

黃山谷詩中茶文化與禪理之研究=Research on the Tea Culture and Theory of Zen in Huang Shan Gu poetry
著者 王瑞益 (撰)
出版サイト https://www.ncyu.edu.tw/
出版地嘉義市, 臺灣 [Chia-i shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード黃山谷=Shan-Gu Huang; 黃庭堅=Tingjian Huang; 禪=Zen; 茶詩=tea poetry

This thesis will explore the theme of ""The Tea Culture and Theory of Zen in Huang Shan Gu poetry.” The author has divided this thesis into five chapters; the contents of each chapter are summarized as follows:

The first chapter, ""Introduction,"" explains the motivation and purpose of this thesis, the research scope, methods and steps, and the research results.

The second chapter, ""Introduction to the Background of the Life and Zen of Shan-Gu Huang,” has three sections:
In the first section, the author will note the life experience and academic origin of Shan-Gu’s first studies and introduce his related academic research and works.
The second section introduces the process of Shan-Gu’s studies in learning Zen and the characteristics of Hongzhou Zen.
The third section examines the influence of Zen on the creative process of Shan-Gu. Through studying the Zen poems, we can explore the influence Zen had on Shan-Gu’s development as an artist, and begin to understand the characteristics of Shan-Gu’s poetry, hia methods and the relevance of interpretation. This will give the reader an insight into how deeply the poetry of Shan-Gu was influenced by the study of Zen, and also how Zen helped Shan-Gu survive all the environmental frustrations of the times.

The third chapter, ""The Influence of Shan-Gu Poetry from the Tea Culture in Northern Song Dynasty,” has been divided into four sections:
In the first section, the author introduces the development process and ensuing prosperity of the traditional tea culture in the Northern Song Dynasty. We begin to understand why the literati in the Northern Song Dynasty were so enthusiastic about drinking tea.
The second section explains the Content of tea poetry in the Northern Song Dynasty: its introduction, development, creation and classification.
In the third section, the author explores Shan-Gu’s ""Sencha Tea Poem.” This article, written by Shan-Gu on the advantages and disadvantages of tea and his experience of drinking tea for many years, contains his thoughts on tea. This ""Sencha Tea Poem” not only represents the valley's thoughts on tea, but also describes the development of Shan-Gu’s interest in tea and his subsequent interest in Zen, which was inspired by tea. This section specifically explores the content of the “Sencha Tea Poem"" to help understand the thoughts and connotations of Shan-Gu’s tea poetry.
The fourth section examines the influence of the prosperity of tea culture on Shan-Gu’s life and on his poetry in order to have a comprehensive understanding of tea poetry and tea culture in the Northern Song Dynasty. An in-depth exploration of the Shan-Gu's poetic style and how it was influenced by the tea culture can help us understand how his tea poetry created its own unique style.

The fourth chapter, ""The Content and Ideological Connotation of the Tea Poetry of Shan-Gu,"" contains four sections:
目次第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
一、 研究動機 1
二、 研究目的 4
第二節 前人研究成果述評 5
一、 專書 5
二、 學位論文 8
三、 期刊論文 17
第三節 研究範圍與研究方法 24
一、 研究範圍與定義 24
二、 研究方法 28
第四節 研究步驟 29
第二章 黃山谷生平與禪學之背景介紹 31
第一節 山谷生平背景介紹 31
第二節 山谷學禪的過程 37
第三節 禪學對山谷創作之影響 42
一、 改變情詞之詩風 42
二、 自喩維摩居士 43
三、 以禪入詩,以詩寓禪 46
第三章 從北宋茶文化看山谷詩作影響 49
第一節 北宋飲茶文化的發展 49
一、 製茶工藝提升 49
二、 點茶文化成熟與器具之講究 53
三、 各種茶飲活動的興盛 58
四、 貢茶文化的興盛 63
第二節 北宋茶詩之內容 69
一、 以茶傳情達禮 69
二、 藉茶思鄉思親 71
三、 以茶批判社會風俗 73
四、 以茶體悟人生禪理 74
第三節 從煎茶賦探討山谷對茶的思想 77
一、 創作背景 77
二、 〈煎茶賦〉內容簡介 78
三、 〈煎茶賦〉主旨之探討 78
第四節 飲茶文化興盛對黃山谷詩歌之影響 85
一、 推崇家鄉茶 85
二、 以茶傳情會友 86
三、 品茶為詩思之觸媒 88
四、 撫慰心靈體悟禪理 89
第四章 黃山谷茶詩內容與思想內涵 91
第一節 山谷茶詩內容 91
一、 以茶代酒,笑看人生 92
二、 以茶待客,笑談天地 95
三、 以茶提神,曲肱讀書 97
四、 以茶贈答,思念親友 102
第二節 山谷茶詩思想內涵 105
一、 平常心是道 106
二、 即心即佛 110
三、 明心見性 114
第三節 山谷茶詩與禪之關係 119
一、 品茶悟禪 119
二、 茶理通禪理 122
三、 茶禪中隱含儒道之理 125
第四節 山谷茶詩禪理的學術意義與思想價值 129
一、 自成一家,學甫而不為者 129
二、 有利弘揚我國悠久茶文化 130
三、 為創建和諧、廉潔社會提供一股清流 131
第五章 結論 134
一、 黃山谷生平與禪學之背景介紹 134
二、 從北宋茶文化看山谷詩作影響 135
三、 山谷茶詩內容與思想內涵 136
參考文獻 138
附錄:山谷茶詩取材結果資料彙整 147
表1-1 臺灣以山谷詩為研究對象之學位論文分類 8
表1-2 大陸以山谷詩為研究對象之學位論文分類 12
表1-3 山谷茶詩取材結果 25
表1-4 山谷茶詩取材結果詳細列表 25

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