濟轉型=From ""Temple Farm "" to ""Service"": The Economic Transformation of Buddhist Temples in Hue, Vietnam
著者 釋善香 (著)=Phan, Thanh-tri (au.)
出版サイト https://www.ncnu.edu.tw/
出版地南投縣, 臺灣 [Nantou hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード越南=Vietnam; 順化佛寺=Hue Buddhist temple; 佛寺經濟=Buddhist temple economy; 經濟轉型=economic transformation; 儀式服務=ritual service
抄録順化(Huế)位於越南(Việt Nam)中部,過去是阮氏政權(十六世紀-1945年)的所在地,除了富有故宮、皇陵等世界遺產之外,佛教信仰和佛寺建築也是順化名聞內外的精神與物質遺產。據統計,順化的佛教徒佔全省人口的60%,約有1847位僧尼,516間佛教道場,含國寺、官寺、祖庭、私人寺、村寺、匡會、精舍與浄室等八種類型,其中前面四種有僧眾(含尼眾)居住數量為多。那麼,順化佛寺的物質基礎如何形成?在歷史演變中,從形成與發展,歷經衰退,走到今日的興盛時期,佛教徒如何維持與發展佛寺宗教生活與信仰活動?僧眾在寺內的日常精神與物質生活,包括宗教活動、清規、管理制度等為何?佛寺的物質基礎,即僧尼經濟生活的維持與發展為何?這都是本論文所要探討與釐清的主要內容。

Hue, located in the central of Vietnam, used to be the seat of the Nguyen feudal dynasty (16th century-1945). It has abundant world heritage sites such as the Forbidden City and Imperial Tomb and is famous for its Buddhist beliefs and Buddhist temple architectures. According to statistics, Buddhist followers in Hue account for 60% of the province’s population, and there are approximately 1847 monks and nuns. Hue has 516 Buddhist Temples classified into eight types: National Temple, State-built Buddhist Temple, Buddhist Ancestral Temple, Private Temple, Village Temple, Buddha Hall, Vihara, and Monastic cell. Of which the first four types of temples have the largest number of monks or nuns. The main purpose of this dissertation is to address the following issues: How did the material foundation of Hue Buddhist temples form? In the historical evolution, how do Buddhists maintain and develop their religious practices and belief activities? What are the monks' daily spiritual and material life in the temple, including religious activities, cleaning rules, and management systems? How the monastic economy and material needs of monks and nuns develop and maintain?
The author found that the contemporary structure of Buddhism in Hue, ranging from genealogy, religious discipline, cleaning rules, or management systems to economic choices, is derived from the Linji and Caodong school, sects of Chinese Mahayana Buddhism. Moreover, since Vietnam's socialist-oriented market economy reform program, the temples' economic choice has transformed into focusing on Buddhist ritual services from manual labor forms such as farming in the temple field or collective production in the early days. Currently, Buddhist rituals are increasingly becoming commercialized due to the rising demands of Buddhist followers. In order to gain competitive advantages and personal economic benefits, some young monks began to spend a lot of time cultivating the skills of Buddhist rituals and tend to employ various witchcraft ingredients in Buddhist rituals. As a result, the Buddhist rituals are increasingly becoming witchcraft, Buddhist followers turn to concentrate on praying service, and the monk's spiritual mentor status changes to the service provider. The investigation results reveal that the major reason causing the transformation of Hue temples is greatly relevant to social changes and how people respond to social risks. The trend of showing off their wealth by the Vietnamese people has become one of the factors affecting Buddhism's economic and political activities. Besides, to respond to social risks, Buddhist temples have shifted the monks from otherworldly dharma into the worldly dharma. Yet, due to the impact of economic transformation, some young monks have been dissimilated when facing secular life. There has been a phenomenon of pursuing material and life enjoyment. This leads to the split of the Sangha and the complicated relationship between politics and religion.
Nevertheless, the author also found that Buddhist rituals are an important cultural heritage of Hue, a Buddhism tool t
目次謝誌 i
摘要 iii
Abstract v
目次 viii
表目次 xii
圖目次 xiii
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景、動機與目的 1
第二節 相關文獻討論與研究取向 8
一、宗教與經濟 8
二、佛教經濟的解讀 14
三、寺院經濟形成與發展 19
四、越南及順化佛寺經濟的歷史面貌 28
第三節 論文架構與研究方法 38
一、研究架構 38
二、研究方法 39
三、章節安排 41
四、文獻分析 42
第貳章 順化佛教的發展史 43
第一節 北傳佛教的傳入 44
一、中國僧人的移入 44
二、當地越南僧人的出現 53
第二節 穿越動蕩的「不倒翁」 61
一、從阮主到阮朝:政局變動 61
二、法屬時期(1884-1945):另一種挑釁 65
三、振興與後:歷經1963年的佛教法難 70
第三節 當前現狀 76
小結 84
第參章 順化佛寺內的宗教生活實作 85
第一節 寺規與日常行事的勾勒 85
第二節 組織制度的定型 96
一、權力與權威之授予 102
二、管理方式 108
第三節 分工方式 112
一、勞動分工 113
二、慶典分工 117
小結 121
第肆章 順化佛寺經濟運作分析 122
第一節 順化佛寺的經濟活動發展 122
一、阮氏政權(15世紀初至1920年) 122
二、振興時期(1920 -1975) 127
三、1975年以後 131
第二節 寺院目前的經濟運作 136
一、經濟來源之管道 136
二、寺院生活的基本開銷 146
三、社會回饋 153
第三節 「辦佛事」:另一種救贖手段 160
一、祈福儀式 161
二、超度儀式 165
小結 173
第伍章 越南政經、社會變遷與救贖手段的巫術化 175
第一節 影響救贖手段巫術化的原因 175
一、社會變遷與信眾 175
二、經濟變遷與寺院經濟轉型 183
三、淨土宗發展 188
第二節 救贖手段巫術化對寺院/僧眾的影響 191
一、世俗化的異化 196
二、僧團之間:從團結到分裂 207
第三節 救贖手段巫術化對政教關係的影響 216
一、政教關係之歷史態度 217
二、政府與寺院的關係 222
小結 228
第陸章 結論 229
第一節 研究發現 229
第二節 研究啟發 230
第三節 研究貢獻與建議 233
一、研究貢獻 233
二、研究建議 233
第四節 研究限制 235
參考文獻 237
一、中華電子佛典協會出版《大正新脩大藏經》 237
二、中文部分 238
三、西文部分 244
四、越文部分 247
五、網頁資料 252
附錄 259
附錄一:2018年越南順化佛寺田野(訪談)問卷 259
附錄二:2020年越南順化信徒訪談問卷 262
附錄三:信徒受訪名單 263
附錄四:妙諦國寺契 264
附錄五:受訪者官寺B.3信徒供養名單簿 267

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